Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1274

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1202 rzvmzx. Section. soggy, COLLECTORS (of cust¤ms)—Continued. COLLECTORS (of cu•to1ps)—C0ntinued. sureties ton transportation bond, how to jus- 2992 to canceltlaond for registry on delivery of ti v ... cc 1 ca es 4175 rn take possesrion of merchandise remainingto number certificates of registry .. 4176 in warehouse, &c ... 2995, 2996 recording of vessels in office of 4180 not to hold money paid under protest, but to cause survey or measurement of vessels to pay same into Treasury .. 30IO for record .. ... 4181 at-tion aqsinst, for recovery of duties ille- to grant certificates of record ,,.,_ 4182 ga lv collected upon protest and ap- to mdorse on certificates cbs3e of master peel ... 3011, 3012 or name of vessel, reco , transmit,. 4183 to retain per ceutnm of drawbacks on re- recording bills of sale, mortgages, &c., of exported merchandise ... 3017, 3019 vessels , 4193-4195 to appoint officer to inspect change from duties of, in clearance and entr · of x·wls cssks, Arc., of spirits and sugars . 3029 (See Clearance of Vessels, Entry qt Wemerchandise entitled to debenture may be , sd:) . . . 4197-4218 changed into packages .. 3030, 3031 manifest delivered to, by owners, shippers, invoice of goods entitled to drawback to be dc., of cargo . . . . . 4200 deposited with . 3032 to observe State inspection laws in granting inspection of goods entitled to drawback, clearances ..,.,._,,,,_,________ 4202 3033, 3034 manifests of vessels trading between neighinspection of eoods notified for exportation, boring districts .,._, 4349, 43.50 permit or lading .. 3035 permits for unlading vessel from neighborto psy debentirre, drasgxks, &.c . ing district, certifimtion of manifest, suit or re usa to pa e nture .. 4351-4353 certificate of exportiition from port other permit for unlading vessel from remote disthan that of importation and deben- 304 trict., certification of msnifest, &c 4355 ture .. 1 l not to rant c earsnces until ees id ,,,__ 4206 may refuse debenture 3042 I to anngx table of consular feegpam glu;. when to receive hproofs other than exports- ences of recxstered vessels .. 4207 tion certi cams 3047 clearance to vesse going from Igke Chem: in case of accident, certain merchandise for plain to Quebec ..,,______ __ 4208 drawback not to be forfeited 3051 to transmit copies of receipts by consular rluplicstezlist and appraisement of property officers for fees paid abroad, mel sei ...~. 3074 statement of certified invoices _,,_,,_ 4213 notice of seizures 3075to require sail-vessels to be furnished yuh inlsennrrszzpes when claimant files bond- . 3076 . signal-1¥ht,s _,_________________ _ _ _ _ 4244 Hi 60 Nl T0 l'! ----·--·----·---.-- 3077 impevh. 'tm BB re rt of n r·vessels mls of pcrishalblepsrticles seized ... 3080 arriving fromosbmff? _ ________ 4254 release of merchandise seized on payment quarterly return of lists of pamengers sr- _ of uggrjsrsed value .. _ ... 308 1 riving from aboard ,___,_________ ___ 425; to inform I lrgrtorof Treasury of serzures. - gg! examination of emigrantevessels on arrival, repo o , or nes _ ..,,,,, an report .,_,,...,..,...,,.,,. 4272 to have custody of goods seized ... 3086 passports to vessels of United States, for commencement of suits; receipt and distri- foreign ports _,___,__,_____________, 4306 bution of amount recovered .. 3087, 3090 · to fumish unregistered vessels, &c., sailing may exarnrne papers, &c., seized by war- 3093 I on sea·letter, with passport ,.,,. 4308 run .. icense to carrv on coastin -trude or fishgccrch of certain stores, wnrehouses _...,., 3107 ery __,_ I ,,__,_,_.__ E _____________ 4320 estimate of duty on egccess of sea-stores of I may enroll and license registered vessels .- 4322 vessels on frontiers . 3112 may 'ster enrolled and licensed veslicgnse, to vemels in foreign and coasting { 1.:5; ,___,________,__,__,___,____ 4322 4323 _ ¢r¤<le ·-··-·-·-·-··- ; ···--·----·- $15 { l0 transmit surrendered enrollments licen- 7 duplicate manifests of vessels in foreign and ses, &c., letter to Register of’Treuscoasting trade on northern, Jn-., fron- mm , I my ______________ _ ________________ 4323 er! ---·-·------·------·-----.-... new icense in l to furnish registered vessels with certified stroyed .-?.f?.gf..???..l??i-?f.fl?: 4326 _ rnornfeere ------------- _ -~---------· 3126 enrollment or lieense of vessel from snolher duties of, relative to exportation for draw- . district _,_._,,_.,_,,_,.,,_______ __ 4328 _ back of spirits . 3329 to number and record licenses . I . 4333 spmts exported without payment of tax- 3330 ‘ registers to enrolled or licensed vessels go imported tobacco and snuff ... . . 3377 _ ing abroad ..4337 4338 nmporred elssrs -...-...---.---~---. 3402 dischn of vessels in quorsntine . ,4793 to require out as to letters before granting cum f; permits for receiving ·mer; clearance to vessels 3987 chsndise in such cases 4795 search for letters illegally conveyed 3989-3991 to deposit, &c., money collected for-rnsrine; ` to npptonnt persons to measure vessels {org 4154 hospitsl fund .` . 4803 image . 1 .. . . , _ nottosrsnt c eamncc fo i · `I m keep rn books registry of vessels L . . . 4155 ospital dues . -${.,`,“sd mm 4805 togmnt certificates of registry ._- . -4155, 4158,4159 to detain vewels gilt for warlihe to msu; new certificates of £h:{ré7 4170 d poses . 5290 c ... 1 , , , utiesof · .r-".'.-`-.` I ... ..t .§.r.¤...e of mgm m mer sold M r..‘,3$.$2’vX‘?T”T`T'?f‘TT‘H‘€ °“‘ “’ °“"“*° 429-. un grlgggl rgcgg ________ _ _______ may iurn""-.-- ` ... .,,.2 .,.. ,.e...£c...r..S there or mms M · "i’?.L’J.$.§.`L";i..}ii‘.‘If.‘i §L"3§£&"..¥$§Ifg WSG H- ; ------·--- _ -·-----·----·- insurrection ...‘ 1 gn irgixignrtoceltgsztesu gmxé on l05S. Hq to give notice of seiznre of vessel .,.. , . 239 ., _ r w hen to act as shrpprng commissioners 4503