Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/276

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246 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 459. 1874. vacancies, h o w all vacancies which maygoccur in said court by wagon of death, mug.

  • W¤>d· nation; or inability, or refusal or neglect of any or onther of saidjudgcs

to discharge tho duties of his position, shall be hllcd m tho same manner as vacancies occurring in otnccs under the Constitution of the United States are nllcd. _ C<>¤**¤_*<> M Wd Sec. 2. That the said judges shall meet and organize said court in the “‘W“““‘“g“°“· city of Washington, where the said court shall hold its sittings. Tm-eg Q¤<>¤¤¤- judges of said court shall constitute a. quorum for the transaction of mfgé 'Qs°;‘°;¤‘f business, and tho agreement of three shall be necessary to decide any Buy tg dcgkp., qumqucstion arising bctbrc said court. _— mms. Sm:. 3. That the said court: bc, and it is hereby, cuth0r1zcd to publish C9""? W P¤P“¤h notice of its sessions, and to make all needful rules and regulations tml; “°"l;°° of “°“3‘°"“· contravcning the laws of the United States or the provisions of this act,

  n mg- for gcgulating the forms and mode of procedure before the said court,

' and for carrying into full and complete ciiect the provisions of this act. Mode or pmced- Such rules and mode of procedure shall conform, as fm- as practicable, um. to the modo of procedure and practice of the circuit courts of tho United Powers of court. States ;_ and the said court is hereby vested with the same powers now possessed by the circuit and district courts of the United States to c0m· pcl the attendance and testimony of parties, claimants, and witnesses, to preserve order, and to punish for contcmpts ; and in allclnims which C<>mp1¤i¤¤¤¤ wd shall be presented before said court the person or persons prosecuting ’°“P°“d°”“- such claim shall be deemed the complainant and the United States shall bc deemed the mspondent. And said court shall have power to compel Prod ucti on ¤f the production of any books or papers deemed material to the considerb°°k“ ““d P“P°”· ation of any claim or matter pending therein. Tay of judges_- Smcmroiv 4. That each- of the said judges shall be paid monthly, at tho rate of six thousand dollars per annum · and they shall have a. clerk, Cl ka who shall be appointed by the President, hy and with the advice and °r consent of the Senate, to be paid at the rate of three thousand dollars per annum; and the scid court shall have authority to appoint ono Sh°Y*·h¤¤** ’°‘ short-hand reporter, to be paid monthly, at the rate of two thousand P°'°°"‘ five hundred dollars por annum; and said court shall be further Omen expenses, allowed the ncccs ary actual expenses of officc-rant, furniture, fuel, sta.- &•c.,hcw pmd.tionery, and printing, and other necessary incidental expenses, to bc ccrtiiicd by the presiding judge of said court, and to be audited and paid ou vouchers under the direction of tho Secretary of State. C0u,,S,,10,1 {,6;,,,1; SECTION 5. That the President may designate a counscllonat-law, mlof the United States. mittcdto practice in the Supreme Court of the United States to appear ascounscl on behalf of the United States, and represent the interest of tho-Government in said suit, and in all claims iilcd for indemnity for losses, mi provided by this act, subject to the supcrvision and control Allowuuco fm. of the Attorney General. Such Counsel shall receive for his services sm-vinns mm px- and expenses such reasonable allowance in each claim as may be ap- 1>¢¤¤¤¤»h<>W Paid- proved by the court, to be apportioned in each claim adjudicated, and paid from said award upon the ccrtiticatc of one of tho judges. Mmm; y,,, Dis- Smcmxou 6. That the marshal of the United States 'for the District of trict of Columbia to Columbia, or his deputies, shall servo all process issued by said court, Sw/¤ P¤<>¤¤¤¤» &<=- preserve order in the place of sitting, and execute the orders of tho said court. SECTION 7. That the said court shall proceed immediately after its iirst meeting in tho city ot"Wa.shington, with all convenient dispatch, to Docket of claims. arrange and docket the several claims admissible under this act, and to Proceedings ofconsidcr the evidence which shall have been or which ma be offorod <¤>¤r¤· by tho respective claimants, and in opposition thereto, allsowing such Timo for produc- further time for the production of such further evidence as may bo Wm ¤f ¤vid¤¤¤¤· required and as it shall think reasonable and just. dud shall thereupon Award.proceed to determine and award upon each of said claims according to the provisions of this act. J udgcstorwnvenv. Smcarrou 8. That the judges of the court created by this act shall con- "h°“· _ vena in the city of Washington as soon as conveniently may be after u.'£:;‘R_°f °*‘°*°“°° their appointment; and the said court shall exist for one year from the