Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2b.djvu/128

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]26 POST-ROADS. From Winthrop, by Wayne, East Livermore, North Livermore, Canton, Dixtield, Mexico, and East R.umford, to Bryant’s Pond._ From Winthrop, by Wayne, North Leeds, North Turner Bridge, North Turner, South Stratford, Bucklield, West Bnckileld, and Paris, to South Paris. WFrom Vgiiater Hgrbor, by Birch Harbor, and Prospect Harbor, to est Go s oroug . GFrbm Wiscassett, by Alna, Whitfield, East Pittston, and Pittston, to are mer. From Wiscasset, ley Dresldegédills, and]D({esden,bto}ltiIothim]¢;nd,hb <rom Wiscasset, y ort gecom , gecom o oo ay and Boothbay, to Hodgson’s Mills. ’ ’ NFremcZVood1:11an’s Station, by New Gloucester, West Gloucester, and ort ymon . From Yarmouth, by North Yarmouth, East North Yarmouth, Poland, West Durham, Durham, Lisbon, Webster, and Wales, to Monmouth. 3 Aug" 1854, ,1, From Aberdeen, by Churchville, to Trap. 230, v. 10, pp. 404. From Accident to Davis’ Mill.

  • 0;-mmb 1855 c I Igom Addison, in Pennsylvania, by Selbysport, and Accident, to Oak—

’ ’an . grid].," 10’ Pp' 705’ From Allen’s Fresh to Tompkinsville. 18 Aug., 1856, c. From Annapolis to Broad Creek. 16% £,;;,]Pig52?· c From Annapolis, by Church, Saint Margaret’s, Waterford, and Patap- 10g_ v_ ,,_,;_ 23,] ’ ‘sco Meeting House, to Baltimore. 14 ,1111;,1, 1ass,¤, From Annapolis, by Millersville, Grownsville, and Patuxent,to Annap- 16*2, v. 11, p. 350. olis Junction.

 {QL °· From Baltimore, by Avalon, Ilchister Mills, Ellicott’s Mills, Alberton,

2 ,,,,,6, ,862, c_ Woodetock, Mariaottsville, Sykesvtille, H;od’s Mills, lYO(£lbllll‘, Mount 95, v. 12, p.415. ary onrovna gamsvi e ams wn, oint o oc s arry Wevor- "}4vJgyb1€g1 ¤- toe, lfe_ep'16ryst; Hafperg Ferry, in West Virginia, Dndleld’s, kerneys- ,; -nu»' · f _ V1 e, an eversvi lo artinsburg Sir John’s Run North Mountain, ,7;-*,,),,‘¥,3:’,,_l,Bg ° Sleepy Creek Br1dge,_Alp1ne Dep0t,’H¤¤¤¤¤k,,oaca§¤n Depot, Orleans, 3 Maron, 1865, e. Pawpaw, in West Virginia, Cacaponsville, Forks of Potomac Green· 10:é\5E§p.1z?é c eplringdkun, Oldtown, and Patterson’s Depot, in West Virginia,’to Cum- _ » · · r an . 20Sj;,v_j,=]l;,f’]§?,; ,,_ From Baltimore to Brooklyn. 267, v, 14, p. 282. From Baltimore, by Denton, and Easton, to Cambridge. 192 March, {867, c- From Baltimore, by Govanstown, to Towsontown.

 c. From Baltimore, by Harrisonville, North Branch, Freedom, Porter’s,

35,,,_,_1,,,,_f,8_Frankl1uv1lle,_ Winfield, Sam’s Creek, McInstry’s Mills, and Union ¤1%‘\>’¥é’;. ‘f’§€· °· "’l%%`2.a l‘£.ll?l?““‘l."‘ H 1. 1 1~-1. ll 0 1 _. . . - · _ ore y oo s own 1 esvi e wing s Mills, Rei ter- ,3*;* 1:“{§l‘·p{E6g;,g· town, Fmksburg, Carrollton, Weslgminster, Littlestown, in Pe11nsylva· 3303 ’ ’ nm, Two Taverns, Gettysburg, Cashtown, Graefenburgln, and Fayelcte- 5 M¤m11, 1810, c. ville, to Chambersburg.

2gy.J1%§».@ cl Fal
i1gotr:lBt1:lu311%1{>1Ae,rby Lauraville, Cub Hill, Fork Meeting House, and

w2,§vj·,,,,j,pj,,g,',,_ From Baltimore te Mgaumeet House. 1, v. 1 ,11. as. irom a imore y ssvi e Harewood Ma n li P m s ill mg4v}4{¤, ¤- gla;¥?6SC;ess-R§:<:5i€ Egaviielkde ,Gr§ce, PlerryvidI<?0Pli·, incipig Filirdueg: 15 _;,,,,’, ,872, _ D, a_ _ 011 ewar in elaware, Christiana, ,,27, v_ 1y?,,,, 3,,:,, Staunton, Newport, W1lmington,,Claymont: Marcus Hook, i11 Pennsyl- 386. vama, Chester, and Leipersville, to Philadelphia.

 °‘ t1.l."L1"£.J2."._?.§‘"£.‘;€.°:..‘?lF31F.£;)‘i£‘.£lS* *ll"""g£’1§*"£1"‘"%,·    

L . 1 , svn e, aut la ons urg, to ashington, in District of Columbia. Eliirom Baltimore, by Woodbury, Wasliingtonvillo, Brooklandvillv, Sh engew.111, Cockeysville, Waterman’s Mills, Philopolis, Munkton Mills, rews iury, Parkton, White Hall, Freeland, New Freedom, Glen ltock,