Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/827

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rms xm.-THE rosrxi. sauvioa.-ou. 2. 755 Sec. 3866. The salary of letter·carriers shall be iixed by the Postmas- _S¤l¤ri¤·¤ tu certcr-General, and shall not exceed eight hundred dollars per annum; but ""“· __ _ _ on satisfactory evidence of diligence, fidelity, and ex erience, he may 8 June, 1872, c. increase their salary to any sum not exceeding one tliiousand dollars a 335. ¤- 93» V- 17% P- year each; and in San Francisco, California, he may pay such additional 296* salaries to carriers as will secure the services of competent persons. Src. 3867. The Postmaster·General may prescribe a uniform dress to Uniforiniforcarbe worn by lettencarriers, and any person not connected with the letter- *`i*‘¤‘¤¥ Penalty Y0? carrier branch of the postal service who shall wear the uniform which :_;’;_i‘:]°h°'”'z Ed may be prescribed shall, for every such offense, be punishable by a fine _.., -gI . of not more than one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more Il”d·· *'- inthan six months, or both. Sm`. 3868. The Postmaster-General may establish, in places where Receiving-boxes. letter-carriers are employed, and in other places where, in his judgment, j(f,,`§5"" the public convenience requires it, receiving—boxcs for the deposit of "' mail·matter. and shall cause the matter deposited therein to be collected as often as public convenience may require. Sino. 3869. Every person who willfully and maliciously injures, tears Injuring receivdown, or destroys any letter-box, illar-box, or other receptacle estab- i¤g·b0X€¤»P¤¤¤l¢)'- lished by the Postmaster-General fer the safe deposit of matter for the Ibid., s. 96. mail or for delivery, or who willfully and maliciously assaults any lettercarrier. when in uniform, while engaged on his route in the discharge of his duty as a letter-carrier, and every person who willfully aids or assists therein, shall for every such offense be punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars, and not more than one thousand, or by imprisonment for not less than one year and not more than three. Sec. 3870. Every letter—carrier shall give bonds, with sureties, to be _B<>¤·l¤ of ¢=M· approved by the Postmaster-General, for the safe custody and delivery fl°l _ ___ of all mail-matter, and the faithful account and payment of all money Ibid., s. 97. received by him. Sue. 3871. The Postmaster-General, when the public convenience Branch ofliees. requires it, may establish within any post-oflice delivery one or more ` branch omces for the receipt and delivery of mail-matter and the sale of stain s and envelopes; and he shall prescribe the rules and regulations for the government thereof. But no letter shall be sent for delivery to any branch office contrary to the request of the party to whom it 1S addressed. Sicc. 3872. The rate of postage on newspapers, excepting weeklies, Ram (,5 postag,. periodicals not exceeding two ounces in weight, and circulars. when the gn newspapers. same are deposited in a letter-carrier office for delivery by the office or Ibid-. ¤-99. its carriers, shall be uniform at one cent each; but periodicals weighing 45g3 ·{5"’f‘i8187‘*h"· more than two ounces shall be subject to a postage of two cents each, 1;,9];;, {5,; and these rates shall be prepaid by stamps. 179,s.15,·vi19,p.82; 3 Jlar., 1877, c. 103, a. 5, r. 19, p. 335_ Sue. 3873. No extra. postage or carriers’ fees shall be charged or col- Ergtra postage or lected upon any mail-muttcr collected or delivered by carriers. 83m';:,!' fm P¤>· 8 June, 1872, c. 335, s. 100, v. 17, p. 296 Src. 387+. All expenses of letter-carriers. branch offices, and receiv- _Expensesofcaring-boxes, or incident thereto, shall be kept and reported in a separate rags and b”*"°h account, and shall be shown in comparison with the proceeds from post- (L___ . age on local mail-matter at each office, and the Postmaster—General shall Ibid-. ¤- 101- bc guided in the expenditures for this branch of the service by the income derived therefrom.