Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/941

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'I`rr1.1·: Lr1.—REGULATION OF STEAM-VESSELS.—Ch. 2. 869 ratns or of the hull; and any person sustaining loss or injury through the carelessness, negligence, or willful misconduct of any master, mate, engineer, or pilot, or his neglect or refusal to obey the laws governing the navigation. of such steamers, may sue such master, mate, engineer, or pilot, and recover damages for any such injury caused by any such master, mate, engineer, or pilot. [Sees 5344-] Sec. 4494. Everv master or commander of any steam-vessel carry- Two copies of ing passengers shall keep on board of such vessel at least two copies this Title to be of the jrirovisions of this Title, to be furnished to him by the Secretary k°P* °" wh PW of the reasury; and if the master or commander neglects or refuses to do so, or shall unreasonably refuse to exhibit a copy of the same to Ibid-»¤-50iP-4-76 guy passenger who asks for it, he shall be liable to a penalty of twenty 0 ars. Sec. -1+95. Every steam-vessel of the United States, in addition to Nameefsteameihavin her name painted on her stern, shall have the same conspicuously to be exhibiwdplaced in distinct. plain letters, of not less than six inches in length, on each outer side of the pilot-house, if it has such, and in case the vessel has side—wheels, also on the outerside of each wheel-house; and if any such steamboat be found without having her name placed as re uired, she shall be subject to the same penalty and forfeiture as rovilied by law in the case of a vessel of the United States found without having her name, and the name of the port to which she belongs, painted on her stern. Sec. 4496. All collectors, or other chief officers of the customs, and Duties of cue. all inspectors within the several districts, shall enforce the provisions of toms officers. this Title against all steamers arriving and departing. Sec. 4.-197. Every collector, or other chief officer of the customs, or Penaltytciemisi inspector, who negligently or intentionally omits any duty under the sion of duty by preceding section., shall be liable to removal from office, and to a pen- °“¤t°m¤ MHC"- alty of one hundred dollars for each offense, to be sued for in an action Ibid. of debt. Sec. 4498. No license, register, or enrollment shall be granted, nor Registry,cm·ollany other papers be issued, by any collector or other chief officer of the ¤*6¤*» efc-i d€¤l€d customs, to any vessel propelled in whole or in part by steam, until he °‘f",'; shall have satisfactory evidence that all the prov1sions of this Title have g been fully complied with. Sec. 4-99. If any vessel propelled in whole or in part by steam be Penalty for tailnavigated without complying with the terms of this Title, the owner “'°*°°°“‘PlX; ___ shall be liable to the United States in a ppnalty of five hundred dollars Ibid. for each offense, one-half for the use of the informer, for which sum the vessel so navigated shall be liable, and may be seized_ and proceeded against by wav of libel in any district court of the United States having jurisdiction of the offense. Sec. 4500. The penalty for the violation of any provision of thiscTitle, Penalty in cases not otherwise specially provided for, shall be a line of five hundred **0* P'°Vld°d f°l'· dollars, recoverable one-half for the use of the informer. Ibid.,s.6s,p.45s.