Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/25

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. XXV Martin D. Chandler. An any gmutiug a pension to Martin D.* Chandler. March 3, 1875; .,,. _ _______ §,?§; zgary O. Toy. An act gmnting a pensxou to Mary C. Toy. Merch 3, 1875 ____ _ __ _ __,_______ · ____ 67z . U. .£7;,§th Ax; gctgggohove P. U. Murphy and John A. Brown, of Alebema, 0 P0 0 68· STO , -- .. .. .. .- . . .__, ,___ ____ ·g John gsqh Mirage? %  %·a£wy. § not mggoving the political disabilities of  ? on io osep . ran i'a ern. h31875 ,,_______ _ _______ William H. Small. AIl act gmntrng a éensnon to Wgliam H?§ma.11w Ma.{·eh 3, 1875 ____ _ _______ Sarah Avm Grosby. An awt grauhng g. gensxon to Sarah Ann Crosby. Mm-ch 3, 1875 ____ _ _____ _____ 67;; Mary Waglsegé an aci; io? tge robe if lgo§·yé;g?Voo1sey, widow of the lato Commodore Mehmeon . oo ey e o a.vy. are ..-..-. .. . _.,, ,‘ ____ _ ____, _ ,___, __ _________ 6 - Bevorhé An aot removing the politicaj disabilities of Beverly Konnon, of Virginia. March .. . ... . . . . . - . ... . ... . ,,_____ _ _ _ _ 5 3 Isaac Broum. An act to relieve Isaac N. Brown of his political disabilities. March 3, 1875 .. 6;4 0. B. An aut; removing the political disabilities of O. R. Singleton; of Mississippi. Mami; .. . . . . .  ; .. .. . . . . 674 Betsey Eaton. An awt granting a pension to Betsey A. Eaton. March 3, 1875 . . . . ... 674 William Lyon. An act granting q. pension igo William Lyon. March 3, 1875 . .,. 674 Wm Young. An Tut gragging a pons101;J<£I}x·;>en:2§¤on Youugm Margin 3, 1875 ... .. . . 674 ayctu Bng gs. ae gran g arpensxou u. ye rs. arc , 1875 .. -.-. 675 Sarah A. Woodworth. An act granting an pension to Sarah A. oodworbh; March 3, 1875 · ... 67 5 Emillia 0. Blawk. An am; granting n, psusmu to Emilha O, Black. March 3, 1875 . .--.. ..;. 675 Ferdbnand Monti; An act or tho relief of Ferdinand Monti. March 3, 1875 .. . . .. -. 675 Abramma L. Dunn. An act grsnring a. pension to Abmmua L.D1mn. Much 3, 1875 ., _ _______ 675 Ofuulea A. Drahcr. An act grantgng a pensgon to Cparles A. Dmhecr. March 3, 1875 .. .,. __ 676 Rwhard G. Moblqy. An act gmniqxng a pouqwn to Rxchard G. Mobley. March 3, 1875 .. . .._, 676 giggamt mgm in wg grautrug s pcnsgon tg Pattxson. 1§?rohB‘3é . . .. . . ..,, 273 abcth m . no granting a. pension xza. e mnmg. arc ... . . .. 7 James A, Ibrgeyw An not granting a pension to J amos ,A. Forgeg. March 3, 18552. . ... 676 Amd ww. An mt granting a. pension to Ansel Thayer, o reintroe, Massachusetts. Merch 3, ... --. . . ---2 ..-... . ...-. .- .. ..; _ . . .. .. 677 Mrs. Sarah B. Hoge and Mrs. Mary An awt granting a, pension to Mrs. Sarah B. Howe and Mary ranston. . . .. .-.. .. .--. . 677 David Salsbury. An act granting a. pension to David. Salsbury. March 3, 1875 ... . ._,,, 677 Mrs. Mercy E. Seattergaod. A11 act granting nxnsion to Mrs. Merci E. Scatborgood. March 3, 1875- 677 Mécajah Stout. An act gP&Dti.D%3» pension to baden Stout. Marc 8, 1875. --.. .--;- ..,.., 677 · Charles E Smith and James M awcs. A.u a.ct to relieve Charles H. Smith, M. D., of Richmond, Virggia, and James M. Hawes, of Covington, Kentucky, of all politiqal disabilities. March 3, 1 5 . . ; . . ... - . . - . . . . .. ‘ . .. 678 Lydia Omger. An act for the relief of Lydia. Cruger, cxecutrix of Moses Sheppordfdoceased. Much - 3 187*. .. . . .--- .. .. . . . ... * L. . . . John Loggi An,act granting a pension to John H. Looby. March 3, 1875. . .. . ... 678 Haytian Mig argaretta. An act for ggof of the owners of tho Haytian brig Margamesm, or their 1 representatives. Marc .-- . .. .. V . . . 7 JL Vm .¥hm Euontcmck. All act for the relief of M. Von Entrees Fuersteuock, Into second lieutenant of the Sixty-eighth New York Volunteers. March 3, 1875 . . .2 . . . . . . . 679 John Azdmage. An am for the relief of John Aldredgo. March 3, 1875 . . ... . ... . . . . , -., 679 Cawzumd Parlévr. An gag foéghe relief of Courtland. Parker as administrator of Goqrgew. Anderson, de . orc -. - .. . ... . Passed Aim! Paymastm! E. Mellach. snot to authorize the settlement ccf tho accounts of Passed Asgigtgnt Peymegtey; E. Me11:a,eh, Umm:} States Navy. March 3 1875 .. - . - 619 Samuel Purcell, An act gtanting 9. PODBIOD. to SB»111'l`l6]. PHHWH. . Maui0I;. 3, 1875 .-.. .. . .. 680

[No. 4.] 17mm3m: W 1Mb1s. Joint resolution authorizing Thomsxs W. Fitch, engineer, of the United

StutosNavy, to accept of u. wedding present sont to his wife, Mrs. ~Mi.nuio Sherman Fitch. F bruary 18 1875 .--_- -..- .--- ·--. --·· -... - .-.· .·--- - ·---· · -·--· - -·--- ,- -- ---- - --------- {No. 9.; Captain H. Wells. Joint resolution authorizing the acceptance by Captain C. H. Wells, of the United States Navy, of pho cross of the legnon ot honor, conferred upon lum by the President of the French Ropublm Mnwh 3, 1875 ------ r- ---------·- -- --·- e- -----·--- --- ·--·-- 681 `