Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/973

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INDEX. Q43 J“dl'"""‘“"C°*?ti““°d· - . Page- JWT‘0di0¢i0I¥—c0Dt•iD¤3l].- l mterest at tour per centum allowed ou., ,.248 ~oI courts in District of Cclumbiu created DUE to bB 1DG1\1dB(1 ifi. . . . . . . . . .». . . . . e.. C0]; ove]- and gfgnsgs amount to be certiiicd in- report of.' _ 248 . · commitm ainst United States . 91 manner ot payment to be prescribed by ·o£ criminal court Ein District of Columbia Secretary of '1.‘x·ensury . L. . . 248 over certain crimes uml misdemeanors proportionate payments when , .. M8 . prosecuted by indictment or informefrom what moneys payable . . . .. 248· · tion . ... . . . . 193 ` ccrtngn `bands to `be canceled on pnyment . over cases which muy be assigned bi cir- _0 . ... · .. . . t ?A8-249 · uitcou xv en no agcdin ldchuma.nt’s counsel and n.ttorney's fees toin criuiinoiltermf.??? . t) 204 be included in .. . . . . .,.. . . . . 249 of Court of Commissioners of Alabama J gucci? in‘Uta.k Territory, how executed. 253 , · Cloims over claims for damages diu’a trick, " ,· rect} resuitin from cruisers Alnbuum. Perry County, Tennessee, transferred from ’ - mul yidoridn, End their tenders' and western tomiddlejudiciel district..;. 480 . Shcnuudonli nfter February 18, 247 Jud£cialEa:pcnoea, seehgialatiue andSu••dry Civil » of district courts of United States over pros- E¥»`P<’?¤¢·¤»· cautions for destroying, interfering opproprmtious for; ...85-111, 204, 206, 368, 369, 378 with, dec., Government mlegmph- J silciiciogcy appropriation for . r r. .. 144 line . . . .. .. $250 u Ma Moore · of courts in Utah Territo . . 253,254 J iIta.lxA’11e1;·}1:;1g, not in relation to, &c..257>·256 oi Supreme Courtrtof Status over sui WWW ° » rome cou ‘ 0 1 w em occusee thirty-third section of, applied to courts gentencsd to capital punishment or cregted bynct of Congress in Distmct 193 convicted ot bignmy or polygamy 254 — o um no . . .» Jurors, , .h4Za‘an, Icom, _ . in Utah ..— . . . . 255 claim of, allowed by commissioners ._..~. 652 in District of Columbia, how to be drown Julian, John, _ .andimpxmelc<111ntilFebrunry 1, 1875. 293 claim cf, ellowed by commissioners,... fi48 citizens possessing] ull other cuuliiications Julmn, William C., —· nlmll not be e isquelitlcd or service us, J claim of, allowed by commissioners 652 on account of mee, celoryor glrovious urics, *. condition of servitm o; pon ty for . in Utah, how constituted .. ... .. 255 excluding, &c.. :... . . . . 336 what inquiries shall be made by grand . Jnrora of United States Couric, jury .. , .. . .,_,. - ,,,.. 255 g ro rintions for ,.,..,.., ..,...B03,373 issues of feet in ed.mim1ty-ecusss in circuit Jung? P . eourts muy besubmittedto .. . 315 trial by in territorial courts. . .. . . 27, 28 iiudiu of, to stand as finding of court, special finding of, in actions for violation of unless, &c .. .. .. ‘ 315 customs-revenue laws...: _... 180 issues 02 fmt in patent causes, hoard in when to be imp:mc1c<1,iu circuit. courts, to . equityl by circuit court may be sub- 316 ‘ iiind tfmcts Ii: anamiinlty 315 mitto to .. . . . . . in e reui ccur si `ug in equi y, or rm J igrdict of,-how treated and proceeded on. 316* J M of pntont causes 4. . . . .. . 316 ur cticm un — • a President may accept, fo§BA:;1e5ic3:;¤ citizens, {cir gran;] nml petit juries in Uteb, how nucl 254 0 certain tribune o t man ov--w en prepnrm . . A .. . ernment, or Egypt, over cases gow Justice; of the Peace, _ _ . _ tried. by consular courts ... p . 28-24 _ in Ute}; 'Perritorv, gnmsdictxon of, extended 254 common-low and cbzmcory, may be mingled appeals from, to abstrict courts -. 254 ` in territorial courts .. .. . . . . 27 Justicu of the Sésprmc Court., see Supreme Court u.ppe11a.te,of Supreme Court of United States of the niwd Stain? ~ over judgments und. decrees of torri- appropriations for poyo .. . . - 108, 868 · torinl courts.. . . 27 Justus, amea D., _ in eases of trial by jury to be exercised by elnim of, allowed by commissioner;. .. 044 writ of error - .. 27 Juw·Bu¢l·¤, in other cases, by appeal .. . . .. : . 27-28 mte of duty on .. .. r . .. ... 308 of Federal courts over proceedings of rhs- Jute, Flax, or Rgmlc, . possessed occupant of ilzm egninst certain meehmery edgstegl to menntcetuxes owner by title of United States, for from fiber of, matted free of duty improvements __;_‘ ______ _ __; ___, , _,, 60 for two years .. . . . ... .. .. 308 · of Court of Claims of suits brought by certain milroud companies, grantees of K• publie1nnd,forp.syfoz·tmnsyxortotxon. 74 Kadcl, George, ·_ _ _ an of circuit gud digtrietconuts of Un tcd_Stotcs clzum of, 0.1 owed by conumssxoners . .. . over actions ugamst Pacino Railroads Kaglcy, Joseph, _ 652 for feilureto operate roudsnu ccntinu- claun of, ullowed bypcmmrnsiormrs ---· ---· . · ous line, or for discrimination in rates, Kalylesaclda Som, Martin, _ ~ &e .. . . . .. . . 11*2 · payment to, for acids furmshed -- .~.- · 603 of State courts for collection of assets of 178 Kaninganvgk cousubgcnéul wt 68 bsmkru in certain cases .-- S¤ M — · -···· · ····· ‘ » of district cogrtts of Territories subject to rpprhmerr ¤·n<1 wlnry of i¤¤·¤P¥¤*¢¤`¤ *0 70 sup§rintendenco,&0.,0f 0il.‘0¤ib¤011!¢S, 189 K 0 °°¤¤“l“t° M ····· · ····‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘'‘"‘ ' oi enkru to cnsesn. . ...·- · e (Ma, _- _ · of supreme compte ii Territories in bn.nk· epproynumons for office of surveyorggcénlefngm 382

  • , ruptcy cases transformed to disftwf ‘ m ·· --·- - ------ _ ·-~· ···· : ···• 1 · • *212

courts ____ _ ____ _ _____ _ _____ ___ _____ 182 for survey of public lands lll . . . . .·-· — -- -