Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1367

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INDEX. 1 295 n mma SRM" msmcmns nu; cg; S'"`"'

 . 331735 -

what, qetsilod ststcrnont of, to be includ- CALB:—Contiuued. xr ed ¤¤ 5<>pk_<>f ¤¤¤m•¤+¤ . 3612 wmgwnmuon ot examiners ,_.__________ 274;, x:g€ ¥E%ég;?5g13&i m ew York and in Fevngrlems, one y — ¤ 1111 10 . 0 ial exnmi '

f  i &} 1 l  r      pcc nero,to appomted. Zgigé

¤¤¤¤v¤ fw. 1»<>w¤¤s>p1¤¤d ... 3425 mm of maumcmm, em., to be mma 1118Y be T€¤1Q\'0d fl‘0H1 mamlfacfory for ex- tg, __________ _ ______ __ _ _ _ 2934 _ ROW “‘1¥h0¤¥ ¤¤1¤1PS -----. - -~... 3430 iustrjuctionn of Secretary of Treasury to restnchons on camagc of, by steam passen- rmportation of impure or adulteratad. 2612 B*‘¥""$l¤ -·---—---·--- Z ----·---... 4472 adlllfcmted, to be so returned on invoice, how fucked and {marked for shnpmem .,,,. 4475 [ gm _____________________________ 2935, 2935 pens t for shxfwping contrary to law _. 4476 ; may be exported, otherwise to be de- IATEJ. . stroycd ... 2937 m Ngvy, pay of . 1556 · duty on those not enumerated p. 478, 2504 nmng as seamen 1408, 1409 * domestic, ate of tax. . .Schodule A, p. 678, of ¤to•m—vqa•s1p (see Lirenaed Qpicera), ‘ afm- 3437 jo msycrgnquxngs, &c., of inspectors ... 4406 proprietary, not exempt, except, &c . 3436 anvestggutxon of fmlure of duty .. 4407 manufacture of, in bonded warehouse for vxohung rules m to stesmers paging 4413 exportation . 3018, 3433 19 be hceuscdhclussihed, dm . 4438-4440 all, no be stamgd ,.,,,_______,___________ 3435 1103189 of. ll p110f -- 4443 . chests of, to carried by merchant-sem QI?-h of . , . . 4445 men .. 4569 Incense to be exhnbited, how 4445 1 alt for iailum to carry ,,,____,__,__ 4570 fgees for licensing ... 4458 II£§¤GI1¥E AND SURGERY, bsblc for lon through their misconduct. . 4493 in Army, department of . 1094 of vouols, to sign entries in logbook, Jac. 4291 hospital stewards .. 1094, 1179-1181 mqy dennand inspection of vessel 4556 or?nizat.ion and rank of 1168 m form ports .. 4559 rig t of command of officcrs of .. . . . . 1169 I}'1'B0¥8 Army), assistant surgeons who have served three lll hwplhis, employment of .. 1239 years in volunteer force, eligible to xmd rations of , , i K . ..,.. 1277 pmmotiomié .. E . 1170 or regiments os its s 1295 urvcyors may nai as surgeons . . 1171 IAYHII, P gppointment and cxa.m€:ation of surgeons Eli Army, punishment for p. 235, art. 58, 1342 and umistant surgeons .. 1172 1n places under exclusive United States ju- duties of chief medical purvcym- 1173 risdiction or on high seas, &c.; pun- duties of,reqa.rding preparing rations, &c. 1174 ishment ... 5348 sick diet in hosgitals ... 1175 IAYOBS, trusses, how an to whom furnished (see may arrest or bail offenders against United Truamr) 1176-1178 Sums . 1014 chief medical purveyors and assistant IILNING OF WORDS, medical purveyors to give bonds 1191 certain words used in Revised Statutes 1-6 agpointments in, suspended until, &c 1194 in special cases (see Dejimliom) ..605, 1674, 2766, in svy, allowance ho 0B02m for 1586 2767, 2768, 2951, 2952, 3140, 3407, 4130, 4612, purchases of medicines by Secretary, not 5013, 5413 subject to provisions as to advertis- IIASVBBIENT, ing ... : 3721 of registered vessels .,_,____,,__,,_,,,___. 4148 Bureau of, nuk and title of cbxef .. 1471 certificate of, what, m specif _______, 4149, 4150 of retired chief ... 1473 mbinsand statc—r00msn0t wie measured- 4151 I detail and pay of assistant . . . . 1375 ogrmin vessels exmnpt, from ______,____, 4152 medical c0rp|, number of medical dirules to ascertain tonnage .. 4153, 4154 rectors, m0d1C31 inspectors, surgeons, to be specified in certificate of registry 4155 and gmnstnnt surgeons on active lust, new certificates to refer w former . 4156 appomtmenf. &0; ·-·-.---·-··-·· l$68·]37¤ of mm;-ded vessel; _____________________,_ 4181 all appointments in, to be made by to be inserted in certificate of record .. 4182 President, with advice of Scnabex.: . . 1369 penalty on surveyor giving naval officers members of, to be on board for retmng false description of . 4187 i ofljcers .--. 14j8 for license of vessels under twenty tons 4331 ; ¤=l8·¢1V€ m11k of QH1C8m of ·-·---··-·-- 14/4 foo! for . . 4186, 4381, 4382 I oihcors of, on rouromeut after forty-five 11g5U3E3g (cu|t°mg)I I years' service to have rank of comfor certain ports .. 2606, 2607 ‘ mcdprc .. .. 1 , . 1481 to make rctums of goods measured ... 2890rank gives no authornty to exermso m1l- Hfortion by, making rotums without weigh- ; nary command . :. . 1488 ing, &c ..,.,... 2637 modigd dxroctors, number of, on active nuns,.. . . ... national and other, may be struck at mint- 3551 1 relative rank of, on nctnvc Inst . 1474 money from, to be covered into Trwury- 3552 . my <>f. Z .-.----·--.----.--·---------- 155*1 of honor to seamen of Na?} .. 1407 1 moehpsl pxnpsctcrs, number of, on ac- KEDIGAL 0031*8- (See edwirw and Sur- twp hst ...-»... _ .-.- _ ·.-- · ------ 1 358 gory.) \ rolutnve rank of, on nctxve-hst . 1474 IEDIGAL Dmmmuuxr. (su Medi- pay of ... gg? vim and Surgery.) mrfoom, nppomtment ...--- éi L IFDIUINES. DRUGS AND OHEKL 0 thé 60611 ·-----· - ·---.--·-- · ---- I , L CALS, rank of. . I ... 14:4 imported, how qxgmingd _____________ 2933-2938 penned gssutsnt. surgeons, pay of .. ¤p¤¤1¤1 ¤<¤m1¤¤¤ of, 15 1¤1¤> wh ------- 2611 1 ¤¤¤•¢•¤¤ ¤¤r:·¤¤¤ --------·-----·---- ·