Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/302

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230 Trrmc xrv.—THE ARMY.-Ch. 5. Article. _ Article. 112. Pardon and mitigation of sentences. 123. Regular and volunteer officers on 113. Proceedings foryvarded to Judge—Ad- 124 Rslanye fpotmgas tf; rank, 6:3. t ml . te-Ge . . n omiiiao cerson uyw 114. entitlfda to a copy. officer of r§ulai; or volunteer forces. 115. Courts of inquiry, how ordered. 125. Deceased 0 cers ,effects. 116. Member? of coubr; of incéuiry. Pd { fs<(;ld1ers effegite. d so ". h r 0 . ec 0 0 cers an l- 11/ Oeduxet of irird$iii·y.m an mw 8 diers to be accounted for._ 118. Witnesses before courts of inquiry. 128. Articles of war to be published once 119. Opinion, when given by. _ in six months to every regiment, 120. Authent;cation of proceedings of &c. mt 0 i uiry. ‘ 121. Pcieoceedingsqof court of inquiry used S€¤¥l°¤· as evidence. 1343. Spies. 122. C0mrrti(and_ when different corps happen 30m. Articles of war- SECTION 1342. The armies of the United States shall be governed by "wfj 1806 c_ the following rules and articles. The word officer, as used therein, shall 20, v. if pi 359., be understood to designate commissioned gflicersz the word soldieg shall v · —""v be understood to include n0n—commissione officers musicians arti `cers, · case . 13I3“3°:k5g4_and privates, and other enlisted men, and the convictionls inientioned r Y therein shall be understood to be convictions by court~martia . [Sees4BR-1 Oiiicers s h all Airricuz 1. Every officer now in the Army of the United States shall ¤:tl>§§;lb° thm within six months from the passing of th? aézt. and eyeiry ogcer heyeaft}; 3 l(‘ .' ' _" 0 a pointed shall before he enters upon the utieso is office su scri Art. of war 1. tdese rules and’articles. d h H d I , d An' 1 to be Ama 2. These rules an articles s a be rea to every en iste man at [*1;* its fe:°@¤- _ the time of, or within six days after, his enlistment, and he shall sherg- Art. of war 10. upon take an oath or affirmation in the followin form: "I, B. 0 so - 29 Jan., 1813, c. emnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true fadth and allegiance to the 16:¤·13,\‘-2·1¤g·796- United States of America; that I will serve them honestly and faithfully 403 ·*i*{'·#_]%°;· “· against all their enemies whomsoever; and that l will obey the orders of 2g;;` ’ " ’ p' thePresident of the United States, and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to the rules and articles of war." This oath may be taken before any commissioned officer of the Army. Ompcm ypgking Airr. 3. Everyofiicerwhoknowingly eulists or musters into the military unlawful enlist- service any minor over the age of sixteen years without the written con- “‘°¤*$- sent of his parents or guardians or any minor under the age of sixteen 5. Min., 1833,. cl years, or any insane or intoxicatbddpersons, or any deserter from the mil- 68.¤·6. \‘-4»P-047- itary or naval service of the Unite States, or any person who has been -53 3;’f·k}8°:§3{· convicted of any infamous criminal offense, shall, upon conviction, be dis- ‘ j,°'J,;f{,_ {{,,4, cj missed from the service, or suffer such other punis ment as a court-mar- 237, s. ai v. 13, p. tial may direct. 380. 3 Mar., 1865, c. 79, s. 18, v. 13, p. 490. 15 May, 1872, c. 182, s. 2, v. 17, p. 117. isc urges. rrr. . 0 en is man, u sworn, s a isc ar rom eservir ii A 4*N Fred diy _ hllhsd b gedt th Ar, 0, ,,.,,f[‘ ice without a discharge in writing, signed by a field-officer of the regiment to which he belongs, or by the commanding officer, when no field—officer is presenlr and no discharge shall be given to an enlisted man before his term of service has expired, except by order of die President, the Secretary oflWar, the connnanding officer of a department, or by sentence of a genera court-martia . Mustering _ per- Ama 5. Any officer who knowingly musters as a soldier a person who

  • 0**** **0* 8****-_ is not a soldier shall be deemed gui ty of knowingly making a false mus-

_;"_ ,.5 wm- 17_ ter and punished accordingly. Taking money ART. 6. Any officer who takes money, or other thing, by way of gratifion musieriug _ cation, on musteringany regiment, troop, battery, or company, or on sign- 'Xm of wm, ]6_ mg muster—rolls, shall be dismissed from theservice, and shall thereby be gisabled to hold any office or employment in the service of the United `tates. R°“‘"“ °f "°€l' ART 7 Fver * ofii · 1 d'td d tt U & l . . 1 y cer co nman mg a regimen an in epen en roo . m°mS· YL_. battery_. or company, or a g'8.l`l‘1SOl'1, shall, in the belgmmng of everymontii, ·*·¤·0f WM 19- transmit through the proper channels, to the epartment of Var, an exact return 0 the same, specifying the names of the officers then absent