Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/867

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860 INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. Pngu MC ntinu cl Pago. · · cameo- o c - _ Mmc0_]§)£i;:;gggdQf bmckm]6 ____ _ ____, ,, .. 481 U In case of her declhniqtion, Eing of {11289 490 29 C0¤iisca.tion of cuiitiubaind articles .. 481 Letherlauds to l11J5g -i --—--· ,400 21. Blockeded ports, regulmions at .. 481 10. Decision of umpire to e na . -. s 22. Regulation of visits at sen .. -..481,482 11. Issue of Mexican treasury notes or 490 Liability of coxuuianders of armed Sl-ms awarded ······· · ···‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ vessels .. . .. . . 482 12. Mexico exonemted from furt er ac- Privnteers to give bonds .. 482 countabilityu . . . . 490 23. Sea.-letters or passports .. 482 13. Expenses of the commission. 490 Certificatevof cargo 482 14. Rntxhemions ._ r . . 490 24. Vessels under convoy not to he ex- 482 C0ll\'€ll:_I0¤v:`€:_:;|V?I;0 D:Y_;n§'5t smiued .. . . .. 0 8 R , lll! I t 25. Prize~ce¤ses, adjudication of. 482 p 1843 ------ -.-· - ·---.-· - .-..- 490-492

 Agreement in case of war between , liefprence go convengxon of 1839   

the parties- . nteres on lawsr s.. .. .- Time allowed merchants to remove .. 483 .2. Payment of pnncipnl and interest . .. 491 Sale-conduct to be given them -.. 483 3. Method of payment ... _ . . 491 Other citizens may remain. . . 4:*3 4. Pledge ot: proceeds of direct taxes Their effects not to be seized.. . .. 483 by .M€Xl00· ·· t -_ .-·------..·- · ----- 491 Debts, &c., not to be contiscated . 483 5. Payment of additional charges .. 491 27, Envoys, ministers, &c ,,,,,,_,,, ,, ,. 483 6, A new convention to be entered into. 491 28. Consuls and vice-consuls ,. . . 483 7. Ratiiicalionsn . 491, 492 Commissions and exequaturs 483 Treaty of P08C4B, friendship, 29. Immunities of consular officers .. 483 limits, and Settlcmcnit, Inviolability of archives .. . . 483 February 2, 1848 .. 49*2-503 30. Recliimntiou of deserters from ves- 84 1. Firm and universal peace . .. 492 se s ... 4 2. Provisional suspension of hostilities . 492 31. A consular convention to be formed.. 484 3. Blockade of Mexican ports, when to 32. Interior commerce, regulation of , 484 cease . . . . . 493 Routes and escorts .. . ... 484 Troops of the United States to be ` 3%. Indian hostilities to be restrained 484 withdrawn from interior. . . . . . 493 Prisoners made by Indians to be lib- Cust0m~houses to be delivered up 493 erated . , 484, 485 Account of duties collected to be 34, Duration of treaty . . 485 rendered ,,.,,,,,_,_,, ,_,, _,__,,,, 493 Infringement of treaty .. 485 Payment of net amount to Mexico . .. 493 Repusals and declarations of war 485 Evacuation of capital of Mexico. ,_,. 493 Trgatzeca with other notions not af- 480 4, Castles, forts, &c., when to be re- 69 € ·----·-·---· -- ---.--~· · -·-.·stored . . . 493 R¤¢ifi¢=~tw¤¤· ·-·-· ~ ---.----- · -·----· 485 Final evacuation of Mexican territory 493 Additional article- Embarkation of troops . 493, 494 Articles V and VI suspended . . 486 Prisoners of war to be restored . . 494 Suhstitute agreed upon .. . 486 5. Boundary line established ... - .. . 494 Eiiect of additional article 486 Southern and western limits of New Ratificamons 1 .. . . 486 Mexico defined . . . 494 Second"! H.(:'d::_01l§lI urgitlul 30 Commissioriersl upd surveyors to run 94 at nmils, pri » and mar the ine .. .. .. .. 4 1835- . 486 487 A ‘ 4; g d tg f - Reference to Article III, treaty of 1828. , 486 prrniggiczliggs . ge . . fi. . 494 COI1.\miBBl0D0l`S Rnd. Bl1I`V€y01`B to be Journals and p]3,ug_ _ _ ____ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 494, 495 appointed . ... . .. 487 Result to be part of treaty .. 495 To fix with more precision the dividing Boundary line to be respected . -. 495 line between the two nations .. 487 Changes, bow may be made . 495 To e tablnsh landmarks of boundary » 6. Free navigation of Gulf of California. 495 u.nd1nm1ts.. ... _. . . 487 Of river Colorado .. . . . . . 495 ggiaigicgiiggglitxonal article. ... Pasgelge poi; Ito he by land without 49, - ·-·--· -·-· ·--- ···- ·----- 0 BGR 0 0 ·. ..-... ' Claim: ggnvcnlion, April 11387-490 Constlnucgon of :33, canal, or railway J S -.··.- . ·--·· ·-·- -·--·--·-- fGil » .. . . 495 1. Claimsto be referred toboard of com— 488 7. Free n23i5e3i0in1v1;? rigors Gila and m19g10D6u____ ____________ ____ __ B ___________________________ Appointment of commissioners .. 488 Rigligmzt to be interrupted .. 495 Quik of pomrmssieners .. 488 ¤ Taxes or contributions, restrictions 2. eecretaries, qualifications of,. . .. 488 upon. ., . . . ... 495 3 gpppintmerg and oatl1_0f . . .. 488 8. RightsofMenicn.ns in ceded territories 495 . esoing an term1nation of 00mm1s- Election of citizenship . 495,496 4 D 1.,. 488 Property to berespected -. .. 496 . oicprrpilnlsd an exp nnations to be 488 9. Incgrporggon into the Umon of the _ _ . ; .. nite totes 496 5. Decision of commissioners ... 489 Admission to the rights of citizens. -. 496 6. Pnymentof awards. .. ..-.. 489 Protection to libertv and property... 496 7. Colnilmtslsiouers to report disagree- 489 10 gilligilpuls fretedom. I ... .. 496

..._. .. . ... _ .. — . ic e on .

Reg:;;; of differences to Kmg of 489 l 11. United States to restrain incursions of _ _ . ... .-.. savage tribes . 496 3. Einlghof Ppussia. to be invited to uct_.. 489 ‘ Punishment when incnrsions cannot . g o Piussia. deehnes, her Brit- . be prevented .. . .. 496 tunic Majesty to be invited 489 Satisfaction to be exuoted. . r .-.. 496