Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/934

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9()4 INDEX. Degibcienoy Appro§giafeb•w—Coutinued. Deming, Eliza Jam Pagestutne of athauae1Greene .. . . 410 claim of, allowed by commissioners. . .. --·- 597 balance due F. M. Lemper, checks of Demqry, Maldon, J v_ Roger 5, Gmane,. _,_, , , ,, ., 418 claim of estate of, allowed by com1mssion— commiesioners to Vixxlpe Exposition. . . 418 D gm.'}: . .E . . .t. 1. ,. . . . 591 Do cm Barbara, admimbtra ‘ , emory, ., anew rw, duiiu of estate of Harmon Deg¤n,s.l10wed , claim ogldlghlon Demory allowed by com- _ by commissioners .. . .. . . 640 m18B10D6N .--- - ---· - ·-·- · --··-- ,·- -· 597 Dcgan, Harmon, - _ Dempsey ofTOOZc,_ _ claim of estate of, allowed by oommmxs- 640 approprmtiinn totmdgmrnfy, fog- losstigsnrgugth Biol] ls,,,,..,,.,,.,,..,..[. Bfllhll H10!] 0 001] TA1} W1 08 - Dcgge, Georg`: A., _ 0Bce Department .. ..._... .. 224 claim of, allowed by commissioners . r.. 656 dies and glandyaolls to be dehvemd up De Gragfenrcid, Tschwrner BZ, estate up to sstxsiecuon of Postmaster-General claim of, allowed by commissioners 591 previous to payment- _ . _ .. 224 Dolapluinc, Julia, sum appropriated to be reeenved m full cuuveypnce of certain lend to United States satxsfsction for all clmms, &e .. -. 224 y, coniirmed, 276 for payment to .. .. .- .. . 411 Delaware, · Denmarlc, _ post-reeds established in. . 8 eeldimonel articles Bggncmber 5, 29, 1874, ife-saviigt stptious may be established on 125. tPp:st- dce Department of 832 co .o .-... -... · m s un .. . . . . light-house appropriations for coasts of.. .219, 380 _ new wins of “ crown coimge," substituted Delaware Bay, ‘ in couveniicu . z . _... 832 appropriation for United States pier in, near Dennison, James, · Lewes ...,. `. . ; . . . .. . - . . 459 claim of allowed by commissioners 643 ap ro ns ons or paymen e . , symen as mejoro vo un rmfzm . Denman {nhamlf tof int rest to 155 430 Denny, Wi?;:" N,f 1 toetry 663 ixer Ezterest on general trust-funds.- .. 174,449 Dgct, Jane, ’ for proportionate share of mcneysnd claim of, allowed by commissioners.. .. 645 stocks to certain children of, and to Denton, Wduaxm, ~ children of Betsy Zei§ler .. . . 175 claim of, allowed by commissioners - --. 637 deductions from money-cre its. . .. . - - . 175 Denver, Col., equitable deductions from stocks . . 175 appropriation for mint at . 97, 356, 406 ~ amount to be transferred to Secretary of Denver andliio Gmndekailway Coqpasy, · qhe Treasury. . . 175 clerical error in set granting mght of way whole agreunt may be taken from money- to, corrected by inserting e certain c its .. .. .. ..-. 175 roviso ,. . ... -.. ...,.,, ,. 616 payment to legal representatives. . ...-‘ 175 Denver Railw und To 4 h. Compem cbildmsraéleolsred citizens of the United 1 5 Dto be deergid psrhqaif Kunsalighsiziiic, dce.; 112 es .. .. .- . J. . 7 artmenta Telegra Operators seefclcgrqp patents to be issued for lands allotted to. .. 175 6p` Operators. P 7 in cose of decease, how to be issued...;.. 175 Department of Agnkxdtme, see Agriculiural Detitle to lands to vest in heirs, &.c . . 1*75 _·pu.·rt·ment. petentsto be issued in names of certain per· Departnwnt of the Inferior, see Interior Departsons of the citizen class. .. . . 175 ment,· title to lends, how vested -... 175 appropriations for ... 103-106, 139-143, 363-366 Delaware Jltiver, _ _ property, &c., of'Freedmen’s Hospital to be Dcanipsppoyipustnom for xmproving 240, 459 transfexkrecgrom Weir Department to.- 223 , a111m, · commissions o 0 cers un er contre of Secclaim of, allowed. by commissioners 643 . remry of, 1:0 be sealed and recorded in. 420 Delégdtw iilb C:0’hg1‘6B8, of Junko, 333 . spproprmhcns for .. . . . . · 87, 345. appropriations for. . .- ... 08,369, 418 compensation of .. . ... 4 for printing and binding for .1. 4 ... 204, 371' from District of Columbia, lows providing annual report of contingent expenses in def¤1‘, PGP6R16d-- ·-----------·--- . . 116tail to be made to Congress . . 109 Dunne12a};} ztfect present term .. . 116 certain provisipus not to prevent employ- , 1142, -ment of isbrlct httome in cases not claim of, allowed by commissioners ...- 582 · covered by se]sry..-..€é ·..J. .;. . 109 Delmar,—· original bonds of clerks nf courts to be Sled _ name of schooner, ohanged tosddis Henry, 276 ~ in . , .·. , . ,.,,, ,-. '... Q1. ho-; . , 333 Dsl Norte Land-District, shall represent the United Siiutes in legal in Colorado, created .. . . .. 122 proceedings connected with im ve- — boundaries of, esta.b1ished· . ... s. .. 122 ment of Wisconshrsnd Fei glsug ]0ca,9j0¤ of]g,p;j_·()$33,_,,,,,,_,;__,,,,,,_Q 122 Wig(;qndn______________ ___,____jy,_ 591 appoinement o register and receiver . . 122 Dqparfment o the Na see N Deparfmsvl proofnnd entries 420 be_m2Ae at oilles iu, spproprisifionslioxzjyslnd forage severaldéu- *3 ioripnop pre-emptwn and homestead 122 t reeus of ... é. . . 102,204, Q6, 362, 411 3P 1611 10118- ----~-·----·.. n-. .. Dqmr mento mtv see ¢ateD Hméyd, » transfer to, of unfinished business in other epproprieiions for ;. .¤... . ,..?‘g0, 204,348, 404, 414 lend-offices relating to, &e . . 122 Department of the Denny, see D0 Long, James; ment, · . · - ' payment te,tu re-imburse moneys expended · appropriations for L .. . -. .;-,-.00-03, 134, by him ss consul at Aux Os.yes..s. .. $79 _ Bexley, Amana, _ _ » mule employésin, nottq b¤.p¤id`m0mthsn 1m of, allowed by eommisswuers ...- 585females for likeseryicehe. ..4. .;:.’.. 90-91