Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/551

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544 PUBLIC TREATIES. Aarrcrs VI. Duration or The present treaty shall be in force for the term of ten years, com-

  • ’°°°5'· inencing six weeks after the exchange of the ratifzications; and further

until the end of twelve months after either of the contracting parties shall have given to the other notice of its intention to terminate the same: eacg of the coniiiactmlg pagties Siserving go itsglfttthe rrglzit of giving suc notice to e o. er a ter · e cxpira .1on o e said erm o en years. And it is hereby,mutually agreed that in case of such notice this treaty, and all the provisions thereof, shall, at the end of the said twelve months, altogether cease and determine. Anrrouz VII. Rmncmons, The present treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications shall be exchanged at Washington, within six months of its date, or sooner if practicable. Signatures. In witness whereof, the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms. Dum- Done in duplicate at the city of Washington, this nineteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. JOHN FORSYTH. [L. s.] ADR. MARTINI. ]L. S.] NETHERLANDS, 1852. Aug. 26, 1852. SUPPLEMENTAL COMMERCIAL CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNITED ——~i—- STATES OF AMERICA AND HIS MAJESTY THE KING OF THE NETHER- LANDS, CONCLUDED AT WASHINGTON AUGUST 26, 1852; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE FEBRUARY 17, 1853; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT FEBRUARY 21, 1853; RATIEICATIONS EXCHANGED AT WASHINGTON FEB- RUARY 23, 1853; PROCLAIMED FEBRUARY 26, 1853. _C<>¤t¤wti¤s par- The United States_ of America and His Majesty the King of the “°“· Netherlands, being desirous of placing the commerce of the two countries on a footing of greater mutual equality, have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries ior that purpose, that is to say: Neg0tm.,,,_ The President of the United States of America, Daniel Webster, Secretary of State of the United States; and His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. Francois Mathieu Wenceslas, Baron Testa, Commander of the Royal Grand Ducal Order of the Crown of Oak of Luxembourg, Knight of the Royal Order of the Lion of the Netherlands, and of the Grand Ducal Order of the White Falcon, third class, Counsellor otf L]egfi;:ion,da§d His Majesty’s Charge d’Aifaires to the Governmento the United States of America- [secmticlesland Who, after having communicated toeach other their respetive pow- Iiggeety Of 1839, ers, found in good and due form, have agreed that, for and in lieu of the p' ‘] first and second articles of the treaty of commerce and navigation, signed at Washington on the 19th of January, 1839, between the high contracting parties, the following articles shall be substituted: ARTICLE I. _ Rcciprocaleqnal- Goods and merchandise, whatever their origin may be, imported into my of <1¤¤¤¤- or exported from the ports of the United States from and to any other 3225-£¥t;?.§§Zi?‘E.i2.€£§ £°€£§H*‘l.““*’ '*3“" li" “°t‘“€}*‘“ °°£’°5 · 1 e oo san mere an iseim ore orheiéportegl in national vesgels. Recipiocally, goods and merchfndiso, w a ever ~ eir origin may e imported into or exported irom the ports of the Netherlands from and to any other country, in vessels of the United States, shall pay no higher or other duties than shall be levied