Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/181

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] 76 INDEX. Pago. _ Page. zcgmcm 4me: cccumica. L*¤Mli¢¢~—¤¤¤§·¤¤¤¤· legislative poweggxteut of 49 5 board of public works not to contract, on acts oi) subject to repeal or modilicatmn ‘ aeeountdof Unitpd Srttaltes. .i;.&s 3 by Congress .. . .. .. .. 50 8 of genera,. an specia pa ers, (:;-5::- not to grant extra compensation . ..51 0 MN gn).; -·-- · ··--- ; - ---- , 60-61 not to authorize payment of unauthorized of stockhol ers in corporations, (see Incorclaims or agreements, the 52 6 _ p¤N¢W¤, GGWNI-) not to assume or pay liabilities of any oor- L•]•¢l, _ _ _ poration or individual . .. 53 6 , in prosecutious_for,t.ruth may be given rn not to pw special laws in certain cuses.§4 6 ¤ _ justification .. - ... . . 842 OI not to extinguish indebtedness to Dis-Ltbrary, _ _ mcg ____ ____ _______,____ __, _,_., 55- 6 I of professional man or artist, exempt from not to&estoblish any bank of circnlativgg ¤¤¤Z¤¤0» when -·----·----·- - --·- 797. 9435 6 -·----·---·· - -·--····· ·· ··-· - 6 Licensed Hackanes, , ¤¤f *0 P¤¤¤ ¤¤ DMU fl<=¤> lawn &4= ·----- 57 W ’ police supcrvisiozznd inspection oh 404-407,47,48 not to abrid right of suffrage 58 6 Maud I·,em“"“_0-vm KW". t° m°i"mi°%:°° °°h°°]° ‘°°‘'‘'‘‘‘’'‘ 59 6 ‘ liossu rvisiou and inspection of 404-407,47 l8 to provide for maintenance of paupers"60 6P° P°’ my ·;·,;·;*"¤ r····=·*¤· ··* ¤···”¤*·’ ****5; ",€i*:‘ ‘I.“,I‘;¥'$”°?°.C‘·.§§°s· we .. of me M _ _____ __ __________ _ ____ _ _____ G ies nsoa us in , , AS may provide for appointment of justices of Lienncd Vndory, _ the pence an notaries public 02 7 polioesuperusion andmqrectionot}404-407,47,lS may impose additional duties on eertain License, Marriage, omoers .. .. .. -- . - 63 7 how and by whom issued . . .- .718,7l9 Q6 may provide for election or appointment of form of . . . ... 720 86 ministerial odleers, &.o ... 64 7 record of ... .. 721 OC may create corporations by general law-65 7 fee of clerk for .. . . . .. 9*22 108 may divide port of district into townships, Hmm, dw .. . ... .. .66 7 for ssle of intoxicating drinks, police spmay appropriate money for repair of roads, proval of. .. r . .. 435 61 bndges, &c .. . .. 67 7 to be orfeited for selling, &.o.,bosoldiers, may levy special taxes in Washington, 1183 187 Georgetown, and county, for pay- Lion, ment obrespeetive debts . 68 7 payment of taxes by tenant to be, when, to provide for expenses of District govern· 183 $1 ment ... . . . . . .110 18 given in fraud of partnership creditors, to restrictions on expenditures by, of moneys be void .. . . 510 6] aplpropriated by_Congre•s ... lll 13 certain railroad oompanies not to give, to provide for publication of laws auth•n¤- without vote of stoekolders 554, 67,68 mg debt, &c ... 120 13 landlord to have tacit, upon chattels of District government not to borrow money, tenant for mnt grr-eu ,. . 678 Q1 Goo., except by authority of .. 124 14 how may be enforced .- 679, BLS? to levy taxfor sinking-hind bonds, &,c.1$ 14 on real estate of infant sold by order of to have control over public roads and mart, retgiuqi ,, ,,.,,,,,,,, .,.,966 lll bridges . ... 247 ID proceedings to enforce, to be by bill in to prescribe method of description for real equity .. . . . . ... 808 ao _ Hilfe $|’N|If¢N -------··--·----- 439 Cl efeot of decree enforcing . 808 96 Legltsmacy, _ in suits for enforcement oi publication chddre: ofcmrtaga ccggrcd persons uy;. 7 may be substituted an pcmuan acr- _ eem eg: ma ... : .. 8 vice, when .. . .. 787 98 of children, vyhen second marriage of pa- creditor to have, on judgment of justice of rents dissolved in oertaiu cases-. 42 SS the peace, when ... 1M 119 when marriage of parents dissolved on meeb•nies,&c., to have, for work or mateaoeonut of lunacy .. . ... 743 S8 rials furnished .. 92 83 not afeoted in divorce for other mm claimlnntt to lilo notice of iutentionagg 88 o .. . . . . . S8 questions vt) bow to be tried .. 744 88 lest, if notice not men .. 094 sa Levy, _ . record of notice of, by clerk of supreme on gxgcutiomwhat pmpqrty5;gmpti’Qr!¢;7m§4 court _,? _,,,,, , ,, ,.,, , _,_,_____ Q3 , ,96 expiration o . .. ‘ 88 Levy Court, _ _ · complaint of plaintiff to state wliat-697, SLSI what laws and ordinances of, continued 9 · stumunrns, hook served ... 608 84 oroe . . .. ui e in sol , urchaser ma mu o powers cf, continued for- defendant 84 °°“°°¤°¤ of m0¤°Y¤- -··· ---· -·-· ·- --5 I0 proceedings on action to enforce . 700 S4 ¤¤f<>¤>¤¤¤<=¤¢ of contracts -. .. .-..95 10 precedence .. .. . 701 sa colleotion of unpaid taxes. . . . 95 10 payment pro rata when proceeds insutllguitg for (yr against, nut gbated by act of cient __,_ , ______ ,,,_ __;, , ,_ ____10B M February 21, 1871 ._ ..95 10 other property of defendant may be wld upvi;>|ker:cfo:'_wuty vested in the District.96 10to satisfy .. . . . . . . . .702 84 n amen 0, on buildin outside of ashin n and suppression of, polic_e authority for 402 47 Georgetown, to attxh to rmt snrpresecution for participating in . . .403 47 rounding land. . .,.. . . . .703 84 Liabilities, if in Washington or Georgetown 704 S4 of corporations or individuals, not to be difureut persons having, on same building, gggumgd |_;ytheDIg(ricQ___,,____,53 6 m;;yuni|;g______________________705 sf