Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/237

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RESOLUTIONS. [N0. 3.] Joint resolution on the celebration of the Centennial in the several counties March 13, 1876. or towns. ·······*—-—— Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America, in Congress assembled That it be sind is hereby rec- C‘”m"?°‘°“ of ’ 7 7 Centennial 2llll\l· ommended by the Senate and House of Representatives to the people of Wrsmy 1.,. O ,, ,,, . the several States that they assemble in their several counties or towns memml. · on the approaching Centennial Anniversary of our National Independ- —·i*·’<’»ri*·¢*J**»4V·· ence, and that they cause to have delivered on such day an historical "°*’»1‘1’-’**‘»“'Z’· sketch of said county or town from its fornmtion, and that at oopy of said sketch may be filed, in print or manuscript, in the Clerlds office of said county, and an additional copy, in print or manuscript, be tiled in the office of the Librarian of Congress, to the intent that ai complete record may thus be obtained of the progress of our institutions during the First Centennial of their existance. Approved, March 13, 1876. {No. 4.] Joint resolution directing the Commissioners of the District oi'Columl>ie to March 14, 1876. pay theinterest on the bonds issnedin pursuance of the not of Congress approved June ~”*"“*_""" twentieth, eighteen hundred mul seventy four, out 0I` any funds in the United States '.l‘rensury eiilijeet to the requisition of wid Commissioners, und lor other purposes. Bc it resolved by the Senate and House of Represcnmtitcs of the Un~i2‘cd States if America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the _C’>{¤¤¤¤_iS¤i<¤) {FS I)istriet of Columbia are hereby directed to transfer to the Treasurer of E" D¥“""‘°“ $’* 9** . e , _ . . i, . , lllllblil to iYl2lil)Si&*!‘ the United btntes, for the pziyrnent of the interest, due the iirst ot heh- ,,,0,,,,,, M ,,,,,,,.,3% rusiry, eighteen hundred and seventy six, on the bonds of said District, on ::.:55 iiomis. issued under the provisions of the act of Congress approved June twen- W7'}, ("lt *7, tieth, eighteen hundred and seventy four, entitled "An zxot for the 18 *"“·· 11** government of the District oi' Columbizi, and for other purposes/’ the sum necessary to pay the Same from amy unexpended upproprizitions heretofore made by Congress, or from any revenues derived by tzixzttion on the property of said District of (}olmnbi:i, subject to the requisition oi' said Commissioners, excluding funds raised for the support of public Fumm mm, Of schools: Provided, That any further issue of threesixty-five bonds under 3.65 bonds pmmnor by virtue of said not of Congress approved June twentieth, eighteen imihundred and seventy-tour, is hereby prohibited: And provided, That the _ said Oominissionors me hereby directed to discontinue all work and Wf"`k_Q° b° *""· labor on streets, avenues, bridges, sewers, canals, and structures of °°M"`"°" every kind the payment for which is to be made in three-sixty-five bonds ot' the District of Columbia: And jprov·idedjw·t/ner, That so much of the sixth section of the said act of June twentieth, eighteen hundred ond {sqm-ii of umm s,eventy-iou1·, as directs and requires the First Comptroller of the Treas *‘»big;§;*°_‘;· v_ X ‘_ ury and the Second Comptroller of the Treasury to audit and adjust 18’S;:f,?‘ fié{‘ " the Iioating and unfunded debt of the District of Columbia-, and issue 1>m,m§.2, ` eertiiiesttes therefor, and of the joint resolution continuing the Board of 18 Sm., 52;:; Audit to examine and audit the unfunded or floating debt of the District £7§·_°*’· of Col umbian, approved December twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sev- m)£}E}f( " enty-four, and of the not to extend the time within which the Board of e Audit of the District of Columbia, may receive, audit, and nllow certain claims that have never been paesented to szxid board, approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, be, and the some is hereby, 211