Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1279

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11\ DEX. 1207 Section. g•¤q,._ GOIEBSIONBB OF LAND COIEBSIONEB OF INTERNAL _ 0F.FICE—Corrtmued. BEVENUE—Continued. to direct conduct of sale of town-lots, when. 2381 to certify that all reports of collectors have (0 approve grid order cgntrgwtg for surveys_ _ 2398 been received __________,__ _ _ __,____ 3147 to fix price per mile for public surveys . 2400 to preurihe notice of appointment of deputy to direct the keeping of 3,4_·(·0unt,s of cost of collectors ____,_______,_____,___,,__ 3148 surveys, &.c., ogprivate land-claims- . 2400 fees of inspectors of tobacco and cigars. . . 3151 may allow augment rates for survey of gaugefs fees _____________,__,__.____,__ 3157 certain lands in Oregon, California, ma employ and assign agents 3152

 Washington Territories .. 2404, 2405 to determine compensation of storekeepers. 3153

to prescribe regulations for geodetic survcys may assign or transfer storekeepcr to warein Oregon and California ___________ 2409 house; _______________,_,_,_,__, _ _ _ _ 3154 may allovrcompcnsation by day forsurvey- power to transfer and suspend collectors, mg rn Oregon and California 2411 l transferred to, from supervisors (note to direct location of military bounty-land I qyler) ,_,_,.,._,.,, 3163 WBURDCS . . ... I 2437 I may authorize officer to seize property _,__ 3166 to prescribe rules for relocatin%erroneous i to prescribe forms, &<·., for return of taxes. 3173 location of land-warrants y settlers. 2446 of notice of time when taxes are due 3185 to decide cases of suspended entries and regulations for rwale of property pursuspended pre-emption land-claims. . 2450 chased for United States 3192 with other officers to frame rules for deciding may make certain assessments0f taxes, corsuspended entries, &c .. 2450 rect errors in lists, insert omitted adjudicatrons of suspended entry-cases, how names and other omissions . 3182 approved, and effect of . 2451 to assess tax on property distrained _______ :1191 report of, to Congress by classes . 2452 to determine fees, &c., in distraint and to arrange decisions into two classes 2453, 245-1 seizure ...,,.,.,,__,,__ 3206 may order into market lands reverting by to have charge of, sell, or release in certain rejection of certain claims .. 2455 cases, real estate acquired under revmay isue new patent on surrender of old enue laws ..,. , ,.__ 3208 in certain cases 2456 , to authorize proceeding, before suit for provisions as to suspended entries, &c., totaxes commenced .. :5214 a ply to all casesafterJune 26, 1856.. 2457 i to establish rules for revenue oilioers, disto certig copies of records, books, and pa- I trict attomeys, and marshals, as to pers to be used in evidence . 2489 · suits ,. 3215 to enforce and execute provisions of law to certify to Comptroller fact of diligence relating to public lands . 2478 by collector in collection of taxes . . . 3218 to decide as to indemnity to States for may remit and refund taxes erroneously asswamp-lands already located 2482 sessed . 3220 to certify certain selections of surveyed _ may repay to officers moneys mcovered for lands to California . - -. . 2486-2488 I acts in performance of official duties- ::220 to direct examination of mags and surveys I may compromise certain cases, with advice of swamp-lands made y California. 2488 of the Secretary 3229 to direct segregation surveys where State to prepare special-tax stamps . 3238 surveys found incorrect 2488 to make regulations for keeping conspicuto require lists of lands selected by Califor- ously in collector’s office list of spenia to be senttoGeneral Land Ofhce- 2489 cial—tax payers . 23240 to make final disposition of such s·elec— I regulations for registry of death, removal, tions ,,.,...,..,.., , .., 2489 I of persons having paid special tax . . 3241 maps to accompany annual report of, how may prescribe for use weighing and gaugprocured ,..,., 3781 I rnginstruments, &c 3249 OOIIISBIONEB OF INDIAN AF- rules an regulations to secure correct sys- FAIBB, (SeeIndrkmAfaEra, Indians-.) tem of inspection, weighing, markappointment and salary of 462 ing, and gauging spirits . 3249 to have management of Indian affairs . 463 ‘ tu assess tar: on spirits removed without duties as to accounts of Indian affairs .. 464 deposit in warehouse ... 3253 regulations of Indian affairs by President. . 465 , may exempt drstrllers of brandy from apas to claims for Indian depredations . 466 I ples, &c., from certain provisions .___ 3255 by Secretary of Interior to prevent sales I form, &c., of notice by drstiller or rectifier of arms and ammunition in territory I of intention to carry on business 3259 of uncivilized Indians .. 467 tu prescribe form of distiller’s bond, and annual reports of ,,...,.. 468, 469 may require new bond . 3260 to report to Congress Indian hostilities 2100 his decision final, on appeal from collector to consult Indian commissioners in making I refusrngoto approve drst1ller' s bond,- 3260 Pu,-chu., 50,- Indians ____ _ ___,____,_ 20-1 I may accept nds in lieu of consent of to direct purchase of goods for Indians 2083 owner of land on which distillery is to remove persons from reservations ... 2149 situated .. I .. T ._ 3282 OOIIIBBIONEB OF INTERNAL I may prescribe manner of apprarsing land REVENUE, on which are distillery building and 2262 • intment wd sslnry of -.-...-.-...-... 319 ¤ r¤¤¤¢¤¤ -..--·---..----··--·--·-- - lweéneral duties of . .. 321 may order another survey of distillery . . 3264 chief clerk, designation of , . .. 320 to P!'¤Bf!!'lb\‘{ mB¤¤6|' of _¢0¤¤l·!'\|¢tmi! |'¢09|V· deputy commissioners and heads of divis- mg-cisterns, provide locks and seals. . 3267 ions .. 235, 322, 323 I may require on still, tub, &c., fasternngs, statement to, by district attomeys, of suits. . 774 , locks, or seals .. _. j _. . 3270 of facts, when attorney decides against I may require changes of, or additions to, disprosscution ...-...- 838 | ¢¤||¤¤g_¤r3I¤¤¤¤¤ -----------..-- 3270 to prescribe amount of collector’s bond, &c. 3143 I to approve rstr lery warehouse . . . 3271 s·r-03—-81