Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/584

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544 FOR'1`Y—SECOND CONGRESS. Srzss. IH. Ch. 229. 1873. $§?;”S June W not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the army for the year ending ' June thirtieth, eighteen liuntlrecl and seventy-four: Cemmancting For expenses of the commanding generuhs office, five thousand dollars. €°E§;;S§i%ll‘°§c For expenses of recruiting and trurnsportattiou of recruits, one hundred g’and twenty-one thousand dollars. A,d.l¤*¤¤i·s¢¤¤- For contingent expenses of the a<l_juttmt-genernl’s <lepurtment, at the 3:}; dem"' l1C2`L(l(1Ll£U`l.€l`S of niilitnry divisions and <,lepzxrtments, live T,l1OLl$tl11¢l dollars, Signal-service. F or the expenses of the signul—servic:e of the army, pnrelmse, equipment, and repair of field electric telegruphs mul signal equipments, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. Payof army For pay of the army and for allowances to officers of the army for i:'ii;x§;;j*"°€" trzuisportaxtion of tliemselves and their baggage when travelling on duty without troops, escorts, or supplies, and for compensation of witnesses while on court--inzu·tiol service; for travelling expenses of peyme1sters’ clerks; for payment of postage on letters and packages, and cost of telegrnms received and sent by officers of the army on public business, twelve million three hundred thousand dollars. Subsistence. For subsistence of regular troops, engineers, and Indian scouts, two million five hundred thousand dollars. Quarternms- For regular supplies of the quurterinnstefs clopartinent, to wit: For the

  • ""`*’ d€P“’*'“°“*· regular supplies of the <pmrterrnaster’s department, consisting of stoves for

heating and cooking, of fuel for ollioers, enlisted men, guards, hospitals, store—li0uses, and offices; of forage in kind for the horses mules, and oxen of the qu;1rterm:tster’s clepurtment at the several posts and stations, and with the armies in the field; for the horses of the several regiments 0f cavalry, the batteries of artillery, and such companies of infiuitry and scouts as may be mounted, und for the authorized number of officers’ horses, including bedding for the animals, of straw for soldiers’ bedding; and of stationery, including blznik hooks, for the qn:1.rtermzrster’sdepartment, certiiie:1t<·s for clisolimged soldiers, blank forms for the pay and qu:u·termnsLer”s depurtni<·nts, mul Hur printing of division and department orders and reports, £>ur million five hundred thousand dollars. Incidental ex- For incidental expenses, viz: For postage and telegrains or dispatches;

 extra puy to soldiers employed, under the direction of the qurirternmstens

,,,€,,¤_ department, in tho erection of ll1ll'X`2lClxS, qu:n~ters. store—houses, and hospituls. in the construction of roads, and other constant labor, for periods of 1g1g_ ch, 45, not less than ten days, under the nets of Merch second, eighteen hundred ]8;’;>lL:‘**é1*§“;82· and nineteen, and August fourth, eighteen l1un<lre<l und [ifty-four, ineluding y$I_)é_p_ gm' those employed as clerks at division and department headquarters; ex— penses of expresses to and from the frontier posts and armies in the field, of escorts to pztymasters ond other tlisbursing officers, and to trains where military escorts cannot be furnislied; expenses of the interment of officers killed in action, or who die when on duty in the lielcl, or at post on the hontiers, or at posts and other places, when ordered by the Secretary of Wur, and of non-commissioned ollieers and soldiers; authorized officefurniture: hire of laborers in the quurtermostors depzxrtniont, including the hire of interpreters, spies, and guides for the army: compensation of clerks to officers of the qutu·ternmster’s department: compensation of 182S,t—h.102,§1o.ibmge and wagon masters authorized by the not of July fifth, eighteen V°l~" P· 2-** l1U11Ll1'0(l&l'l(ll.llll'l._Y·0lg`l1C·Z for the apprehension of deserters and the expense ixicident to their pursuit: and for the following expenditures required for the several regiments of cuvulry, the batteries of light, artillery, and such companies of infantry and scouts as may be inounted, namely: the purchase of travelling forges, l)l21(Jl{S1DlfllS’3.I1(l shoeing tools, horse and mule shoes and nuils, iron and steel for shoeing, hire of veterinary surgeons, medicines for horses and mules, pieket—ropes, and for shoeing the horses t of the corps mxmed; also, generally, the proper and authorized expenses for the movement and operations of nn :1rniy not expressly assigned to any other department, one million three hundred thousand dollars.