Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/182

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INDEX. 177 LicM5C0ntinncd. Pago. Lmacy, hm actions to enforce, by diiferent claimants, at time of marriu e, ground of divorce.738 88 _ may be consolidated .. . . 706 84 legitimacy of chilzdreu when marriage diselmmant to enter satisfaction ot} when.707 84 z solved on account of .. . . 743 SS penalty for neglect to make entry.. .707 84 { Lunatic, re ease of property from, on bond .. 708 84. 4 committee of, appointed out of District, sub-coutrgctor, Journeyman, or 1aborer’smay institute suits . .. . . 951 1 12 Iwhce of claim, effect of 709, 84,85 may collect and receive moneys .. 952 1 12 recovery may be a sevoif .. .. 710 85 may release and convey real estate, &c., on personal property for work done 711 85 952 1 12 persons heviug, may retain property.711 Q5 Q to file certificate of bond .. .. 953 112 1f possession of property passes, lien to ‘ ees0e_ .. -...: . .- 711 S5 · M. moddication by specxal agreement. ..712 S5 Llagiatratea, Lieulenunte of Police, = warrants of arrest, how executed . 395 46 0B0e of, established .. . . . . 340 41 committing witnesses for appearance, duty appointment and tenure of oBice of 341 4], of .. . . . . 401 47 salnry of. . . . . .. . . 366 48 Maiden Name, _ l¤¤1!¤¤¤¤‘¤ of. to duty ------ . · 374 44 may be restored to wife in case of divorce, authority 0L to prevent felonies ... 398 46 748 88 Lighting etreda, ¢|‘·c., _ , Mails of United Slam, . yhen to be kept lnghted .. . .232 27 certain railroad companies to convey. . .666 80 increase in numlner ot lamps, &c .. .233 97 rates for transportation of, how fixed. .666 80 tax for, how levied and co ected .. 234 S7 Major of Poliee, (fee Metropolis: {alice.) D•l•¢d•0l`' . recesses po ice court to irected to, of suits against stockholders in certain cor- P in vsnet cases .. .. . . 1065 123 poratxous organnzed under general Makers, Joint, aw. . ... . . 575, 69,70 of money obligations, one action may be of actions to enforce building liens 696 88 sustained against any or all . 827 98 of suits for recovery of usurious inte? 5 Malfoioua Destruction, & h $30 est . . . . 7 B 0 notes securities, c. w ere value " or of suits on bond of warden of nitenti- upward, unisluneut for.. .,... 1159 138 ry P8 1118 l where v 1 e of property 1 than $3£' a .. . BS a n css > Limitation, Contingent, punishment for . . • . 11711 135 to issue of tenant for life, real estate sub- Malicious Proseculioon, ject to, may be sold, when ..969 118 actions for, not triable by justices of the Limited ggtnmhip, (see Partner•hips,_ lgn- 9 M al [TBUS .L . . . .. . ... 997 117 ' . . 1 , 5 -61 an aug ter Limits, Iterritorial, punishment ot, for first offense .. .1150 182 L of the District, what constitutes the. 2 2 M E? second olfense .. . . ..1150 132 i u a, ‘ an ac aries, gal? qq without license, &e., unhwfnl.435 51 l police inspection of .. . ... 382 44,45 employes of penitentiary furnishing, to complaints against_ . .. 383 45 convicts, penalty for .. - ..--1140 180 l warrant on complaint ...-.-...-.. . -.-. 384 45 penalties for selling or wgivmg, to arrest of plerson in charge, when .: ...- 384 45 soldiers ...- ;.. ..-.. ..1 1-1183, 138,187 y summary eering of cose, proceeding|.38o 45 List aftlurora, Manufaclnring Corporation, (see Incorporaappointment of odlcers to make ... 851 101 . hon, Gegeml.) names on, how selected ..-... . 852 101 may be organized under general law. ..553 67 penalty for putting on names by re- ; Market C'o1nfpamc•,(seoIncorporat•an, General,) L qucst-..2...§c;éE..3. ..--. .-..870 102 · Mmsybe ormed under generallnw. 553 67 't societies seeie: gu. inning! be incorporated nnder general { evidence of, how preserved -... .-..718-72} 6 law ...-...- .. .. 545 60any minister may be licensed to celebrate; Loan, (see Interest 2 _ _ 71 86 nig of intgregt gl qygd on , ,,,,, ,,,,,,713 85 by whom gggued ,,., ., , ,,, ,3;% 88 Latter1a' , ormo 1 use ,.,.,. . ,,..-. .-. S6 suppression ntf, police n¤tb$31'or 402 47 record of holiynkept ? .. .. .i: . . ggé L.,’2I3,‘;°L‘.2?2§.‘Z ’°"°“°°"’~‘ "“ ‘‘‘‘ "‘°“ ‘" L":.;?';?; FJSAt3“»5§*.,3{3;;’c°"t::::::::723 ge board of police to enforce laws regardigng 40 marriage relation betwefn certain colpéed 7 rsons recognize _ ,§8-8 Lo¢lcry·1'ic1:cta, chilwmau of such persons deemed leggg 87 sale <>£ unlawful ..-· , -·----- -- -···-- 1174 185 msté ··-·-- ---· ·-··-- · -·-·· · ··-;md keeping place of business for sale of, uu- when children of the wonisn, reeogn1726 S7 lawfnl .. . . 1174 135 , bg the man, deemed eg1t1mnte..922 108 penalty for selling, &.c .. . 1124 135 clerk s ee for marriage license . contract of sale for, void .. 11»5 135 Married Woman, _ _ _ _ money paid for, how recovered .1175 135 · party to a. deed to be pnvnly exnnxiined.?0 58 ”"“* "€° S}"v$”£Ia%m... records of where °°'““‘}?.?..°£ff€‘f???Y .‘i‘T’?T"‘i‘fTK sa m cl iejpt ... Z.. 1.-.472 57 validity and effect of nlmde M "*°1’"’¤*,.,,,·,,,,‘°°°n"°"“· ”°"· “"‘ ‘""""""'°" ¥f,§’§€.'}’J8'i,'}L”pZPt§“£i1¤.é% St time of Lmn•·• 8 custody, record, and disposal of ..4094%,48,49 f riage, absolute .. ._ .. 427 7 Lauiaiana Avenue,to property acqmred duung mnrrmgo, 9 not to be parked ... . . 225 26 727 7 1: s u-12