Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/731

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724 runmc rrnnacrins. Anricnn VII. All d th sub'ects and inhabitants of the Kingdom of Sweden [1g2t5m:.;;},] as weliuas tglidsrg of the iluited States, shall be permitted to navigate with their vessels, in all snfegy and frgedom, :gdmv»;;h<{)i;foa]x;g· glegardrtp those to whom e more an izes an cargo . ‘ . [go, hticlo XI], port whatever; and the ubiects and inhabitants of the two dtateslsh all treaty of 1816, and likewise be permitted to a1l and trade with their vessels, ant , wit t ie A1‘l¤°1¤ XVIL same liberty and safety, to frequent the places, ports, and havens of

'3%“?,X,ff 1827’PP‘ Powers enemies to both or either of the contracting parties, without

’ '] being in any wise molested or troubled, and to carry on a commerce not only directly from the ports of an enemy to a neutral port, but even from one port of an enetmyl to anotherfpp]rté_ of aplpnemy, wgetger itch; s'sm l th' 'sd'f otesameoro ieren rmces. n asii

  • `¤°I;rg;°£? aka ggksbwlsdjgbrd bystliixd treaty, with respect to ships and merchandines,

that free ships shall make the merchandizes free, and that everything "'l‘°" W "’° °3.”‘1*'" °f “2‘”"’ ‘11°l‘f'{F'“g “‘*.?“'?£.¥‘i€§ §}L§“§.%'$“t£3J§§ ot er of econ c ing par ies s a e consi er _ the cargo, or a part of it, should belong to the enemies of bne or both, it is nevertheless provided that contraband goods shall always be excepted; which being intercepted, shall be proceeded against according to thelslpirit ofcthetgogoévigg articles. blt IS lilkewisebagpged fthatglthp same i erty ex n e persons w o may e on oa a ree 1 with this effect, that, although they be enemies to both or either of the; parties, they shall not be taken out of the free ship, unless they are soldiers in the actual service of the said enemies. Ancrrcnn VIII. Extent of priv- This liberty of navigation and commerce shall extend to all kinds of il¤z¢¤· merchandizes except those only which are expressed in the following 7 uggve article, and are distinguished by the name of contraband goods. y n , nn Article XVII, treaty of 1827,pp. Ancrronn IX. 735,741.] , Contraband arti- Under the name of contraband or prohibited goods shall be compre- ¤l¤¤· _ handed arms, great guns, cannon-balls, arquebuses, musquets, mortars, [Sw Amvlq XIL bombs, petards, granadoes, saucisses pitch-balls, carriages for ordnance, f ieic u ’

c°, 6 X{,"f, musquet-rests, bandoleers, cannon-powder, matches, saltpetre, sulphur,

,,,,8,, of 1827, ppf bullets, pikes, sabres, swords, morion , helmets, cnirasses, halbards, 735,741.] javelins, pi tols and their holsters, belts, bayonets, horses with their harness, and all other like kinds of arms and instruments of warfor the use o troops. Aarrorn X. G<><>d¤ Mt ¤¤¤-I These which follow shall not be reckoned in the number of prohibited t""b"“d· _ goods, that is to say ; All sorts of cloths, and all other manutactures of uga8s;;??;}; gg wool, Bax, slilk, cotton, orhany otherbmalterials; all kinds of wearing ap· A · I xpm, pare , toget er with the t ings of w ic they are commonly made· gold _1?;;:1;;&§ 1827, pp. silver coined or uncoined, brass, iron, lead, copper, latten, coals, wheat: . ·_ barley and all sorts of corn or pulse tobacco · all kinds of spices, salted and smoked tlesh, salted fish, chedse, butter, beer, oyl, wine , sugar; all sorts of salt and provisions which serve for the nourishment and sustenance of man; all kinds of cotton, hemp, flax, tar, pitch, ropes, cables sla1ls,dsaal—cloth, anézhpfs, and tany parts of anchors, ship—masts, an s oar s eams an a sorts 0 trees and other thin s ro er for building or repairing ships. Nor shall any goods be considerged gs dmtraband which have not been worked into the form of any instrument or thing for the purpose of war by land or by sea, much less such as haveibeeré prepare or wrong up or any other use: all which shall be rec one free goods, as likewise all others which are not comprehended and par-