Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/67

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62 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN. GENERAL INCORPORATION. Egg, BOD. f 9. reation of cc orations b neral 566. Annual re rto company. 51 C law. rp y ge 567. Liablilhty Idfrttrustees for failure to m e repo msrrrurroxs or LEARNING. 568. Penalty for making false certificate. 569. Fungs not to be invested in stocks of 520. How ma be incc orated. other companies. _ 521. Corporatg powprslp 570. tostoek.ho1dersprchib1ted;1ia- 522. A uirementc roperty. 1 1 y. 523. Tgilure of properlty. 571. Liability for unlawful dividends. 524. Funds, how to be applied. 572. Trustees filing objections relieved. 525. Bequests, &.c.,how to be applied. 573. When indebtedness exceeds capital 526. Limit to the amount of lan corpora- stock · liability. tion may hold. ‘ 574. Personal liability for debts. 527. Land reverts to original donor, when. 575. Limitation. 528. Appointment of officers, &c. { 576. Executors, &c., not personally liable. 529. May require treasurer to give bond. ; 577. Representation of stock by executors, 530. Annual statement. &c. 531. Process against corporation. 578. Stock held as collateral. 532. Prosecutions for forfeiture. 579. Stock·book to be kept. ~ 580. To be open to inspection. numerous socmrms. g 581. Transfers not valid unless recorded. 582. Stock-book to be presumptive evi- 533. Limit to ownership cf,1andAence. 534. Corporate name; trustees. 583. Penalty for neglect of cheers.

 Certificate of trusteeship. · 584. Additional penalty of compagyh

536. Rules anfregulations. 585; Companies may increase or inislr 537. Successors. { capital stock, how. 538. Failure to choose trustees. · 586. When not to be diminished. 539. Corporate powers. l 587. Reorganization of existing compa- 540. Title to real estate. { nies. . 541. Uses and conveyances of property. 588. Meeting of stockholders. 542. Mortgages and deeds of trust. { 589. Organization of meeting. 543. Reversion of property, when. { 590. Proceedings. 544. Private schools for religious pur- { 591. When change shall be deemed made. poses. { 592. What vote sumcient. { 593. Certified copy of certiiicato to be evisccm·rrIs,nnNxv0Lrr¤’1•,:nnUcArr0NAL,ac. dence. 545. Soe1eties,how formed. { cmnrrrmr sssocrurons. 546. Corporate powers. I 547. Election ofodieers; by-laws. 594. Formation of association; corporate 548. Reorganization of existing societies. powers. 549. Sale of real estate. 595. May acquire land, how. 550. Surrender of corporate powers. 596. Survey, plat, and record. 551. Limit of time for holding real estate. 597. General powers of association. 552. Not to use name previously adopted. 598. Proceeds of sale of lots. 599. Omcers, now chosen. wmuncrunmo, aonrcurrunrr, mimic, 600. First election. uncrrmrcar., msunnzcu, mnncamua, 601. Subsequent elections, who may vote. '.l'RANSPOR'l`A'1'ION,MARKET,ANDSAVINGB- 602. By·law . mm: conronnrorws. 603. Exemptions. _ 604. Dedication of land for burial·ground. 553. Companies, how formed. 554. Corporate powers. nomns or rrunn. 555. Trustees. 556. Mode of election. 605. Bca¤l,how formed. 557. Non-election of trustees not to dis- 606. Corporate powers. solve company. 607. May hold real estate; limit. 558. Odlcers. 608. Board of directors. 559. By-laws. 609. Election of odlcers. 560. Forferture for non·payment of assess- 610. Tenure of office. ments. 611. Rules and regulations. 561. Stock to be personal estate; trans- 612. Fines. _fers._ 613. Arbitration. 562. Liability of stockholders. 614. Award. 563. Certificate of payment of capital 615. Submission bond not required; notice. stock. 616. Power of committee of reference to 564. When capital must be paid in in issue subpoenas. _fu1l. 617. Restrictions upon carrying on busi- 565. Nothing but money to be payment of ness. capital stock.