Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/285

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'1`rru: XI\'.—THE ARMY.—Ch. 1. 213 or of Inspecto1·—General, or in the Pay, Quarterniastefs. Subsistence, 3 Mar., 1869, c. Ordnance, or Medical Departments. 3,3 S` 6’ v' 15’ P' Sp much of this section as applies to paymasters of the rank of 17) June 1872 c majorwas repealed by jointreso ution of March 3, 1875, v. 18, p. 524. .126 ,,_ 17 ’p 3Sé ` _ The act of March 3, 1877, c. 100, v. 19, p. 270, declares that this sec- gf; _],,,,,} 1874 tion "now applying onlty to grades in the Pay Department of the 458 ,,_ 8 ’,. 18 ’ p' Army above the rank o major is hereby repealed." Q45f ’ ` 3 .lR1r., 1875, c. 126, s. 4, r. 18, p. 339. 3 Mar., 1875, c. 142, z·. 18, p. 478. 3 Mar., 1875, J R. Xu. 7, r. 18, p. 524. 3 Mar., 1877, c. 100, r. 19, p. 270. Sec. 1195. There shall be one Chief Sig·nal·Oflicer, with the rank of Signal service, colonel of cavalry, who shall have chaage, under the direction of the "i "h‘°f· Secretary of W ar, of a1l signal-duty., an of all books, papers, and appa- 2, J,,,,,,:;,;,,;; ratus connected therewith. ]63,,,_1,,._12’p_6,;, 28 July. 1866. c. 299, s. 22, v. 11, p. aaa. S1cc.1196. The Secretary of War may detail six officers from the Corps Details im- sigof Engineers. and any number of non-commissioned officers and privates H*i*1“*Y; not exceeding one hundred, from the battalion of engineers, for the per- 2Q3S ·l“,}g· °· formance of signal-duty; but l`lO officer or enlisted man shall be so de- 335: °'"‘ ’p‘ tailed until he shall have been examined and approved by a military 24 Ju] ,1876,6, board convened by the Secretary of War. 22e,1·. 19% p. Q7. Sec. 1197. Enlisted men detailed for signal—duty shall, when it is b:*¤““l‘;i;,**'i tv deemed necessary, be mounted on horses provided by the government. ”;“i’.EL;__ 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 22, v. 14, p. 335. 24 July, 1876, c. 226, r. 19, p. 97. Sec. 1198. The Bureau of Military Justice shall consist of one Judge- Bureau Qi Mili- Advocate—General, with the rank of brigadier-general, and one assistant *“;;aé‘;’f‘°°· °"’ judge-advocate-general, with the rank of colonel of cavalry. iEa..;__._ 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 12, v. 14, p. 334. 23 June, 1874, c. 458, x. 2, 1-. 18, p. 244. Sec. 1199. The Judge-.-\dy*ocate-Gene1‘al shall receive, revise, a11d cause Djlties of Judgeto be recorded the proceedings of all C011I`tS-Hl&1`1}131, courts of inquiry, Ad‘°"“*°‘G°“““l· and militarv commissions, an perform such other duties as have been 28 July, 1866, gf performed heretofore by the J udge—Advocate-General of the Army. gg?. S. 1*2. v. 14, p. 23 June, 1874, c. 458, s. 2, v. 18, p. 244. Sec. 1200. There shall be eight judge-advocates of the Army, with the Judge·Advccates. rank of major of cavalry. 1, _,,H;';é62 C 201, s. 6, v. 12, p. 598. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 12, v. 14, p. 334. 25 Feb., 1867; c. 79: S, 1, v. 14, p. 410. 10 April, 1869, c. 20, v. 16, p. 44. 23 June, 1874, r·. 458, s. 2, 1-. 18, p. 244. Sec. 1201. J udge-advocates shall perform their duties under the direc- adDuties of judgetion of the J udge-Advocate-General. "°f“t°‘·‘· 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 12, v. 14, p. 334. 6 June, 1874, c. 217, r. 18, p. 60. 23 June, 1874, c. 458, s. 2, v. 18, p. 244. Sec. 1202. Every judgeadvocate of a court-martial shall haye power Witnesses comto issue the like process to compel witnesses to apprear and testifywhmh Peiied *0 ¤*¤·>¤d· courts of criminal jurisdiction within the State. erritory, or _ istriet mg Ly··"·{é6T where such military courts shall be ordered to sit, may jawfully issue. 79 B_25“;_#,2 pig: 23 June, 1874, c. 458, s. 2, v. 18, p. 244. Sec. 1203. The judge-advocate of a military court shall have power Reporter. to appoint a rep0rte1·, who shall record the proceedmgs of,_and testimopy 3 M,,,.__ 1863, ,,_ taken before, such court, and may set clown the same, in the hrst in- 75, s. 28, v. 12, p. stance, in shorthand. The reporter shall, before entering upon his duty, 7333 J 1874 be sworn, or athrmed, faithfu ly to perform the same. 458’8_2‘:Qfi8,p_2g,,;; OF PROMOTIONS, BREVETS, AND CERTIFICATES OF Mmzrr. Sec. 1204. Promotions in the line shall be made through the whole Promotionsgen- Army, in its several lines of artillery, cavalry, and infantry, respectively. {[*1 mi?; Promotions in the stall of the Army shall be made in the several de- 30 1,1,,,_181.,_c_ rtm a · es ctive . 37 s. 12,v. 3, p,1l4. pu cuts nd corps, It pc y 3 Mar., 1851, c. 33, si. 1, v. 9, p. 618.