Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/231

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224 PUBLIC TREATIES. ARTICLE XV. Favors granted If any other nation acquires by virtue of any co11vention whatever a

  • ,f3°“‘°" “‘*°‘°”“ “’ treatment more favourable with respect to the consular preeminences,

°°'"° °°"""°°' powers, authority, and privileges, the Consuls and V1ce—Consuls of the Most Christian King, or of the United_States, recxproeally shalI_part1e1- [See Articles II, pate therein, agreeable to the terms stipulated by the second, third, and m·2'“l IV- ”`°“*Y fourth articles of thetreaty of amity and commerce concluded between °‘" ‘*""·P·2°‘·] the Most Christian King suc the United scams. ARTICLE XVI. Duration of can- The present convention shall be in full force during the term of twelve V¤¤¤l<}¤· _ years, to be counted from the day of the exchange of ratitications, R·¤*¤6°=m°“¤· which shall be given in proper form, and exchanged on both sides within the space of one year or sooner if possible. Signatures. In faith whereof, we, Ministers Plenipotentiary, have signed the present convention, and have thereto set the seal of our arms. DME- Done at Versailles the 14th of November, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight. L. C. DE MONTMORIN. [L. s.] TH: JEFFERSON. [L. s.] FRANCE, 1800. Sept. 30, 1800. CONVENTION OF PEACE, COMMERCE, AND NAVIGATION, WITH FRANCE,


SENATE, WITH AMENDMENTS, FEBRUARY :1, 1801; RATIFIED BY PRESI- DENT FEBRUARY 18, 1801 ; RATIFIED BY FIRST CONSUL OF FRANCE, WITH ii1‘it5£?sN‘%tE¥£‘駧§§t°§Y °r?£§l".'§`t‘£’§ tl? 5é1§l°“f€.t§€F,Jil` °'"lt“ CHANGED AT PARIS JULY 31, 18012 SENATETRESCLVED, DECEBQEIER 1801, THAT IT CONSIDERED THE CONVENTION AS FULLY RATIFIED, AND THAT, AS RATIFIED BY THE FIRST CONSUL OF FRANCE, IT BE RETURNED Tg1'}‘:3IlERPg§ES8I(I;ENT FOB THE USUAL PROMULGATION; PROCLAIMED DE- mghhhs ]convention expired by limitation eight years after date of exchange of rutih Convention between the French Republic and the United States of America. Contraetingpar- The_Premier Consul of the French Republic in the name of the people

  • l•¤· of France, andthe President of the United States of America, equally

desirous to terminate the differences which have arisen between the two States, have respectively appointed their Plenipotentiaries, and given _ them full power to treat upon those ditlerences, and to terminate the Ncgotmwrs- same; that IS to say, the Premier Consul of the French Republic, in the uhm; of peoiile of France, has appointed for the Plenipotentiaf,1.°i9.1m.. §.?3‘¤‘3,‘;E¤K{·’ 3}*‘§€.1i"°"5i;'°‘i°”'i·**°"“*éi"°’ §°"“"‘“§‘“°' C ‘ u1' 0 ·. ber of the National Institute and, of the lgoardlsf L?m;Fitudelrd(fuFrai1‘;‘e and Counsellor of State, President of the Section of Marine; and Pierre grim: g;<1§d;::r,é\;[c;I1(hertoffthlc gatipnal Ipsgtute of France and Coun- .1eno ee' °tI `• Z dent of the Uilited States of Amer;:!hy) auclcwitthughz senh_of_ the Scnate of the said States, has appointed ior their Plenipo—

1 igiichaggycrlhimwofgh, ghnef J ust1;ect' gre United States; Will-

_ _ 2 . e overno. r r 'n · and William Vans Murray, _Minister P(esideiit¢:f?tt(i1e)fU}iI1(ite;3 hhc Hhigue; whoaatter having exchanged their full powers, and after the :1510 mgguhctgchsiussion of the respective interests, have agreed ou