Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/850

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INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. 843 , Pm rt t. Favored nation clone-Continued. Francc—Continued. g Goods imported in American vessels to 10. French fisheries in Newfoundland pay the same duties as goods im- not to be disturbed . . . 206 ported in_ vessels of the most fs- 11. Droit d’aubaine, &c., abolished . 206, 207 voted nation- Right of disposal and inheritance of Japan, 1&'>8 ... 452 property . .. . . 207 Muscat, 1833 . . . . . 528 [ Naturalization not required .. 20/ Fayed Iolande, _ _ Q Exemption of heirs from duties of Treaty stipulations not applicable to- . detraction, &.c . . . . 207 Ptllml! , 1-@6 --·-- -- ·····-·----- --·· 168 12. Vessels making for an enemy’s port to Halma, _ _ _ exhibit passports, &c . 207 Treaty stnpulatwns not apphcable to- 13. Proceedings when contraband found Be1£ium,1845, 1858 ... 50,53 on board ,, , ,,,,,,,,,__,,_ 207 NG 8!'18¤dB, 1852 -. .. . . . . . 545 I4. Cuudscation of goods found in 9nemy’s Plgwo Sieilies, 1855 ... .. .. ul 782 vessel. . . . . , _ , , ,__, _ _____ 207, 205 visions respeotin , in treaties wi —— 15. Dam es b shi of war and rive- France, 1778, 1800e . . 205, 206, 231,232 teearg .. . 208 Great Britain, 1782, 1783, 1818, 1854, 16. Captures by pirates to be restored 208 1871 262, 267, 298, 330, $31,362,363 17. Ships of war may bring prizes into Rl1Q1S, 1824 ..-. .. .. . . 664 ports of either party ..., . ,.,., 208 Fbfidé, Not to pay duties . ... ,.. 208 Treaty for ceasion of- Prizes not to be seized or searched . -. 208 Spam, 1819 .. . ... . 713 May depart at will .. 208 Fbreedloosa. (SeeBoc5pr0cal privilege: of Citi- Commanders to exhibit commissions . 208 sen, 41:.) No shelter to be given to captors of Ibrgd Papas. (See Eatmdition.) prizes taken from either party 208 Ibrgry. (See Ertrudition.) 18. Assistance in ease of shipwreck. . 208 France, 19. Asylum to veuels seeking refuge . 209 TIQIU of Illillcc, I•`¢IIl'lBI'1 6, 20. Agreement in case of wer between 1778 .. .. .. 201-203 the parties .. . 209 1. Wm- with Greet Britain to be a com- Time allowed merchants to remove .. 209 mon cause .. . .. . . 201 Indemnity for damages .. . ... 209 2. Independence of the United States 21. Letterso merque not to be accepted. 209 the object of the alliance . 201 22. Hostile privnteers not to fit out in 3. Both parties to make every effort to ports of either party .. . .. . 209 attain that end . . . . ... 201 Nor to sell their vessels or lading 209 4. Concurrence in enhtzgprises .. 202 Nor to purchase provisions, except, 5. Conquests that s belong to the &.e .. 209 United States . . . 202 23. Neutral trade in time of war .. ..209,210 6. Belinqtuishment by France of claims Free ships make free goods . . 210 to the Bermuda, he . . 202 Neutrality extended to persons .. 210 7. Con&ueststhatshaHbe1ongtoFmnce. 202 24. Contrsband of war . .. ... . . .. 210 S. Nei er party to conclude peace with— Goods not contraband ... 210 out consent of the other . . 202 25. Sea-letters or passports .. . . . . 210 Nor lay down their arms until the Certificates of cargo .. .. 211 independence of the United States 26. Vessels coming upon coasts or enterassured ... . .. . . .. 202 ing ports, how treated .. .. 211 9. No claim for compensation after the Z!. Regu ation of visits at sea .. .. .. 211 wu- .. .. .. 202 28. No search after goods ere put on board 10. Admission of other powers to the except on proof, &c .. .. .. 211 M alliuiee ..,... . . . . 202 29. gonsuler officers, udlngssion ef. . 211 11. utual nant of possessions sov- 30. ree ports in ‘renc ominions 11,212 ereigugt; 5e K . . , 202, 203 31. Rstiiications .. . . 212 12. When guaranty to commence 203 Form of passports and see-letters. .-212, 213 13. Batiiicetions .. . . . ... 203 Ac: separate and secret, Feb- Treaty •t' unity and com- mary 6, 1778 . . . . 213 ‘ Hcrcc, February 6, 1778.203-213 Declaration of King of France .. 213 1. Peace and friendship .. ..-. .. 204 Right reserved to King of Spain to 2. Rovers granted to other nations toeccede to previous treaties 213 become common ., .. .. 204 _ He may propose other conditions 3. Privileges of French citiuns in the i analogous, &,c .. .. 213 United States .. .. . . . . 204 1 Acceptance of declaration by deputies 4. Privileges of citizens of the United of the United States .· .. .· 213 States in deminiuns of France 204 * Contract relative to payment of 5. Particular exception ss to tonnage [ loans, July 16, 1782 ... 214-217 , dutigg ,__,,, _, ..,.,,.,. ,.,. .. 205 1 1. Amount of loans certified to . 214 6. France to protect vessels of the United · Items specified. . . . . 214, 215 Sums . , . ,... 205 I Sum to bear interest .. . 215 To restore them when captured .. 205 ’ 2. Kepsyment by installments .. 215 To convoy them in certain casee . 205 3. Abatement of sccrued interest. . . 215 7. United States to protect French ves- 4. Interest to diminish in proportion to go]; __ ,,__ , _,_,_ _ __,, _ .. ., 205 ~ payments- . .. .. . . 215 8. Interposition of King of France with 1 5. Loan made by France in Hollnnd ° the Bgrbgry Power; ,,,. . ..,.. 205 acknowledged to be fo1` UX1I1Q8d 9. Subjects or citizens of either party States . ...----·-- - --------··· 215 not to Heh in dominions of the Receipt of amount by United States other ______ __ _ ,__,,,,,, ,, ,,_, ,,,. 205 · acknowledged ... . 216