Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/88

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48 FORTY-—SE COND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ci-L 80, 81, 82. 1872. made a pm qr ery be, and is hereby, established at the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, °“*·"-Y 'md d°l“’· which shall be entitled to the same rovisions and sub`ect to the some ro ula· ,,_,._ _ _ P J g nous and restrictions as other ports of entry and delivery in the United States. Approved, April 2, 1872. April 2, 1872. CHAP. LXXXL—An Act to amend an Ac! entitled "An Act to aulhonze Pratectzon to be 1856, eh_ 16,L l' gum tolgitizgegag of the United·Srales who may discover Deposits of Guam;/’ approved 'Vol. xi. p. 119. uf"-" » - P M i S Be it engcted by the Smale and House of Representatives of the United _ ¥'° ct 9¤ tutes of merica in Congress assembled, That the provisions of the act; §Q;,?Qf°£;§';§; of Congress approved August eighteenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, of guuno, ex; entitled "Au act to authorize protection to be given to citizens of the $$}:$s“Q;‘°*}`n United States who may discover deposits of guauo,” be, and the same are cm,;,, base; hereby, ezitended to the widow, heirs, executors, or administrators of such diiscoverer, where such discoverer shall have died before perfecting proof 0 discovery or fully complying with the provisions of said act approved _ U as_aforesaid,'aiter oomplyiug with the requirements of the act of Congress w$;l$h*§zg*` 2;; of August exghteenth, mghteeu hundred and sixty-five: Provided, That imm;’Qgd_ " nothing herein contained shall be held to impair any rights of discovery or · an assi nm t b ‘di h tofed b the1I:`;::?; of cfythe éniaei Sgt;. scoverer ere oro recogmz y the government g,,,,,,, 8,,, ended . Sec. 2. at section three of an act approved July twenty-eighth uw ccrgplgn per- exghteeu hundred and sixty-six, entitled "An act to protect the revenue: §‘:‘Qg‘.}!,{‘ “Y and for other purposes," ameudatory of the act aforesaid, approved 1856, ctr. 164,§2. August exghteeuth, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, be, and the same is lgg E6 Ig? hereby, amended by striking out the word “Eve," wherever the same v0l_’xm'_ p"49_,Q occurs, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "teu." mo, cn. 208.5:1. Armzovmv, April 2, 1872. Vol. xiv. p. 328. April 2, 1872, CHAP. LXXXII. i—A,n Ad to prvvidyr the Exchange and Transfer of two small Parcel.: ""‘;‘ of Land in the ily of St. Louis, Missouri. Pmamom. WnmmAs the United States marine hospital grounds situated in the city of St. Louis, Missouri, lie adjoining lands of John G: Woeruer, upon an angular line of division ; and whereas it is represented that an alteration and strmghtemug of said division line, and an exchange of certain irregular strxpspf land. will be conducive to the interest and convenience of both parties: _ hereforé, A ¤¤¤¤{¤¥=¤i¤¤ Be it enacted by the Senaie and House of Representatives of the United t° d°°°?lm?"° °· States 0 America in Can ress assembled, Tha,!: the Secretar of the Treasnew du nsion Ima _ 9 y _beeween gx-opmy ury be, and he 18 hereby, authorized to appoint a. commission, to consist of

 gud the two persons, to determine upon u new division line between the property

SL ,,0,,;,, m,,,,,,,, of John G. Woemer, of St. Louis, Missouri, andthe St. Louis marine hospihospaml tract. ml tract, which shall be a continuous straight line; and the Secretary of J0¥l:¤&’f3{$g:::g_ the Treasury is uuthorized, if he shall be satisfied that the said exchange in &c_ shall be beneficm.1 to the government of the United States, to convey to John G. Woemer the strip of land that may be found to lie 011 the south side of the line so determined upon, in exchange for the strip of land that zuay Ibe found to lie on the north side‘0f said line: Provided, That the said division lme shall be so located that the exchange of said strip of land, and the location of said line, shall involve no expense to the government; and upon toe further condition that the said John G. Woerner shall pay unto the United States the sum of the diference of value, if any, between the two parcels of land thus exchanged, such sum to be ascertained by the said commissioners, who,_iu case of disagreement, shall choose an umpire; a. m§¤g1g;;;:;_¥o{‘ mojorltv of tire commissiou thus coustituted, to determine the location of approve up {Paige_ szud (l1V1Sl0D lme, and the d1H°crence1n value as aforesaid, the appraisement ,,,0,,, and 1%,,,. and locatwu to be approved b the Secretar of the Treasur . And u on , Y . . Y Y p wu- the full payment of the sum aforesmd, 1f any diflerence in value should be