Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/801

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GONVENTION~SWEDEN AND NORWAY. MARCH 15, 1873; 771 ‘”°a*£;5¥L’é°§TE¥§?%?‘§§?L€£Z"E§ B··—LETf¤¤R-BILL No. —. ‘ { <><>¤·*¤¤;3,¤;g;;¤¤ Mm For the mails dispatched from — 10 — via - j . Sent the · , 187 ; arrived the —---, 187 m ~ · gu é Stqtomquts by t!m Veritlcntion by the g A E E nihca dxspxsbclnng. receiving odico.


·-· ,, ¤> g · _._...,.. i g _ Ngturq of tha correspcudeufw g' g $:5; Am0uut. éxgf Auwnuts. 2 Gmms. CW- Nos. Dolls. Cbé. Ng. Dolls. Cts. TABLE I.—Iu·mm<n101ux, Conumsrounzucm. (Including Registered Articleaw-Postage only.) 1 Letters f Il ‘d. ,.. . ·* ... .. __ __ - g mm Jh..§i»‘§}3£‘§}m .,._...__.._____________________________ ig _ , Jl [ N0. of single rates 15 _. ... .. A Letter; iusudicismtly p111d_ Rks 6].; Rkl Q 4 j Amount px·?aid 1 ...,..., _ ___ 5 {Amount; do cient Y ___, Total number of single international mms ... ... .

 ;· -·-_: i i ~ ..;=-; :.  Z

6 gzgguliiuts Tom} amount of postage-stamps Mixed to Samplgg * the correspondence TABLE H. EXTRANATlONAL Conmzsvoynuucu. ‘ (Including Regiamed Articles-Pbatage only.) 7 Lctmm ori§mau¤g in Unpésid (wholly or in part.) N0. of international - ra os .. .., ..,,_._,,___ .. .., _ g1I;PD1;%u§€;A?s {Qc; N0. of international mms .. —— - . -- ·- 8 yonfgwedeu Fully prepaid. Fomig:1 postage to nccount for to . 9 ‘ Swc an . . — — -s m "`“‘§;g{“* { No. or mmmauonu mifos .. - ~ .~.. .. U A Sxsgggg t° 'Ugnlmid, No.of iutamatiunxsl rates. .. -— -— _ -- - 12 Letmrs orignuutiug ‘ who ly or§Fux·0i usmgo to sccouut in foreign conn- in part. for gtgs `United States .. - -— -——— 13 tries an psssi¤{; Fun m N0.ofiu1zsmatio¤¤lmms. . . —- -.—- .. in transit throng 1 Addressed to QQFomigngosmgow account 14 the United States. countries be- P ‘ for wsdeu -—-- -.- 15 . ‘ youd Swo· Uuyaid, N0. of international mus. .. —- —-— - 16 dau. who ly or Foreign gostsgc to account; in para. for to t o United States., ——-——- -—- Total number of single rates in tmrmsit ... , .. p; Prepaid journals, other prints, samples, Tom] amoum: of tho iutomational etc., originating in the United States, postage . . ,-—— --—- addressed 1:0 countries beyond Sweden, or originatingé beyond the United m States and sul massed to Sweden or to Total amount of foreign postage to ~ oguutrias beyopd Sweden. account for to Sweden .. . . .. —-—- — - 19 Un 'dnewspa;:cx·s,pr1nts, zmdpattems Total amount of tho intcmationnl 0F1pm-q]mx;d;ge origmatina in for- postage ... . .. -·- —- · —— gg eign countries and assing transit Total amount of thuforeign postage . through the United Ebates. · tomcou1;tfqrt,oul;eUuitodSmtos. - - · - TABLE HI.-Ov Rnursmx Fume. 21 Total Dumber of register foes and registered articles herewith .. . —- -— gp} Amount of supplementary fees on same duo to countries beyond Sweden to account for to Sweden L -·- —— - ·· TABLE IV.-·Lm*1j1n3s FOBWABDED ron Cmxun or Rxnsmmwcu. · Latte , 'd d 'cl, of Prior stage unpaid,um0untf»oncn0unt for

 wh»;:sg§?:;ig1 : ggrwgrdod to a£g1usXve credit of United States. ..  -  -- 

to persons who have changed Expense of returning the corrqspoudouco . . . 24 mhair national address. N0. of rates as-- cents por mngirnm . [Memo.-—Artic10s misseut or wroufgly uddreiascd. Nota the num of m·tic s -·--. l N0. of registered articles by this mail.  » ` » TABLE V.-Fon Acccuxmc ron Iwmmmpuu-u Tremsrr.

· T ml ber fsi 1 t nofl ttors sent b this mail .. . . 4 - - -~ ···· ·“

    Qsm Fmmg%,¥ : -Z Q 8, MEI, 13, 15, am<IY24 of this lct.tc1··bi1l.)     .___

· Grams. · _ `Grams. W T¤*—***<¤¤*=* <¤¤*> ·>* ·=“¤¤*¤¤*¤*¤*¤ ··=·*·*- {}‘3\$‘f;‘51.·;‘aeA;‘szAI2i22t1I12C2i:; _ ‘