Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/907

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TREATY WITH GREAT BRITAIN. MAY 8, 1871. 867 shall be organized in Washington, with power to hold their sittings there, or in New York, or in Boston. The members thereof shall sever- Membustc ally subscribe a solemn declaration that they will impartially and care- ¤¤l>¤~¤fil*¤¤d¤- fully examine and decide, to the best of their judgment and according °m°'"°°; to justice and equity, all matters submitted to them, and shall forth- their powers with proceed, under such rules and regulations as they may prescribe, "”d d““°°¥ to the investigation of the claims which shall be presented to them by the government of the United §tates, and shall examine and decide upon them in such order and manner as they may think proper, but upon such evidence or information only as shall be furnished by or on behalf of the governments of the United States and of Great Britain, respectively. They shall be bound to hear on each separate claim, if required, one person on behalf of each government, as counsel or agent. A majority of the assessors in each case shall be sufficient for a decision. ¤_¤¤¤i<>¤‘i¢J’ W The decision of the assessors shall be given upon each claim in writing, d°°‘d°j , and shall be signed by them respectively and dated. ,,,g°{,°Q:°§i;;l:° Every claim shall be presented to the assessors within six months from Claims to_bs_ the day of their first meeting, but they may, for good cause shown, extend %‘,:l$:‘;§:‘:e"*u"“ the time for the presentation of any claim to a further period not exceed- ° ing three months. The assessors shall report to each government at or before the expira- Report of astion of one year from the date of their first meeting the amount of claims S°S$°’S$ decided by them up to the date of such report; if further claims then remain undecided, they shall make a further report at or before the expiration of two years from the date of such first meeting; and in case any claims remain undetermined at that time, they shall make a nnal report within a further period of six months. The report or reports shall be made in duplicate, and one copy thereof how to be made shall be delivered to the secretary of state of the United States, and one ind *<:lWh°m decopy thereof to the representative of her Britannic Majesty at Washington. wm ' All sums of money which may be awarded under this article shall be Awards when payable at Washington, in coin, within twelve months after the delivery glggihhm *° b° of each report. The board of assessors may employ such clerks as they shall think Clerks. necessary. The expenses of the board of assessors shall be borne equally by the EXp¤¤S¢>¤· two governments, and paid from time to time, as may be found expedient, on the production of accounts certified by the board. The remuneration of the assessors shall also be paid by the two governments in equal moieties in a similar manner. Aivrrcnn XI. The high contracting parties engage to consider the result of the pro- thDeei3;>`:;»Dg; ceedings of the tribunal of arbitration and of the board of assessors, mazsessors ,0 should such board be appointed, as a full, perfect, and final settlement of bg gm, Sli the claims hereinbefore referred to; and further engage that every such Claims act preclaim, whether the same may or may not have been presented to the notice gigiziézgilly ot made, preferred, or laid before the tribunal or board, shall, from and 8am6d_ after the conclusion of the proceedings of the tribunal or board, be considered and treated as finally settled, barred, and thenceforth inadmissible. Anrxcrn XII. The hi h contractin arties ee that all claims on the part of ¤01‘· Certain claims porations,gcompauies, of Iiiivate iiEviduals, citizensof the Umwd Smiles, Xfgégdgaglgfgsy upon the government of her Britannic Majesty, arising out of acts com- ugainzgf githe: ¤1lU30d against the persons or property of citizens of the United States E<;l£f£;*;¥20° during the period between the thirteenth of April, eighteen hundred and