Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/908

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87 8 INDEX. Pogo. Page. CalM>m£a—Co11tinuod. Gannon, Candmmzcd, §·0.—C0nti11ued. _ toreport toC0ngress at next session names Northumberland County, Pu., Monument of persons cloixning relief, &0 .. . 83 ASS00iB»i7i011 of ------·-... ... 51 Secretary of Treasury may establish certain Fuller Post, No. 74, Cntosauqun., Pn.. . 51 1ife·b0z1.t stations on cost of .. .. . 126 Delaware County, Pe., Soldiers' and Saileompensation of xmtionul-bank examiners ors’ Monument Association at . . .. 51 in, how iixed, &,c .. . 330 Chapman Post, No. 61, Meueh Chunk, Pa,. 51 desert lends in Lassen County in, reclaimed Doubleday Post, No. 189, Tztmasqua., Po,.. 51 by irrigation to be entered by citi- York, Pa., Monumental Association at --. 51 zum; . _,,.. . . . -- . . 497 Post N0. 30, Cambridge, Mass,- .L.- .. 51 steps to be mkeu mid proof of reclema.- Post N0. 68, Bost0n,Msss .. . ... 5. 51 tion. . . . ,, . . 497 Springiiold, Mass., Soldiers' Monument desert-lzmds defined --.. 497 Association at .- . . .. 51 Calumcl, I Il., Post No. 122, Amesbury, Mass .. . . 51 n»ppropriu,ti0u for improving harbor ot 237, 456 Trustees S01diers’ Monument Fund, Akron, C'aZr1:rt, Eclward HZ, Obit) . ...-· . - . ... . ... 51 payment to, for rent and damages to prop- Otlieers of Soldiers'MonumentAssoeiation, erty .. ..,. . . ,. .. 565 Chelmette, La. , -.. .. _,,, 51 Camden, Mc., Pomeroy, Ohio, Soldiers Monument Assoopproprlzmtioxi for improving harbor ot 241, 460 eiation at. . ... .  ; --.. 51 Cdm·€l'0H, James, Post No. 63, Natick, Mass . . ... 51 claim of nlloxved by commissioners . .. . 650 Post No. 5 Morgantown, W. Va ... ... 51 Cammowk, l'Villia,m E., Post No. 86, Beverly, Mass ... · 51 claim of, allowed by commissioners 656 Binghamton, N. Y., Soldie1—s’ Monument Camp, Elias A., Association et ... - 51 claim of, allowed by commissioners 585 Alliance, Ohio, So1diers’ Monument Asso- Comp, Hosea M., eiutxon ut. .. .--. .,.._,,, 51 claim of, allowed by commissioners 585 Prescott Post No. 1, Providence, R. I._ 66 Grmqaboll, Adam, Lexington, Mess., authorities of . M0 claim of, allowed by commissioners ... . 580 Massillon, Ohio, and Post 139, Grand Army Campbell, G. W., of Republic, ut S0me1:vi11e, -. 302 claim of, allowed by commissioners 587 Camum, George Q., Cmrqibcll, Harriot A., appropriation for payment to. . . , . · 468 claim of, us widow, allowed by commission- Cans made of Tin, · ers .. . . . . . .. 640 containing iish of uu kind admitted free of Cmaqrbcll, John, administrator, duty ; mte of chity on ., ,___ 308 claim of estate of Stephen S. Springer re- Canton, ferred to coxuinissioiwrs for re—exa.mi- 11:1.1.110 of schooner China. changed to .. .. 66 notion . .. . .. 601, 650 Capo Fear River, Crmqrbcll, John R., appropriation for improving ., L ._ . ... .240, 459 claim of, allowed by commissioners -.-. 580 Capo Spartcl Light, ` Campbell, L. S., _ appropriation for annual proportion of expayment to, by Quzmrtermoster-General -- 534 pense of. ... .,.,71, 327 Omnpbzrll, Thomas AL, Capitol, claim of, allowed by commissioners 640 appropriation for purchase of works of art 0rmq2b¢:lI, William, to ornament ..2 . .. 209, 376 claim of, n,l1mved by commissioners .-.. 582 for work on, and for gouora,1 care and rs- Cnmp Duh: Crack Military Itcscrvation, pairs. ., 214 portion of, to l.)0·blll`1l0(l over to Department for under-surfaoe of roof of Semtetchsmof Interior for restoration to public ber.- -.. ... -. 214 domain .. . . --.. --.. 201 for stea.m—pump . ·.. .. 214 how to be disposed of .. . 201 for copper rooting near dome, and fire- Gamp Douglas, walls. .. . . .. 214 portion of military reservation of, near Salt old material to be sold and proceeds Luke City, gmutgeil for purposes of a, covered into Treasury- t . 314 cemetery , . . .. .. 46, 47 for lighting, Eze. ... --..225, 226, 393 Canada, seo Dominion of Canada. purchase of tire-extinguishers for, author- Canal-boals, ized. . .. -..---.. . , 6 when exempt from enrollment and lieonsb·opor:ut0rs employed at . . . 14 zmd payment of customs fees 31 exhibition in, of works of nrt not belonging Canal-grounds,` to United States prohibited . .a.. . 376 appropriation forimproving, ineity of Wash- use of rooms in, for works of art, without ington . .. - ... 225 permission of Joint Committee on Liport cf, annexed to reservation No. 2, occu- , . bmry, prohibited . . . . . .. 376 pied hy Agricultural Department 518 Capitol and Dopartnwnt Telegraph-Lime, Canby, Louisa H., appro riatiou for repairs of .. . ..,.,,,,, 209 wi¢low’s pension . . . ... . . . . 556 Capitol Extension, Candler, Janus M., appropriations for . .. - 214, 384, 385 cln.in1 of, allowed by commissioners 647 Capitol Grounds, Cmmon, Comlcm,ncd, and C¢mnon—Balls, zipprop1.·in.tion for topogrmphieal survey of, to be delivered to the following organiza.- aud for plans for laying out and imtions and towns: proving ...,., . . ..,, --,, ,.-, ___, 23 Posts Nos. 2, 5, 6,7, 8, 10, 19, and 71, G. A. for improvement of,.. . . ,,., 214 _ R., Plnilmlclphin, Po . ... . . 51 how to be expended .. 214 Wxnterport, Me., authorities of. . 51 deficiency appropriation for ... 146 Henderson County, Ill., Soldicrs’ Menu- removal from, of telegraph-poles and street ment Asrwocintion of . . 51 mi1w;;y.t;•§¤ks ______ , ____ _ __________ 385