Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/203

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198 INDEX. Pogo. Page. Tan:ea—Coutinued. Rm of Ojoa, moneys levied or collected from the people of trustees of colored schools .. 295 85 ns, not to be diverted from legiti- of police commissioners, &o . .: 322 39 mate uses . . 116 I 8 of officers of police force . . 311 4] how in be kept . , . .. 117 18 of Justices of supreme court .,., ,,,. .. .7aO 90 transfer of funds prohibited . 117 13 l of marshal for the District . 910 106 penalty for violation of provisions,. .118 18 1 of Justices of the pence . ...994 117 Mw lcvying, for payment of interest. to be g of Judge of Felipe court - ..-.. 1042 129 submitted to people, when .. 123 14 i of warden 0 3:1.11...: .. ..:. . .. 1082 126 for sinking-fund, annual levy of . 130, 14, 15 I of warden the penitentiary . 1103 127 how m be collected . 131 15 — Tenn of Pvlwv GMM. limit to amount of, for genem1puToses, in l when to be held . ... . . 1044 129 any one year .. . ... 31, 149,15, 17 Terms of Supreme Court, _ _ _ limit to amount of, in Washington, for L general and special terms of circuit, dismiscellaneous purposes . . 142 16 trrct, and GTIIDIIJBI-00D1'tI to be..753 90 property sold by United States, when Iiahle; 16 general term, any three justices may hog 90 to ,, .,.. .. . . restriction ot} on property outside of Wash- periods of holding, how regulated 755 90 ington and Georgetown . 145 10 number of, to be eld annually ..756 90 iu Georgetown .. . ... 146 16 rules of court to be adopted at ... 770 OI in Washington . , . .. . 146 l6 decrees, &¤., appealed from speci;1 terms, church and school property exempt from, · to be reviewed of ·--·..--...-. ..772 09 147, 16, l 7 j appeals from Commissioner of Patents to what cemeteries to pay ... 148 17 l be heard at .. . .. 780 93 for special improvements, levy of .. 150 17 { nomennmented motions, &,c., may be new to be assessed and collected- 151 17 ¤ first heard at, when . 800 05 delinquent, collection of- l commencement of term, not to affect jug; in Washington .. . . 153-176, 18-20 s trial in progress .. - .. 96 in Georgetown . ... 177-183, 20,9l l special terms, any one justice may bold, in the county .. . 184-189 21 754 90 water—t.a§ in Yashingwn, how levifggapg 2 ‘ periods ofhol;_1iug,how regulated.. ..722 3: co ecte .. . 8 assignment o justices to. . . . 7 fare-plug tax, levy of .. 205-208 B4 as s district court of the United States, water-tax in Georgetown, how may be when to be holdeu . . 758 90 levied and collected . 209-*213 S4 as the criminal court, when and how for lighting street-lamps, levy and colleo-holden . .., 759, 763, 90,9l, tion of ... . . 233, 234 27 motions and suits to be first heard nt, for support of public schools, how assessed - 800 95 sud collected . 284, 312, 83, 36 for orphans' court business, how held, for proportional maintenance of metropoli- | 930 108 tan police to be levied . . 368 43 1bn·itm·£a1 Area, to be specially deposited each week..368 48 of the District, dstiugd ,.._.,.,., , ,.,,,_, 1 2 restriction upon appropriation of fund, Testator, 368 43 may prohibit sale of infant’s real estate, assessment of, on account of new jail, 963 113 1097-1099, 124-126 Testa, arms and equipments of officers, &,c., of mi- of writs aud process issued out of supreme htis, exempt from . 1286 148 court . .. . . .. 781 93 Tam-Lien, of process out of police court in certain tenant to hgvg,when__,,.,.,,,, .,,,-,183 2], cases. .,,,, ..,.,. ,.., ,.1067 [Q3 Tam-Qitiea, Ibatisnony, (see Evidence ; Winona,) Tczzlidity of . .. . . 165, 181, 19, 20 partieswsnd interested persons competesng I 0, g 've .. . . . 03 for county schools, selection, kc., of. .22;*9,8 _ who not sgalmpetfntlto give . . -.2;; 10; , 283 w ono com a eto 've .. 10 for colored schools in Washington and ’ l communicatiggs betweenghusband and wife Gieorgetown, how provided .. 310 36 not diselosable .. . ..877 103 T¢k9V‘¢lphw Apparatue, . in case of false pretense, gaming, and duel- Police, ownership, and use of .. 436 51 in , parties required to give .878 103 Tenancy at Will, (see Landlord and Tenant,) nottoie need against such parties givcreuted, only by express contract _,_,,_, 680 Q2 ing .,._.,_,,_, ,, , ,..,.,,,,,.,,.. 87 8 103

 {or iggean 0 ~ may be taken on commission  crimim:4 1 5

lm S VST-gg5g__________________ .893 , Q real estate of, may be sold, when 969 118 ‘ in proof of wills, may be taken on conirsisapplication for sale ot] how made ,.,. 970 l sign _ _____ __ _, ______ __ ____ $4.595 105 w omu paraes osao .. orcount sc oo how ri 279 82 .. M. .- . . 'é?.°·}}1c"€“"°°"‘· .. evidence in proceedings to sell, 1137w l Thanksgiving Day, by Pm" bod en . . . 2 114 recommended b the President declared a proceeds of sale to be deemed real cstaézcé 114 \ nd public holiday .. Z. .. 993 116 cl TWWKBEHWMQ. | to land condemned for schoobsites, how police inspection of. . . . ... 382, 44,45 vested ... . . 287, 291 84 complaints against: .. . ... . . .. .383 45 ‘ 1W1e-Bond, warrant on complaint . 384 45 for loud, how proved and recorded 449 63 arrest of gersons in charge, when Z . 384 45 Iitla, Taz, summary caring of case,proceedings-.385 45 validity of ... . .. . .. 165. 181, 10, 90, 21