Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/90

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18 'I‘rrr.r·: rr.-—'I‘HE CONGRESS.——Cr-r. 7—8. tion under inquiry, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor-, punisha ble bv a fine of not more than one thousand dollars nor less than one hundred dollars, and imprisonment in a common ]8Il for not less than one month nor more than twelve months. _ No rivil tore- Sec. 103. No witness is privileged to refuse to testify to any fact, P 88** _ . V f°!°¤¤¤W°*F*¤*¤· or to roduce any paper, respecting which he shall be examined by ln""? ‘1“°““°““; either glouse of Congress, or· y any committee of either House, upon 24 Jan., 1862, c. the ground that his testrrnony to such fact or hrsproductron of such paper 11- V· 12» P- 333- ma r tend to dis race him or otherwise render hmr rnfanrous. [See 1850-] Proceedings §EC. 104. Vllhenever a witness summoned as mentioned in section one ¤$¤1¤¤* wi¢¤¢¤¤é¤ hundred and two fails to testify, and the facts are reported to either f‘“l‘“g_t° °°S“lY· House, the President of the Senate or· the Speaker of the House, as the 24 Jan., 1857, c. case may be, shall certify the fact under the seal of the Senate or_House 19» 6- 3·V-11»P- 156- to the district attorney for the District of Columbia, whose duty rt shall be to bring the matter before the grand jury for their action. CHAPTER EIGHT. CONTESTED ELECTIONS. Sec. Sec. 105. Notice of intention to contest. i 119. Depositions taken by party or agent. 106. Time for answer. 120. Examination of witnesses. 107. Time for taking testimony. 121. Testimony, to whatcontined. 108. Notice of deposition; service. , 122. Testimony, how written out and at- 109. Testimony taken at several places at tested. same time. 123. Production of papers. 110. Who may issue subpoenas. 124. Adjournnrents. 111. What the subpoena shall contain. 125. Notice, dzc., attached to depositions. 112. When justices of the peace may act. 126. Copy of notice and answer to accom· 113. Depositions by consent. pany testimony. 114. Service of sub oena. 127. How testimony to be nent to Clerk of 115. Witnesses need not attend out of the 128 F Houpe; how opened. county. . eeso witnesses. 116. Penalty for failing to attend or testify. 129. Fees of officers. 117. Witnesses outside of district. 130. Expenses of contest. 118. Party notified ma selectanoflicer. Y _Notice of inten- Sec. 105. Whenever any person intends to contest an election of any

  • ‘°¤ *° °°¤*°§f;__ member of the House of epresentatives of the United States, he shal ,

19 Feb., 1851, e. within thirty days after the result of such election shall have been 11.¤-1.v·9.p-568- determined y the officer or board of canvassers authorized by law to determine the same, give notice, in writing. to the member whose seat he designs to contest, of his intention to contest the same, and, in such notice, shall s if articular·l the rounds u n which he relies in the m t PW Y P Y E P0 con s . Timeforanswer. Sec. 106. Any member upon whom the notice mentioned in the pre- `—19`Feb‘j’jgQ_ ceding section may be served shall, within thirty days after the service u,s_g,v_€;,p_52;g_ thereof, answer such notice, admitting or denying the facts alleged ther·ein, and stating specifically anfy other· grounds upon which he rests tpe valid1ty of his election; and s all serve a copy of his answer upon t e contestant. Time for taking Sec. 107. In all contested·election cases the time allowed for taking [°_*§][‘j1Y· testimony shall be ninety days, and the testimony shall be taken in the 1o.13;,_, 1873, c_ following order: The contestant shall take testimony during the first 24,s. 1,v. 17, 40Ei. forty days, the returned mernhcr durinp the succeeding forty days, and Mgf"'*{'é';*;l __V gb} the gontestant may telic testimony in ro ruttal only during the remaining ,._ lg ,,_ 33g,,_‘ten ays of sand perror . ’ The statute of 1875, c. 119, v. 18, p. 338, provides that this section shall be so construed as to require that in all cases of contested election, the testimony shall be taken within ninety days from the day on which the answer of the returned merrrber is served upon the contestant.