Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1292

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1220 INDEX. Sedlon. I _ Bsntion. COURT OF CLAIHS—(`ontinue¢1. COURTQ MA.B'.I.‘IAL—Cont111ued. organization, sessions, &C.—·(lOhI1lll1€(1. for trial of cadets at Military Acadsmdyu 1326 S,1]m-ies of _ __ ____ _ _________ 1054 . not to sentence soldiers to be bran ed, bond of chief clerk. ., 1055marked, or tatto7»e7l..p. 233, art. 38, 1342 contingent. fund of _____,,___,_,,,.__ _ _ _ _ 1056 ull troops in pay of 1 niteel States subject, clerk of, to transmit statement of judgments irrtrial by I. . . I . . .p._236, art.'64, 1342 to Congress, decisionstoelcpartments. 1057 provision:- <·r·11cerning, in Articles of \\ ar, clerks of, not to act as attorney in causes _ pp. 237-2-ll, arts. 71-121, 1342 in, or in district, (G0 ,,,.__,,.,,__,, 748, 749 I prison for q·oniin(·in4·nt of offenders (see members of (`ongra ss not to practice in 1058 ~ Jlilimnw I’ria•m.•·) 134-I-1361 jurisdiction, powers, &c __,,, , ,,._,,. 1059-1093 · iu_ Militia, l10W <‘0I;15JOS€d. . - . ... 1658 genera] jurisdiction of _________,,__,,.,. 1059 , in service of Fmt States, fines how cerof private claims before Congress 1060 : tificd to marshals and Comptroller. . 1659 not to extend to claims growing out ofin Navy, effect of dismissal by, or of resigntreaties __,____, , ,._,,,.,.,...,, 1066 i ing to escslpe ., 1441 judgment in favor of United States, on set- precedence of me and staff on .. 1489 off, &c., how enforced .. 1061 , provisions concerningnp. 281, arts. 26-54, 1624 loss of funds, &c., by pa. masters and other officer, punishable by. -pp. 276-281, arts, officers, found to ile without fault by, 4-9, 14-17, 22, 1624 may be credited by accounting oiii- in prosecutions for perjury or subornation cers .,,.,., . ._,,,,,,,. . ... Q 1062 of perjury committed on examinareference to, by departments, of certain tions bcfore, what to set forth .. 1023 claims 1063 COURTS OF INQUIRY, proceedings in such cases ... 1064 in Army, how ordered p. 2-11, art. 115, 1342 judgments in such cases 1065 members of . p. 241, art. 116, 1342 claim not to be prosecuted in, when suit oath of p. 2-ll, art. 117, 1342 pending in another court, &c ... 1067 powers of, as to witnesses. .p. 241, art. 118, 1342 privilege of aliens to prosecute- claims in. . . 1868 opinion by .. p. 241, art 119, 1342 imitation on suits in . 1069 authentication of proceedings . p. 241, may regulate practice, appoint commission- art. 120, 1342 ers, punish contempts .. 1070 proceedings, evidence in courts-martial. , may appoint commissioners to take testi- p. 241, art. 121, 1342 mony . 1075 in Navy, precedence on. ...,.,..,..,,,,, 1489 judges and clerks may administer oaths and , by whom ordered p. 284, art. 55, 1624 take acknowledgements 1071 l constitution of ,..,.,,_,,_, p. 284, art, 56, 1624 petition in, what to contain ... 1072 powers and duties p. 284, srt. 57, 1624 dismissed if claimant aided rebellion 1073 ‘ oath of members- p. 284, art. 58, 1624 burden of proof as to loyalty .. 1074 rights of parties .,.__. p, 284, gn-t, 59, 1624 may call on departments for papers ... 1076 authentication of proceedings . p. 284, testimony not to be taken if petition shows art. 60, 1624 D0 0883 for relief- .. 1077 ‘ proceedings of, to be evidence in courts, witness not excluded by reason of color 1078 ; martial if oral testimony cannot beelaimuntand persons interested not tobe,obtained . . 284, art. 60, 1624 in support of claim, &c ... . . 1079 COURTS OF UNITED SZLPATEQ, (see claimant may be examined, how .. 1080 titles of the several courts.) testimony to be taken in county whom wit- Judicial districts ______________________ 5j;()..55() ness resides, &c 1081 circuits _,__,______________________ ____ m4 witnesses before commissioners, subpmnss District courts, for 1082 organization ._,____ _ ______________ _ _ _ 551-552 cross-examination of . _,._,,,,,_,,,,,,._ 1083 jurisdiction .., 563-571 witnesses in claims before, by whom sworn. 1084 sessions ______________________ _ _______ 572.5% fees of commissioners`a.ptj>ointed by ... 1085 Circuit courts, judgment of forfeiture o claim for fraud, _ . 1086 organization ___,,.__,,,,.,,,,,,,._._.. 605-628 new trial may be granted ...,,..,. 1087, 1088 jurisdiction .,,,.,.,...,... 629-657 judgment for claimant, how paid ,__..,..., 1089 sessions ___,,,,,.. ,- ,,,.,,,,,.,,. , ,,.. 658-672 1l1t€l‘€S|J OH 1090 Supreme Court, interest before judgment, when allowed, 1091 organization ____,,___,,,__,___ , _______ 673-683 effect of judgment upon claims and claim- sessions ,_,,.,,,..,,,.,,.,,.,,,,...,.. 084-686 ant 1092, 1093 jurisdiction ... 687-710 railroad company may sue for price of Court of Claims, freifht, &c., wit held by Secretary organization and sessions 10494058 of *€¤¤¤PY --------·-·---------·-·· 5261 1 jurisdiction, power, and prooedure-"1059-1093 sprang, jvhcn and how taken .. 707, 708 1 Supreme court of District of Columbia, in oi-mation to Attomey-General as to provisions concerning ,__,_ 311,3491 4345 4345 defenses to be furmshed by deparb 4g56,4g]f_4g].i 497% ment .. 188 · Territorial courts, ’ COURTS OF BANKRUPTCY, (See Bank- { supreme courts, provisions concerning,. . .1864- _ _1"¤*p¢0?/-) _ _ = 1870,1907-1915,19%,1934,2165-2174 4978 jurisdiction of district courts .. 4972 s district courts, provisions c0m.€,.,,i,,g_ 1 865j1_q;3 supreme court of District of Columbia... 4977 1909-1918, 1928—1934 1957 1983 349] 4978 of TOI'T1fol'1€S . . ... 4978, 4987 Provisions common tg _ _ _’ _____ ’ _ _ l 7114-50 of circuit courts . 4979, 4986 Hgbeng corpus (See jlabem, C0,,.,,.,,,,) ```'` 7m__766 Supreme Court to prescribe rules, &c., for. 4990 District attorneys, may-Sha], a,,(1`(Y]Q}im cQURTS·}(AB;TI-AL; (see respective lilles) _,___ ’ __________ 767-799 m Armdy, duties of 1udge·adv0cat¤s of 1201 Juries (see Jude;) _____ _ 800_8o2 stten ance of WHZHGSSGH .·------..--.-... 1202 Fees (see Fup;) _________ ```````` 82;*85-; reporter to . . .. 1203 s Evidence (sec Evidmoq) ________