Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1001

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1N DEX. 97 1 Pm- 1-tgt .Ncwapqpcra—Co¤tlnucd. _ Njnggy 1,0, g,,,;,,,,,, in city of Waslnngton, no money to be pmd certain articles heretofore nying, of full to, for advertising for I’u.tent—0Hiue.105. 365 · rutqg to pay ful] rates Em-mite; ______ 340 postage on, rates of, to regular subscribers Ningpo, and nexvsmgents .. . . 232 salary of consul at . . . . 68 to be weighed in bulk at office of mail- Nisbcu, Janet H., mg , . . . . . . . 233 1uo\·hc1·’s pension ·...--·--·---·--·- .- .· 554 to be pzurl bg snccia.1 stomp ,. . . - . 233 Niaqzwlly, stump to be evxscd and furnished by Post- upproprio,tionforpnymentof iustnllmcutsto. 160 ¤¤¤¤*¤¤'·G¤¤9!‘=¤l ---- - -·---- - ----- - - - . 233 Ni trr>·bcnz0le, l how to be sxiiixed .,...,,.. . ... .. .. 233 mm of duty on . ., . ...,. .. 308 in county, one copy to subscribers residing Noah 1*. Sprague, within, to go free . .. 233 American register to Canadian tug 28 not to be delivjored at 10kt0T-C8l`fl0l‘0mC08 Nobleboro, Mc., _ or by earners unless postage pcid 233 nemo of port of, cliengecl to D!LHl0.TlS00l;t().. 480 publishers, &,c., of,ma.ybe x·eq_uire4l to make Nomini Crock, Va., adicluvit not to send, dw., without approprismons for improvement of 240, 459 [payment of postage ... .. 233 Nor;/blk, Va., refusing to make ufnduvit and uftorwnrcl u.ppropria.tions for navy-yard nt ... .53,226 depositing in the mail, to be deemed Iorromovol of powder-rxinguzinofn-om, uml guilty of at misdemeanor .. . . 233 construction of another ncmr 226 mailing, &c., without prepayment of p0st— vessel of the Nnvy may be furnished for ¤»ge,peualty for..-,-.- .. ---- 233 unuticnl school ct, &c .. 191 postmaster, dw., permdctiug such matter Norman, Ewlhzc, to be mailed penalty for .. . . 233 claim of, allowed by commissioners 583 uct to take efect Jyzxnuémy I, 187 5 .. 233 ]"0I`lIl(LIl, Rachel, Naw York, i — cluim of, allowed by commissioners, . 644 uppronrictions for Indian agent for tribes Nm-man, Rebecca, in. . . . . . . ... .. 147, 421 cluim of, allowed by commissioners 648 for light-house service on coast of. . 218, 379 Norfh. Carolina, post-romls established in .. .. .. 12,264,492 uppropriutions for lioht-l10uses,&c., in..2l9,1¥81 residence of clerks of United S158D6B wutts, post·ro1uls ustublislwa in .. . ... 19, 265, 403 marshal, and dist1'icb-attorney for umrslnul of United Smtus to be up minted for southern district of . .. L . . . . . 109 western judicml district of} .. 193 courts of, in Cetterougus County, to have North Carolina Clwrokcca, ‘ jurisdiction of motions to recover rout, doiiciency up mprintious for . . 141 &.c., for certain lends in Seneca Indi- trust-fund ol: muy be used to pcy costs, nu villages of Allegany reservation.. 331 &c., concerning l:md-titles of . .. . 447 lows of, concerninu highways, &c., shell be Northeott, James, adm£ni.~m·ann·, in force in v llnges of'Alleguuy reser- cluim of estate of Amon Overton nllowod vetion, with consent of Sunoco No- lay omumisuionors . . . .. .. 590 tion, in council.. ... 331 Northedgc, William, .Ncw York City, porsoncl representatives of, payment to, for cpproprictionsforofliceof assistant treasurer moneys expended in uubsisting and · at .. .-.. ... .. . . . 94, 353 equippiugtroops . ... .. .. 604 for assay-oiilce gb. . . 97, 134, 229, 357, 406 .N0rH•crn, Ilvmola AL, ` for post-otlioe and co\u‘t·house building claim of, allowed by commissioners 653 at. . .--. . . 227, 395 Norllecru and No»·thwc.ulc:·n Lakes, certain alterations to be mode in .. 2*27 fl])}l1'0[)l`l(\t»l0llS for survey of .. .. . . 223, 380 salaries of collector of customs, mwul olll- Nor! warn Chcycnncs and Arapahaen, cer, mul surveyor ut port of .. .. . 191 appropriations for puymont of installments, of postmaster ut .. . . 233,234, 340 &.c.,to . t ... , . :160,434 how to be appointed and removed, &c. 234 to remove to Imlum '[‘orntory before elisprcvisions for mljustment, &c., of sul- trihution of supplies .. .. 160 aries of postmusters not to apply to. . 234 Northern 1*‘roniics·, _ _ vcsselof Navy may be furnished for nuuticaxl provisions znuwlyuig to enrollment mul lischool at port of, &c .. . . ... . 121 ccusc u vessels uuvi<,;ut.iiu; wu,t.¤·i·s of, New York Indian Lands in Kansas, extcmlexl to ull vcssclsnxenvigutinig wo- _ purchasers of, may make payments, how.. . 273 ters of United States .. . . 30 installments, when payable . 273 Nm-them swuz, _ iutergsb on ____ _ ____, _ ______,_,, , . _.., 273 npproprmtion for subsistence and support of, New York Indama, see Seneca Nation, ut Red Cloud and Whctst<>1ic:ag•:11cies 413 lease of lands by, forrailroad purposes, rnti— Northern Supvrintendmmy of Indian, A_11Zm·v, had .-.: E! . . 330 npproprizttioiis for clerk at . . . 147, 422 New York Tribune, for general incidental expenses nt.. . . 446 up roprietion for advertising in . .. 210 North Platte [mer, _ _ _ Ncmgorcéc, upproprintion for construction of military appropriations for installments, &o.,.to...159,433 bridge across .. . .. .--. -. 222 Niagara River, Northup, Martha D., rr bridge across, declared as lawful structure w1dow’s pension . . . . .. oo], · ‘ · and an established. post-route ... 275 Nortlewcsrcrn Iioundary, _ _ Nice · appropriation for expenses of commission salary of consul at . . 69 for surveying $Lll(l1Il{l»lJkll.l,Ll`.. . . . . 71 Nichols, J. W, for rent of rooms for.: . . . .. ._ 377 pliymeht to, for money erroneously charmed commissioner ascertain possessprv rrglits 120 in accounts ss peymesteru .. . i ;.. 634 of certmn British subjects within, ow.