Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/51

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44 PUBLIC TREATIES. ARTICLE IV. Rcwnticn O; ac. I Whenever any person accused of any of the crimes enumerated in euscd person to this convention shall have committed a new crime In the territories of the °”P“’°' f°' l°°"' State where he has sought an asylum or shall be found, such person shall °H°"°°°‘ not be delivered up under the stipulations of this convention until he shall have been tried and shall have received the punishment due to such new crime, or shall have been acquitted thereof. Anrronn V. Duration or con- The present convention shall continue in force until the first of J anvcntion- nary, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight; and if neither party shall have given to the other six months’ previous notice of its intention then to terminate the same, it shall further remain in force until the end [See Article III, of twelve months after either of the high contracting parties shall have treaty of 1808, p. given notice to the other of such intention; each of the high contracting

  • 5-l parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice to the other

at any time after the expiration of the said first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight. ARTICLE VI. Ratitications. The present convention shall he ratified by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States, and by the Government of Bavaria, and the ratifications shall be exchanged in London within tiiteen months from the date hereof, or sooner if possible. Signatums. In faith whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this convention and have hereunto affixed their seals. Date. Done in duplicate, in London, the twelfth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and the seventy-eighth year of the independence of the United States. {L. s.] JAMES BUCHANAN. L. S.] AUG. DE CETTO. BAVARIA, 1868.


THE KING OF BAVARIA RELATIVE T0 NATURALIZATION, CONULUDED AT MUNICH MAY 26, Ises; RATIFIOATIUN ADVISED BY SENATE JUNE 29, 1868; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT JULY 17, 1868; RATIFICATIONS EL CHANGED AT MUNICH SEPTEMBER 18, 1868; PROCLAIMED OCTOBER 8, 1808. 00,,,,,,6,;,,,, p,,,, His Majesty the King of Bavaria and the President of the United ties. States of America, led by the wish to regulate the cititizenship of those persons who emigrate from Bavaria to the United States of America, and from the United States of America to the territory of the Kingdom of Bavaria, have resolved to treat on this subject, and have, for that purpose, appointed Plenipotentiaries to conclude a. convention, that is o say · Negotmnm His lvlajesty the _Kiug of Bavaria, Dr. Otto, Baron of Volderndoril Councillor of Ministry ; and the President of the United States of America, George Bancroft, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary; Who have agreed to and signed the following articles: Anrrxonn I. w,,,,,,,],, de,,,,,_ _Cit·1zens of Bavaria who have become, or shall become, naturalized ed naturalized cit. citizens of the United States of America, and shall have resided unin- Ivilgto protocol terruptedlyjvithin the United States five years, shall be held by Bavaria ,6, » P· to he American citizens, and shall be treated as such.