Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/850

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810 CONVENTION WITH SWEDEN AND NORWAY. MAY 26, 1869. zens of Sweden or Norway, shall Norske medborgare, skola af de be held by the government of the Forenta Staternas Regering anses United States to be Swedish or som Svenske eller Norske medbor- Norwegian citizens, and shall be gare och behandlas sasom sadana. treated as such. fg7h? °m¤%¤¤ Reciprocally, citizens of Sweden Reciprokt: Svenske eller Norske g;0,:;y°;,;'lQ, be or Norway who have resided in the medborgare, som hafva uppehallit treated as citi- United States of America for a con- sig i de Fiirenta Staterna af Amer-

glfms tinuous period of at least nve years, ika utan af brott under en tid af

' and during such residence have be- atminstone fem ar, och under detta come naturalized citizens of the uppehall hafva blifvit naturaliserade United States, shall be held by the sasom medborgare i de Forenta Stagovernment of Sweden and Nor- terna, skola af Sveriges och Norges way to be American citizens, and Regering anses som Amerikanska shall be treated as such. medborgare och behandlas sasom _ sadana. mggilgzitégn °f The declaration of an intention 'lillkéinnagifvande om afsigten att Efzcg n,,,,,,;,,,. to become a citizen of the one or blifva medborgarei det ena eller det tion- the other country has not for either andra landet har icke for nagon af party the effect of citizenship legally parterna verkan af lagligen tbrvii1‘f· acquired. vadt medborgareskap. Am. II. Ama II. ilatmalized A recognized citizen of the one Om en sasom medborgare i det

1;1::§r°° party, on retiuning to the territory ena landet erkand utvandrare ateroriginal country of the other, remains liable to trial vander till det andralandets omrade,
tg§';);‘;;r;°“‘· and punishment for an action pun- forblifver han underkastad atal och

cmigmim ishable by the laws of his original straff for en enligt det sednare lancountry and committed before his dets lagar straffbar handling, som emigration, but not for the emigra- han begatt fore sin utvandring, men tion itself; saving always the limita— icke for sjelfva utvandringen; stadse tion established by the laws of his med forbehall af den ihans ursprunoriginal country and any other gliga hemlands lager faststallda preremission of liability to punishment. skription samt af hvarje annan omstiindighet som medfor frihet fran ansvar. ART. III. Arun III. Provision M ¤> If a citizen of the one party, who Om en medborgare i det ena lang;?;:;;;;?: has become a recognized citizen of det, som blifvit inom det andra sasom original country. the other party, takes up his abode medborgare 0I`lIii.I1d,é.CGI' boséitter sig once more in his original country isitt ursprungliga hemland,kan Reand applies to be restored to his geringen i detta sistnamnda land, former citizenship, the government pa hans egen ansokning och undef of the last-named country is author- de vilkor denna Regering finner ized to receive him again as a citizen lampligt foreskrifva, ater upptaga on such conditions as the said gov- honom till medborgare. ernment may think proper. ART. IV. ART. IV. Conventiqn for The convention for the mutual Den emellan Forenta Staterna, 5. $§i§;§j§;,§;’_" °f delivery of criminals, fugitives from ena, samt Sverige och Norge, a andra justice not to be justice, in certain cases, concluded sidaii, den 21 Mars 1860 afslutade °h°i'*S€£i- H2 between the United States on the one konvention om omsesidigt utlem— v°xl" p' 5' part, and Sweden and Norway on the nande af for vissa begangna brott other part, the 21st March, 1860, forrymda forbrytare, kommer fortremains in force without change. farande att galla utan fdriindring.