Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1138

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1066 Tu·1.1·: 1.xx.—CRIMES.-—Ch. 6. United States, who acts us an ugcnt_ or attorney for prosecuting any claim against the United Shams, or in any mgmncr, pr by any nucqns, othorwise than in disc·hm·gc of his progcr ofécml dumps, ands or usqxsts in the prosecution qrsuppoxtt of zmysqc t']8.\l1},0l‘ }'0C0·l\'0S any g_mtmt_y, or any sham ut or lllU‘I`9S[ lll any clam) from_ any clgumun_t ugaxmt The L'nite·d States, with inte-nt to aid qr usps!. or m cpnsxderutnon of lpvmgt aided or assisted, in the p1·0se—cution ot suc!) (‘1}Lll\l,.Shll“ pay a hna 0i not umm than hvc thousand dulleu·<. or >uii0r 1111pr1sonment not more than one vcur, or both. guiléc acuzptinu Sec. 5499. Every judge- of the- Uuitvd Sfutcs, who 1D anywxsg accepts “ Yi · &°· or receives mw sum of moncv. or other hri »0. present, or rewar , or any 30 Apri\,1T90,(·. promise, contfuct. obligation, gift, or sccyrity for the payment of money, 9.8-21,*- L P-117- or the delivery orconvoyunce of anything of value, with tlqe intent yo he- influenced thereby in any OPINION: ]lldgHl€‘\\t, pr decree m {my sunt, controversy, matter, or cause depending hvfqre hxm, shall be imgd and imprisoned at the discretion of the court, und shall be forever dxsqual— ified to hold any ofHcc of honor, trust. or proiit under the United Qt.a.te<_ [sa 5 un.] K ` Member of Con- Sm`. .55OH. Any member of either House of Congress who asks. gw ¤¤‘¢€P*i¤" x ·* ts. 1* r ci ‘ ·· v mor v or u w nr Jmirc. vontruct underm in , "ib°· &°· C  ;{ U Pct X'? ml`- · 13,* f ·'fh} ( ·n` — tof m >r;ev orfortl$ _ga on, gm u1 ),o1 »<-cu11)_ 01 L Ya) l('H g _, I 0 26 F¤·h.,1853L4-. dclu·<>r·y or ('QIl`\`(’}’8.I'l('€ of anything of va ue-, mthox; beturq or_attcr hc BL **6, "·10· 1*-1* L has been qualmcd or has taken hxs sont as such 1m-nxhcra with intent to _h:•vc his vote or decision on any question, matter, cmxsv. 01* proceeding which may be ay any time Bonding m either hopsu. m- before any coml!'11tt·€0 thereof, influenced thereby, shall bcdpumshcet by n Hua nqt more than three txmcs the amount asked, a.¢·c¢—pt¢· , or received, and by rmprnsonment not more than three years. {W S 5461] United Stages Sec. 5,3• r1. Every officer of the United States, and every person acting Srg}b°g';C°°°Pt'“8 for or on behalf of the United States, in any officiul capacity under or by _.;? virtue of tho authority of any department or officv of the (iovernment Ibid- th f: 1 d · r' fl} cr · . a ti for or behalf of ither 763_]g“·`f·i2?863{43· HSE?; Ofu&OI$£'I$0sS,OOlFof ggrzqnismggof citheroglousc, or cfg both ig` jujyi j§g6’c: Houses thereof, who asks, accclpts, or receives any money, or any con- 184, s. 62, v. 14,p. tract, prormsc, undertaking, obligation, gratuity, or sacuritv_for the pay- 16833 J I mgm; of money, or fo? the delivery or conveyance of anything of value, 20} S ‘£·`}8$f»"· with intent to have hm decision or action on any (lll0EtiOIl,lll8,tt€l', cause. 186;’’p' or proceeding) which may, me any time, be pending. or which may be by 3 JIM.; 1875, C, law brought cforc him in hns official cugncity, or in his place of trust or N4, *‘· 18, 1=- 479- profit, ugtiucnccd the1·0by,s}1:11l be punis ed as prescribed in the preceding section. [M S 5451-1 Forfvlture of _ $I·1C. 5502. Iuvery member, ofhccr, or person, convicted under the pro- "m°°· visions of the two preceding sections, who holds any place of profit: 01* 26 Feb., 1853,c. trust, shall forfeit his office or place; and shall thereafter be forever SLS-6.\'·i0,P-]7'r dI5g11R11h0d from holding any ofhcc of honor, trust, or profit under the United Smms. _ U*H<‘€¤’ GY the Sec. 5503. Evcrv officer of the Government who knowinglv contracts

y;"n“é for t}1c_crcction, repair, or furnishing of any Eublic |>uilding.~m· for any

specific uPI,,0p,.i,_ puphc unprovcment, to pay a larger amount to an pho spcciiic sum approily1Q__ ___ ])I'lMX·!q. for such purpose, shall he punished by imprisonment not less 25 Jug}-, 1868y (._ than SIX months m>rm0rc than two years, and shul pay 21 lim- of two m,¤.:=,\·.1s,p.177. thousand dollars. n¤•·»s=¤¤=r-1 Omcersoffnited Sec. 5504. Evcrv clerk or other officer of an court of the United States, 2:°*fsd:;°)2::H{2;l: who fails forthwith t0' deposit any money belonging in the x·c€stry of the ey'; &(_,I " court, or l1cr0utt01g>a1d mto court or received by the 0iHccx·s I, ercof, with TR-- —i»-—- the Treasurer, [nn j assistant tr0us11rc1·, Ol` [gf] an designated depositary 2 Q; iIj'·;_118;l»°· of the L mts-d States, nr} the name und to the credit of such court, 01* who

 25 ’ ’’pp‘ }'9t<‘\\[\S orepnv0ns to l11s own usc or to the- use of another any suvh money,

18 ]·w,_, 1875, (-_ is guilty of 0m}>0zzl<·m<~nt. and shall hn punished by Hm- not less than 80. r. 18, p. 320. give hundred dollars, and nutn1or<— than the amount omhczzlcd, 01* Iwg lUl[)1'lfO!lY¥l(‘l\t:.!l()t {css than one your nur moro than ton _\’1‘H.1'!·$,Ol' by hot such haw zmd imprisonment; but nothing heroin shall In- held to prevent