Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/677

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670 1>U12L1c TREATIES. in these countries, by the one to the commerce of the Kingdom of Poland, and by the other to that of the Grand Dutchy of Finland, shall not, in any case, be invoked in favor of the relations of commerce and navigation sanctioned between the two high contracting parties by the present treaty. _ Efl`¤<=t ¤f article- The present separate article shall have the same force and value as if it were inserted, word for word, in the treaty signed this day, and shall be ratified at the same time. _ _ signatures In faith whereof we, the undersigned, by virtue of our respective full powers, have signed the present separate article, and affixed thereto the seals of our arm ; . Dato. Done at St. Petersburg the _,,;{;§*_,,, of December, in the year of Grace one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two. JAMES BUCHANAN. [L. s.] CHARLES COMTE DE NESSELRODE. [L. s.] RUSSIA, 1854. Jury gg_ 1g_·;4_ CONVENTION BETWEEN THE UNI'I‘ED STATES OF AMERICA AND IIIS MAJ- —-i ESTY THE EMPEROR OF RUSSIA, RELATIVE TO THE RIGHTS OF NISUTRALS AT SEA, CONCLUDED AT WASHINGTON JULY 22.1554; RATIEICATION AD- VISED BY SENATE JULY 25, 1854; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT AUGUST 12, 1854; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT WASHINGTON OCTOBER 21, 1854; PROOLAIMED NOVEMBER 1, 1854. Contracting par- The United States of America and His Majesty the Emperor of all tics- the Russias, equally animated with a desire to maintain, and to preserve from all harm, the relations of good understanding which have at all times so happily subsisted between themselves, as also between the inhabitants of their respective States, have mutually agreed to perpetuate, by means of a formal convention, the principles of the right of neutrals at sea, which they recognize as indispensable conditions of all N,,g(,,,,m,"_ freedom of navigation and maritime trade. For this purpose the President of the United States has conferred full powers on William L. Marcy, Secretary of State of the United States; and His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias has conferred like powers on Mr. Edward de Stoeckl, Counsellor of State,Knight of the Orders of Ste. Anne of the 2d class, of St. Stanislas of the 4th class, and of the Iron Crown of Austria of the 3d class, His Majesty’s Charge d’Affaires near the Government of the United States of America; ’ And said Plenipotentiaries, after having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have concluded and signed the following articles: Au·r1cLu I. Principles meg- The two high contracting parties recognize as permanent and immut- ¤l¤¤•l· able the following principles, to wit: Rights or neu- 1sf That free ships make free goods; that is to say, that the eifects ¤‘=¤l¤ M ¤¤¤· or goods belonging to subjects or citizens of a Power or State at are free from capture and confiscation when found on board of neutral vessels, with the exception of articles contraband of war. Rightsofneutml 2d. That the property of neutrals on board an enemy’s vessel is not nrcycrty gn we- subject to confiscation, unless the same be contraband of war. They "‘l “ ‘°“° · engage to apply these principles to the commerce and navigation of all such Powers and States as shall consent to adopt them on their part as permanent and immutable. ARTICLE II. tillyerior nmlcg- The two high contracting parties reserve themselves to come to an “ “"‘ ‘“¤ ’°°°""° · ulterior understanding as circumstances may require, with regard to the application and extension to be given, if there be any cause for it, to the