Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1034

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]()()4 INDEX. Page. r . Page. Secretary of War-—Oontinued._ _ Secretary of War- Continued. ' may issue clothing tooertain enlisted men powers and duties of, under uct__ to legalof the Army . ... 287 ize and establish s ppntoon railway- uetion of, approved, in requiring the one bridge across the _ ississippi River yezu·’s pay, &c., received by officers between Prairie du Chien, Wisqand mustered out to be refunded when North McGregor, Iowa .~..r-...,. . 63 same otilcer again commissoned .. 497 and at or near linton, Iowa. ..; . . 63 reservations, forts, arsenals, to enuse a. bridge to be constructed across to turn over to Department of the Interior the Anacostia River ... . ..,_. .;. . 196 parts of Fort Yuma., Fort Whipple, cost not to exceed appropriation---;.. - 196 and Camp Dute Creek reservations in contractors must give security to the Arizona. .. . . 201 - atisfaction of..,,. . . ... . 196 to locate rom! and depot·grounds of Ar- to convene a boarclof engineer oilleers to kansas Valley Railway Company over report in relation to bri? 891*088 the military reservation at Fort Lyon.- . 274 Mississippi River from_ iwulmiu to in convey certain land in Nashville, Tenn. . Minnesota. . . . ... . . .2. . . r . . 197 to Fisk University for educational superstructure of bridge not to be compurposcs ... . 276 menced until accessory worlcshove to approve mode and purpose of occupa- been constructedto the sttisfaction of 197 tion of land near Allegheny arsenal to pass upon report of the board of enby Allegheny Valley Railroad Com- gincers .. .. . . .. .. 197 pany .. I . . .. . 281 to prescribe supervision of the accessory to detail a board of Army officers to ns- york: .. . .. . ..,; 197 , sess value of such occupation . . . . 281 to approve bills for expenses of board of to set apart portion of military reservation · commissioners on redemption of al.- at Camp Douglas for officemetery 4647 luvislbssin of the Mississippi River,. 199 to prescribe rules for governing come- to disburse appropriation fcrexpenses tory .. . . . . . ... . 46-47 of board . . .. 199 to transfer to Department of Interior por- to cause certain examinations and surveys , tion of Fort Randall military reserve- to be made at various points; . 242-244 not . . ... . . - . .. .. 47 - 461-465 - to have direction of survey of newreser- to approve plan and specifications of ‘ vation of Fort Sanders, Wyo 65 bridge across Potomac, authorized to — may permit Port Huron City street—ruil- be built by Washingwn City and road to lay track over Fort Gratiot Point Lookout Railroad Company". W4 military reservation . ... 81 plan of bridge over Willamette iver to to transfer Fort Reynolds military reser- be submitted to . . , .. 281 vation to Secretary of Interior, for may detail an engineer oilioer to snner- , ‘ sale 85 intend survey of river .. . . _:. 281 may grant permission for the extension plan to be approved by, before construe- ( of the Hygeia Hotel at Fortress Mon- tion . . . . . . . . .. . . 281 me . z . - . 331 shall give preference to American material to cause' examination of arsenals east of in contracts for material for public Mississippi River, and report what improvements - ..r--. 455 ones may be sold, &c .L .. 388 all labor thereon to be perfumed within authorized to accept conveyance of site of jurisdiction of United States., .. 455 Fort McIntosh.. .. , . . . 391 to convene board of engineers to examine to transfer to Secretary of Interior, for and report tonextsession of Con ss sale, the buildings and grounds known plan for improvement of ehannesrlleas Detroit arsenal, in Michigan .. 510 tween Staten Island and New Jersey. 463 to have exclusive control of public park duties, &c., of relating to works to be ‘ in Mackinac Island, Michigan .. . 517 constructed by James B. Ends and to make regulations and leases 517 others to maintain channel between' to provide 'or preservation of game and South Piiss of Mississippi River and tish . . . , .. . . . ... 518 Gulf of Mexico ... . . ... 463-466 -to remove trespassers .. . ... ,.. 518 to inquire into expediency ofIeoing · public works, improvements, shear-booms on upper end of hunge- Gcc., piers on Misdissippi River . .. . 510 to take ppssession of the Louisville and claims. Port nd Germ! . ... . 44 to ascertain expenses of Dakota. inégpppressto make annual estimates of tolls and ing Indian hostilities in 1 ..;. 62~ expenses .. . .. r . 44 to report to Congress names of persons to annually fix rate of tolls 44 ’ entitled to relief .. . . . ... 62 . to provide for superintendence,mnnage· to ascertain expenses incurred by Califormeut, and repairs .. .-.; . 44 nic and Oregon, or citizens of in supmay apply tolls to current expenses 44 pressinglndianhostilities of 1812,187 3. B3 in next annual report to set forth re- to report names, doc., with fact.: . 83 ceipts, expenditures, and condition of luis0c1I8h0D1I? , canal .-.;- . . . , . . 44 to issue temporari y supplies 'of food and to assume. control over channel at mouth disused army clothing_ to sufferers by _ of Mississippi River .. . . .. .. 50 overflow of Mississippi River ,.,,,.,. 45 io make 1`6glllBfl0D srespcotlng improve- to report to Congress- . . .. .. .-- . - 46 · ment an use oi', &c .. . . . 50 to have direction of issue of supplies of to construct and o crate line of telegraph food to destitute, {xtc., persons on or toconnectud taryposts in Texas and near the Lower Mississippi, Tombig- - Indian Temtory with headquarters., 51-52 bee, Warrior, and Alabama. Rivers., . M0