Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/784

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754 CON VENTION-REPUBLIC OF ECUADOR. “MAY 6, 1872. Anrrcnn II. Aivrfenno II. Naturalized citi- If a naturalized citizen of either Si el ciudadano, naturalizado de z°”.l°”°W*¤8P¤·*?V° country shall renew his residence cualquiera de los dos paises vuelvc "”‘d°“°°‘ in that where he was born,_with0ut al de su nacimiento con ia inten an intention of returning to that cion de no regresar al de la naturawhere he was naturalized, he shall lizaeion, se consideraran reasumibe. held to have reassumed the daslasobligaeiones delaciudadania _obligations of his original citizen- de origen, y renunciada la adqniship, and to havrrrenounced-that rida por la naturalizacion. which he had obtained by naturalization. " " - i Anno:. III; Ancrfeuro III. Intention not to A residence of more than two . ‘La residencia de mas de dos aiios "°t“"’· °"‘d°”°° °£ years in the native country of a' ‘en el pais del nacimiento de un ` A naturalized citizen shall be con- ciudadano naturalizado se considestrued as an intention on his part rara como intencion do residir en to stay there without returning to él, y de no volver al pais dondc fué that where he was naturalized. naturalizado; Sin embargo, esta This presumption, however, may presuncion puede ser destruida por be rebutted by evidence to the con- ‘prueba en contrario. trary. Ancrronn IV. ~ Anmfonro IV. Oliences b oro r e Naturalized citizens of either Los ciudadanos naturalizados de °mES¤”¤*i<>P_l>y ¤l¤*¤~_ country, onreturningtothat where cualquiera de las dos naciones, al l:?;?;]" °m”"”“ "' they were born, shall be subject to regresar al pais del naeimiento,que- "` trial and punishment according to dan snjetos a enj uieiamiento y cas- ‘_ . ‘ the laws, for teams committed tigo,con arregloalasleyes de dicho before their emigration, saving pais, por delitos cometidos antes de always the limitations established la emigracion, salvo siempre las by law. _ · prescripciones legales. ' Anrrcnn V. · Aarfonno V. Decimation of i¤— A declaration of intention to be- La declaracion dela intencion do

 ‘° b°°°‘“"? come acitizen shall not have the · hacerse ciudadano, no surte los

' effect of ( naturalization. · efectos de la naturalizacion. _Anrrcnn VI. . Anrfouro VI. D¤{¤>·ti¤¤ Of <><>¤-‘ The present convention shall go La presente convencion tendra

  • f"‘“°“· into effect immediately on the ex- efecto iumediatamente despues del

change of ratitications, and it shall canje de las ratiiieaciones, y queremain in full force for ten years. clara vigente por diez anos, Si If neither of the contracting parties ninguna de las dos partes contrashall give notice to the other six tantes notiiicare a la otra, con seis months previously of its intention meses de anticipaciou, su intencion to terminate the same, it shall de poner termino al convenio, perfurtherremain in force until twelve manccera en toda su fuerza y vigor months after either of the contract- hasta doce meses despues que una ing parties shall have given notice de las partes eontratantes haya to the other of such intention. notiiicado a la otra la citada intencion. . Anrrcnn VII. Anrfeuro VII. Ratifications, and The present convention shall be La presente conveneion sera rati- °*‘°h¤”S° °f~ `ratiiied by the President of the ticada por el Presidente del Ecua-