Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1454

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1382 momx. Section. Section. TREATIEB-—Continued. { TBUSTEEB, not impaired hy provisions concerning ton- , holding national-bank stock, not to be pernage duties, &c 4219 sonslly liable .. 5152 prize laws not to contravene ..,,,,,,,, 4652 under bankruptcy law ...,.,,_ 5103 making war, or cruising, &c., contrary to of public lands for town-sites .. 2387-2391 provisions of, deemed piracy 5374 TBUST·F'UNDS, penaltv for attempting to negotiate, with not to pass by assignnnent in bank- 'Indians except for United States 2116 ruptcy . . . . 5053 purchase of land located under treaty with held by United States, how invested .. 3659 Chippewas, when permitted 2368 '1"UBS (distillery). under treaty of Wushingmn, provisions for howto beplaced, marked, secured, emptied, entry anal export of merchan- &c . . . 3269, 3270, 3285, 3286 dise ... 2866 to bedestroyed and material sold in certain British vessels may engage in coasting- cases of forfeiture .. 3332 trade on Saint Lawrence and great fermenting, how fastened, locked, &c .. 3311 lakes under, when, &c ... . .. 4347 TUG-BOATS (steam) , apprehension and surrender under, of per- foreign, not be be employed in towing ves— sons charged as fugitives from justice sels between United States ports, ex- (see 1<'ugitivrxf»·on• J~sJi¤-c) ... 5270-5278 cept by foreign railroad company in of foreign seamen .. 5280 certain cases ...,,,,___, 4370 Postmaster-General to make postal ..., 398 engaged exclusively in towing on northern, to tile copies with Secretary of State . 399 &c., frontier, not required to report with Indians not to be made .. 2079 and clear ..,, _ _ 3123 existing treaties abrogated .. 2080, 2100-2102 unless towing rafts and other vessels not moneys to be paid to Indians 2093-2097 required to be enrolled .. 3123, 3125 what printed copies of, to be evidence . 908 propelled by steam to have boilers and hulls jurisdiction of district courts of suits by inspected .,,,,.,__, 4426 aliens for writs in violation of. .p. 96, TUNNELS, cl.16, 563 run over public lands for development of of Court of Claims not to extend to .. 1066 mines, rights of, &c ...,_,___,______ 2323 by, of ministers and consuls in certain run for developing lode in mining claims, countries , .. 408%-4130 cost of, ow treated (neu-) ______,__, 2324 by, of consular officers of foreign countries rights granted for Sutro tunnel not imas to disputes between seamen, &c., paired ...,..,,.___,________ 2344 40794081 TUNIB, (See Hxreign Relationx.) TREES, (See Timber.) provisions of law extended to, under treathomestead settlers engaged in cultivation ies 4127 of, to have patents . 2317, 2464-2468 TURKEY, (See Foreiyn Relationx.) TBEBPABS, provisions relating to crimes extended to, by Indians on lands, &c., of civilized Indi- under treaty ..._... 4125 ans, penalty 2120, 2121 what are thus maele applicable to ___, 4083-4109 TRIALS, on prison to be hired in .. 4121 of issues of fact., when by jury 648, 649 salarv of minister 1675 of capital offenses, in what county tu be marshal of consular court in .. 4111 had _ .. 729, 730 interpreter of legation in . 1678 of offenses begun in one district and com- consuhgeneral at (bnstantinople to be secpleted in another .. 731 retary of legation .. 1677 no person to be arrested in one district for · TUBPENTINE, trial in another in any civil action, oil or spirits of, restrictions on carriage of, dm., except, &c ..,. 739 lvy steam Pamenger-vessels __________ 4472 not stayed by arrival of time tixed for an· how packed an: marked for shipment. 4475 other session .. 7-[6 penalty for Shipping contrary to law _______ 4476 notice for, in civil cases, by either party . . ... 950 U. persons in Army not subject to, second time x for same offense .. p. 240, art. 102, 1342 r UNASCERTAINED DUTIES, by jury not allowed in cases removed to su· on imports, money collected for, how credpreme courts of Territories .. 1869 ited .. . . . . 3010 for offenses against navigation laws may payments made upon, in excess of amount be demanded .. 4301 found due, may be refunded by Seedebtor may demand summary hearing in retary of Treasury . 3012} benkruptcé 5026 Upermanent appropriation for p. 726, 3689 summary, for o enses against navigation , CLAIKED, laws ... letters, &c., rovisions relating to .,____ 3930-3940 by diplomatic and consular officers (see Om- ; disposal of? 4061 aular Courts:.)merc andise, where stored, charges on, how TRIPLE VALUE,paid .. 2965 of merchandise unladcd from vessel without when collector of customs may sell .. 2976 .rmit to be forfeited .. 2868 pensions, what shall constitute; after three TBHO5, (See Rrroign Relation:.) years name to be striken from rolls, rovisionsof law extended to, under treaties- 4127 &c 4719 TQUHPETEB, permanent ayprolpriation to repay claimfor troop of cavalry .. 1103 ants overp us of goods sold under TBUSSE8, customs laws - ... p. 726, 3689 to soldiers ruptured . .. . . . 1176 UNCOLLECTED TAXES, application for, how made .·.. 1177 [ to be credited to collector of internal revpurchase of, by Surgeon-Gfneml --------·· 1178 enue in certain cases ,..,,., 3218