Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1260

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1 188 INDEX. S°°°°" I CAPITAL omrnn 1:s rnmr. A1u>S°°"°”° CALIFORNIA-Continiied. I 5 i _ S certain selections of surveved lands to be PUNIS§MQN'.1‘B—(`ont1nued. (.6,-t55H] tt, ________ f _______ _ ____ 2486, 2457indictments for, in district courts to be transprovisions concerning swamp-lands certified _ nntted to circmt court . I 1039 m __________________________ _ _ _____ 2488 in vases carried to hiiprenie Qourt, judglists of all selections of lands by, to be for- _ ment suspended until ath rmed ...,.. 1040 wardgd to General Land Office _, 2489 ball, l10W Ek9H --..--·----·-·-·-··--. l0l6 collen tion districts, ports of entry and deliv- benefit of clergy not allowed ... _ ... i >329 gr in ___________ _ ______________ 2582, 2583 trial by d1plomat1e· ofhvers in certain vounnppeals hom consular courts in (`hina and tries .. _ ., _ r.. _ . . .0090, 4102, 4103 Japan to circuit court for 4093-4096 penalty for rescuing prisoners indicted for Secretary of Treasury may remit fines and capital offenses, before (‘Ofl\`1C1l0l’l . . . 5401 penalties in collection district of 5293 or while going to, or at execution ... 5400 punishment for altering, counterfeiting, or body after execution . _ I .. 5402 falsely dating, or fraudulently pre- manner of inflicting capital pumshment 5325 senting, &c., instruments relating fo body of offender to be delivered for dissecland-titles in ,____,__,____, , ,,,, 2471-2473 I tion ... 5340 California Volunteers, permanent appro- offenses punishable with death, printion for traveling expenses of . -p. I ireasori 5332 727, 3689 I aiding, abetting, &c., to commit murder, GAMP, robbery, or piracy on high seas . 5323 punishment for being away from, &c. -p. 233, murder in Flaces under exclusive jurisdicarts. 31, 34, 1324 tion 0 United States or on high seas, violence to persons bringing provisions &c., or malicious wounding, kc., to .,. p. 235, art. 56, 1342 causing death .. 5339 retainers of, subject to rules- . p. 236, art. 63, 1342 rape, in fort, &c., or upon high seas . 5345 equipage, report of issues of . 1221 corrupt casting away, &c., of vessels on allowance of to militia. in service 1650 , high seas, by owner 5365 CAHPHENE, corrupt uasting away of vessel on high steam passenger-vessels not to carry .,.. +472, 4-176 I seas bv person not owner _...,..,,,, 5366 ch%wA;;1c6l;ed and marked for shipment 4475 piracy on high seas, as defined by law of , nations ..,. 5368 tonnage-fees not to be collected from ves- laying violent hands by seamen upon comsels touching at ports of . 1722, 4222 mander to prevent defense of vessel- 5569 nor from certain vessels on inland waters- 4221 robbery on high seas, on vessel, &c . 5370 certain fish and oil from, admitted duty robbery on shore, by crew landing from free _ .. t . . .. 2 506 . piratical vessel, &c .. . ,._.,,,_. 5371 entry of merchandise destined for export to, I offenses on high seas, or in harbor, bav, under treaty stipulations ... 2866 &c., out of jurisdiction of State, merchandise from, in steamers on lakewhich, on land, would be punishable Champlain, where may be landed... 3128 1 by death _,_ ___,__________________ 5372 lading and unlading vessels from, may be murder, robbery, or act of hostility l'9gill¤t€d ---·--··---------. · --·--.- 3129 ugalnst United States, &c., under vessels of, in coasting·trade on lakes, &c... 4347 color of commission from foreign mail, when may be carried through States, . 4012 state, &e ___,_,_,___,_,_,__,_____ _ _ 5373 CANALS, i making war on United States on high when to be post-reeds 3964 I seas. or cruising against vessels of, contracts for carrying the mails on 3967 I contrarv to treaty defining piracv -. . 5374 rights of way of, over public lands for cer- I forcibly confining on vessel, negro, i&r·., tain purposes confirmed, &c 2339 I with intent to make him slave, or of- Alabama may impose tolls for use of canals fering to sell negro as slave, &c . 5375 nroun Muscle andColbert’s Shoalson landing from vessel, and, on foreign shore Tennessee River ... 5245 I seizing neuro, &<·., with intent te Secretary of Treasury to assume man - make him aslave . . 5376 ment of Louisville and Portland3g;- maliciously burning, in fort, dock-vard, nel . , ...-. 5255 ; &c., dwelling-house, barn. &c .2 5385 vessels for Bayou Saint John may unload at l burning vessel of war afloat on high Cgrgndglgt (jgngl __________________ 2571 gggg ____________ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ___ 5387 for foreign ports from said canal, how I rescuing b force persons found. guilty cleared 2575 · capitalrrinne 5400 canal-boats, licensed, &c., not subject to offenses in Army, minishable-xvifhldeaith libel for wtgges . 4251 by Articles of blur .. . -- - . 1342 steam, exeinp from provisions regulat-disobeving or striking superior bflicer ing gfganpvgggglg ___________________ 44(X)I i p 232 art 2], ]_‘·]4*7 propelled by Steam to have hull and bgil. I mutiny ________ __ ___ _ _ __ _ pl 232, gn,. 22, 15342 ers inspected ..-.-. 4426 i failing to resist .. •p 232’¤rf23’ l342 persons employed 011, not entitled to IDB.- sleeping on post _____ - - l -p. 233,gn. 39, 1342 rine—h0sp·te¤ fund -.---------------- 4804 I ecwsicning false slannumpl 233, art-41, 1342 GAPITAL OFFENSES, TRIALS AND misbehavior before enemy · l 233, nrt. 42, 1342 PUNISHMENTS, I com lling surrender -p. 234,art• 43, 1342 .,0,,, Ogngsgnsgfég., to be delivered w Im I danpitigsng wn.1n1i.wnid jjljflil 2é,4§niij44f 1342 ... n re 1 1 ·‘ . · ,i,,i.t tt defense ny nnnnnni, and to nninnd Im e °' "*“"°“°""“'“‘ "‘°“°"iX‘{»’;»EE“I.?t‘?i-;; its Wl [|Qs$€S,__,_,,____,,__,,_,_,____, . (i · y i iimitntitn ti tinitgni nnninti indictment ni, 3°t§n'$”tft§’i2Y'.‘f"? W'"` °“°"" ‘{Z‘ Z?} 25 2$’ PIE gx(~gp\,n]“ gr ________ _ ______ ______ 1Q4g `g' U-".":--.-· . ’ l , l challenges of jurors in . . . . . . 819, 1031 adn mg to desert m time of wu i 1342