Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1056

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1026 mmcx. Page. _ Ingo, Waslebu¢~n,`Cy:·1¢s, · l Washington 1im·i¢ora;—Cout.inuod. - claim of, allowed by commissioners . .. . 600 for completing United States penitentiary Washington Aqueduct, , . in . -.. ... ·. J _.,,,.___,,__ 207 appropriations {or ..  ; . ... 226, 393, 404 - for light-houses, &c., in . . ...,.._ 231 control of grounds around receiving resor- for Iurni ture and repairs of capitol buildvoir .. . ... . . _ 393 ing in . .. i.. 2 ‘4 removal of tracks of Washingtonand for printing Ior .. .. 406 Georgetown Railway from Aqueduct Secretary of 'Preasury may establish certain bridge over Rook Creek . 393 life·b0u.t stations on coast of . . . . . 126 Waehinqon 06q;for_ph¢u; illsylua, 608 post-roads established in,. . . 271, 496 amen ment o not 0 ny , ..s... - .- · · . Wmmnypflucgayam m··¢ L~·r¤·»··» Railroad Wifi2f31E3i2f5T i‘$?pK§ZZ{f€ 'Sl .. . . e. no i `. Mt supplomenmri mam, imma,} gm wt tg Wager payment of, for service in Indian wm 417 authorize the as in bon ity nm , · · · k, S _ Point Lookout Baum 31 Company to _ appropriation for procurmc, at Army po ts , _ _ _ for purchase of, for ships of war .. . .. . oe extend a 1'8111’08»d. into and within the · . n I nasrgenor eoiumbm . . 274 W;;,‘;f‘PQQ;r_,0¤ to WPP,), ,,,,1),,0, aw 3,,., — ’as lington, . 0., ‘ 1 ’ ‘'‘‘‘ ` appropriations for navy-yard ot . .. , . . . 54 W¤*°Z'*¤ -,07**** 1'·» _ _ for eom-1ie¤se in . , 241 ¤1¤¤m vf, ¤11¤w<>d by ¤<>¤¤m¤s¤¤¤¤<>r¤ ---- 659 for repairs of court-house building in 374 Watcraon, Robert, . for pureha te of lots {nid buildings in,west claim of, allowed by commissioners .- . - 591 of Win er’s-bui ing ..., . . ,. 222 ik; . _ in my <>f,A£§y M¤·1i¤¤1 M¤¤<>¤¤¤; limit 222 W$1sa::’¤€’Kii¤€éa by commissioners 642 ° °‘l“ ‘> .· · ·: ········ · ········· ·Woman Jmamaz Bank ` for certain charities in . . 223 -’ · for impmang harbor a, how to 1,., Ox- ===~r¤¤ g§ <§v¤<p,g<§,N¤gg;;¤;,}3;·¤k of W=·*k¤··=» ,.,0 pendcd and applie];1 .._, ____ __ _ 242 Watkins, gud;/ml, 6 0 g 0 .. . . . . o- lm m0:?!;;;;°ng:gP:;a;E;T:xcc;€ 05, 365 flaim of, allowed by cominissioners . . . . 659 rate efJtax olnoiexgllestate in, for yc:u· ending 11- n 3;*;:; £°’f,'(;“vGd bb commiw G4, une. , o .. . . . . . 7 e' *·W“°" ··-· ·-·- ’ act of legislative assembly for funding un- Watson, John T., settled liabilities of, &,0., approved .. 120 payment Lo, to reimburse expenditures _ bonds not to be sold below pur .. . . 121 and losses in rescuing United States otIirote of charge allowed for gas furnished to eers and soldiers ..,.,.,.., . . . . -553 inhabitants of. . L. . . . . . . . . . . _ 279 Watson, Thomas S., · discounts for payment within seven days. 279 claim of, allowed by commissioners .. . . 595 advance or reduction of price aceordin g to - Wauerson, Calvin, price of coal! ...,... . .. 279, 280 claim of, allowed by commissioners . .- . 595 regulations for lighting, &c., street-lumps 580 Weutts, Isaac, adn%nutrator,W G b ml in . .. .. ;. . . ayment to enjamin . il ert, mincity to furnish new lanterns, &·C.;W11BD..- 280 P istretor, and, of damages on grnirnconeourt·heuse building in, to be under super- tract made with Abel Gilbert for Gilbertvigion and control of Att;0rney—(,¤en- 67 I & Gegrish . . . --- - 530 .er . . . . . . . . ‘ 4 Potts, John. ., sweeping, &c., of streets, &c., in, how and released as surety on bond of James L. w en to be paid for . . .. 337 Collins. .. ..·. . . .. . . 609 Washington and Georgetown Rail-way Company,Watts, Robert H., · to remove portions of track from Capitol 385 Wclaiunlogp allowed by connnissioners 642 unds;-. . . ... . ... atls, i iam, to remlalyoo trucks from Washington Aque- claim of, allowed by commissioners .. . . 642 duct bridge over Rock Creek. . .. 393 Wcas, to have right to my tracks on M street 393 appropriations for payment of interest on _ not granting to, the rivhil to extend tracks . trustiunds of . . . . . 175,4-10 in Washington '(Eity, D. C .. 510 scl1ool—fund.. ... .- .. . . `175,449 Washington, Hem::;, · part of funds of, may be witlnlrauvn to pur- _ claim of, allowed by coihmissioners 659 _ chase seeds &,e .. . ... . . 449 Washington, Peyton,‘ rc-imbursement of, Un1t.edStatesfrom,{xxn1¢ls claim of Robert Lawson and, allowed by of, for advances made, &.o . . 451 commissioners .. . . . . 598 Weatherlow, Stephen, ‘ Hlxafzington Territory, pension and increase pension . , (166 appropriations for government in .. ... .99, 358 Weaver, AM·ed G., for Omee of surveyor--genem1.. E1., .5 . . 106, Wclaim slllowycd by commissioners . 642 , . ', 82, 411 carer, ·` iza. et , for survey of public lands in .. .. 213, 383 claim of, allowed by commissioners .- . . 059 for increased pay to governor 'and secro- Weezer, Margaret L., tary of . 135 claim of, allowed by commissioners . 659 ‘ deiicieney in legislative expenses of. . . 136 Weaver, Thomas S., gm gieidentzrl expenses of Indian seyyjce 2 446 Hflninkog allowed by commissioners . 591 ... .-..-.. , 7*, <· , i iam, for Indian agents and interpreters . . 146, claim of, allowed by commissioners .. . , 655 147, 421,422 Weber, John 1:,, · for special Indian agents for tribes in..147,421 payment; to, of pay and allowances as first for payment of installments to 1)’Wamislx lieutenant of the Eightecnsh Infantry, mul other qlliml trilms of lmligum in 155, ARL) Om-pg D’,L\friq\u_5 ,___,_ , _____ _ _ _ _ ____ $44