Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/756

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726 TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Dnc. 6, 1870. and between their citizens, respect-‘ respcctivamente, sin distincion de ively, without distinction of per- personas y lugares. - sons and places. Anriemn 2ND. Amfoumo 2°. Favors granted to The United States of America - La Republica del Salvador y los 0_*h¢>Y ¤¤¢i<>¤¤ by and the Republic of Salvador, de- Estados Unidos de América., de- °‘°h" P‘“°Y‘ sirin g to live in peace and harmony seando vivir en paz y armenia con with all the nations of the earth, todas las naciones de la tierra por by means of a policy frank and medio de una politica franca é iguequally friendly with all, engage almenteamistosa con todas, se oblimutually not to grant any partiou- gan mutuamente a no otorgar falar favor to other nations, in re- vores pnrticulares a otras naciones spect of commerce and navigation, con respecto a comercio y navegawhich shall not immediately he- cion que no se hagan inmediatacome common to the other party, mente estensivos a la otra parte, who shall enjoy the same freely if quien gozara de los mismos librethe concession was freely made, or mente, si la concesion fuese hecha on allowing the same compensation libremente, u otorgando la misma if the concession was conditional. compensacion si la concesion fuese condicional. Anricnn 3121). o A.RTfOULO'3°. Reciprocal rights The two high contracting parties, Las dos altas partes contratantes of navigation. being likewise desirous of placing deseando tambien cstablecer el cothe commerce and navigation of mercioynavegacion de sus respectitheir respective countries on the lib- vos paises sobre las liberales bases eral basis of perfect equality and deperfectaigualdadyreciprocidad, reciprocity, mutually agree that the convienen mutuamente en que los citizens of each may frequent all the ciudadanos de nada una podran frecoasts and countries of the other, cuentar las costas y territories de R<*¤i<l0¤¤¤- and reside therein, and shall have la otra, residir en ellos, emprender - the power to purchase and hold cualquieraclase de trafico y fabri- Holding real es- lands, and all kinds of real estate, car, esplotar, minar, comprar y pomliei _*¤‘¤d9· _¤¤¤¤¤- and to engage in all kinds of trade, seer tierras, y toda clase de bienes . f“°"“‘°S¤”"“‘“g· » manufactures, and mining, upon raices, sujetos a los mismos derethe same terms with the native cit- chos y obligaciones que los natuizens, and shall enjoy all the privi- rales del pais, 6 bajo los mismos leges and concessions in these mat- privilegios que iuesen concedidos ters which are or may be made to 6 que se coucedan a cualquiera ciuthe citizens of any country, and dadano 6 ciudadanos de otras nariivi re g Us mia shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, ciones, y gozaran de todos los dere- <*¤¤¤¤P*i0¤¤· and exemptions in navigation,com- chos, privilegios y exenciones con merce, and manufactures which na- respeto a navegacion, comercio y tive citizens do or shall enjoy, sub- fabrica de que gozan 6 gozaren los _ mitting themselves to the laws, dc- - ciudadanos naturales sometiéndose crees, or usages there established to a las leyes, decretos y usos establewhich native citizens are suljected. cidos a que estan sujetos dichos But it is understood that this arti- ciudadanos. Pero debe entenderse ` CWISUHQ ·*>1‘¤<1¤> cle does not include the coasting- que este articulo no comprende el “"° ‘“°1“‘1°‘r trade of either country, the regula- comercio de cabotage de cada uno tion of which is reserved by the delos paises,cuyaregulacionqueda parties respectively, according to ‘ reservada alas partes respectivatheir own separate laws. mente segun sus leyes propias y peculiares. ` Antricmz Min. ARTTGULO 49.

 1*;*3 They likewise agree that what- Ignalmente conyiene una y otra

.,,,,,018 of g,,m,dO,_ ever kind of produce manufacture, en que cualquiera especie de pro-