Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1250

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1178 INDEX. Section. Sutton. auonumpocnunum. M¤>IT¤¤¤—¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤- in bankruptcy cases-—Continued. Fourth—Continued._ claims may be verified by .. 5078 reports of. to be laid before Congress 260 creditors may be represented by 5095 how to keep accounts of Navy Departin pension cases, drawing money to make _ ment, -. I .. 283 oath that they have no interest Filth, appointment, salary, duties ,.,..., 276 .299 therein ,,...,.,.,..,... , ,...,.. 4745 to certr y accounts to First Comptroller. . 269 agreegpepts of, for amount of fees to be 4786 llH!ll¢dl|¤\fB settlement by, of particular Z 1 et .. accoun .. ‘ 7 to be forwarded to pension agent with Sixth, appointment, duties, salary . :.276-299 certificate; fee to be ten dollars 1 appeals from settlements by, to First tvhere no agreement is made; ... 4768 I (`0mpU`0ll€!` 2 .-.· I-: --- . .-.. 270 pension agent to deduct attomey s fees . . 4769 I to supermtend collection of debts due not to demand or receive compensation _ Post-Office Department.: ... 292 for prosecuting pension or bounty accounts of money·order business .._ . 293 land cases beyond amount directed 4785 quarterly statement of moneys paid by 294 b Commissioner .. pos mus ers demariding, receiving, or contractinglfor · how to_ compromise judgments for debts. 295 Iargerhggie than allowed by law, ow 5485 [ to furpph ponies of pgpers to Department 296 unis .. | o us ice, in sm .. AUCTICN, (See Sales.) j oatbs in settlements of accounts 297, 298 in prize sales regulated ... 4628, 4650copies of contracts for carrying mail to be sale on distraiut for internal-revenue taxes. 3190- i delivered to - . . 40-. -3197 orders of Postmaster-General, affectiu of forfeite;118 boilers, stills, machinery, ma- 3450 plaims or accounts, to be certified teri . 0 . 405 of property forfeited or seized under inter- warrants on quarterly statement by, of nal~revenue laws 3459, 3460 moneys paid by postmasters 406 of effects of seamen who die on voyage 4538 for deposits to be countersigned by 408 AUDITORS, proceedings by, for remission of fines, &c., number, salaries, duties . . ... 276-300 compromise of debts ..,._,, 409 clerks in offices of 235 statennent to, by marshals, of executions method of keeping accounts by, of War and for moneys due ,.,,_ , ,,_,________,_ 792 Navy Departments. 283 copies of papers pertaining to accounts in to report to Secretaries of War and Navy . . 283 otlivc of, when evidence _,,__,_,,___ 889 empowered to administer oaths, when . 297 duty oi. as to warrants on Treasury . 3674 reference of accounts to Court of Claims.1063, 1064 accounts of Post-Oflice Department, how duties of, as to balances of appropriations- . 3091 to be kept .. 4049, 4050 to be furnished with copy of aippointment of » new post-offices shall be certified to . 3829 inspector, weigher an measurer ofappointments, &c., of postmaaters to be fue for District of Columbia 3712 notified to ._.,_,,_____________ _ ____ 3830 First, appointment, salary, duties ... 276-299 bonds of postmasters, in case of death, resnot to engage in certain business 243 ignation, or removal, to be delivered to certify accounts to First Comptroller, - 269 i to .,,,_,.,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,.._,, 3834 immediate settlement by, of particular { applieation of payments by postmastem accounts .. 271 i a ter givin new bonds ...,, 3835 Second, appointment, salary, duties . 276~299 to be notified (ii change of postnnasters . . 3836 to certifyaccountsto Second Comptroller. 273 i to be notified of change, &c., in salarirs to settle Armfy accounts 277, 278, 280 · of posxmastcrs .,..,.,.,.,,,,___ 3856 accounts o line officers unable by acci- to audit accounts of deductions by postdent to account for property 278 masters . I .. 1 $62 may detail clerk to sign bounty certiti- discontinuance of postwftice to be certicates ...,,...,.,... 270 fied to. .,..,,,,...,.,,,.,.,.,., 3864 accopnts of War of 1812 may be assigned 2 g how to charge salaries, Gro., of special 0 . 2 ._.: ... 77 agents 4020 duty as tto requisitions of War Depart- )6 3 i payxggnts on account of postal service to men .- 1* 7 l certified by .,___,_______________ 405{9 reports of to be laid before Congress . 260 l Commissioner of 'General Land Office Third, appointment, salary, duties ... 276-300 , to audit accounts relating to public reports to be laid before Con s ... 260 g lands and certify to First Comptrolbow to keep accounts of m Depart- Ier ,._,,,,.,_,,._,,__.,____,_,,_,_ ; 456 ment .. 283 to certify accounts to Second Comptroller. 273 I B. accounts of War of 1812 may be assigned . to . r . . . 277 * BADGEB, claims of loyal citizens for quartermas· I of the arm cor b · · . ; a . tem and subsistence stores furnished ‘ worn5i..- i. they n y In 1227 army during rebellion to be reportedBAGGAGE, `````'``````` ..----...·.-..-. 300A,300B : allowance in Nav fg B may take testimony in case of claims for r of persons arriviriyg id gdiilntiyihirditiit 1566 property lost in military service . 3488 duty ... . p 489 2505 duty astto requisitions of War Depart- I entry, examination, &c.,otpasse1ieers·fro¤i men .. 3673 [ forei" Fourth, appointment, salary, duties . 276-299 concealing rriresielee in- .2799, to certify accounts toSecond Comptroller. 273 r of passengers from contiguous duty 3,5 to requisitions of Navy Depart- ‘ [rigs __________ _ ____ _ 8 3l(\) 3lO] ·¤·¤¤¢ ------ · --·-------------- · ----- 3673 ~ in t¤•·¤¤i¤ te f<>r¤is¤ country -··-·---·----- ,2803