Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/245

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PUBLIC AG] S OF THE FORTYFOURTH CONGRESS OF THE. U;\1ITED STJATES, Passed at the second session, which was begun and held at the city of Washington, in Um District of Ooluvvzbm, on Monday, flzcfourth day of 1)ecembcr, 1870, cmd ended on Saturday, the third day of Mm·ch,1877. ULYSSES S. GRANT, President. THOMAS W. FERRY was chosen President of the Senate pro tcmporc ou the IIUIGECOIIDII of M:11·<;l1, 1875, in special sessioxxyurrd continued to amt as such throughout the second session, nm} from the begimning of the third session ou the [Ol1I'th of December, 1876, until its termimxtion ou the third Jay of March, 1877, SAMUEL J. RANDALL was elected Speaker of the House of Ilvpreseututsives on the fourth of December, 1876, and continued to uci: as such until the end of the session. CHAP. 1.—Au not to provide for tho puymout of tho Electoral xucssongors. Dec. 18, 1876. Bc it enacted by the Senaw and House of Representatives of the Uniwd States of America, in Ocmgvcss assembled, That; for payment; of the mes- Approprmtion. sengers of the respective States for conveying to the som; of Govex·mnen1; I’=¤>’¤¤<>¤*<>f °l<>°· the votes of the electors of said States for .Presideut; mad Vice-President m'"" ""’“*""‘g°"“· of the United States at the mte of twentyfive cents for every mile of the CS(.iIIl2Lt€d distzmce by the most usual road traveled, from the place of meeting of tho ldloetors to the sean of Government of the United States; computed for the one distance only, the sum of Twenty thousand dollars l>0,zu1<l the same is hereby, appropriatcd,out of any money i11 the Tremsury not otherwise nppropriutod. Approved, December 18, 1876. CHAP. 7.—-·Au zxcb to authorize tho Secretary of the Treasury to issue xm register and Doc. 22, 1876. qmmge the name of the brig "A, S, Ponm>l1" to the “City of Mou1e." ——-—···———······‘ Bc it enacted by the Scnaic and House of Representatives of the United States of America, rin Congress assembled, That; the owners of the brig Nzmmofbx-igA.S. “A. S. 1’o1mell" of Portland, Maine, be, and they are hereby, authorized P¢*¤¤°U ¤h¤¤é§°‘~l· to change the name of said brig to that of the “Oity of M0ulo," and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to issue 2m _ register for the same. ‘ Approved, December 22, 1876. CHAP. 9,-An act; to provide For the expenses of certain Special Committees of tho D<¤G.23,187G· House of Represo11i;enLivcs, and of tho Commihmo on Privileges uml Elocuious of the ""—”“""""“'“ Senate. Be it cmwtcd by the Sonata and House of Representatives of the United _ _ States ofAmw~£ca in Congress assembled, Than, the sum of thirty five thou- £IPg”;‘;l;"*;";*;?_L, sand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, be, and the same C Om mit, BES (gu is hereby, appropriated {Tom amy moneys in the Treasury not ot.her·wise ,,](m;(,“S_ _ appropriated to defmy me actual expenses necessarily inxenwrod of {ho three Special Committees from the House of Represexxtzxtivos, ohzxrged respectively with tho inrrestigotiou of the recent; elections in the States of Louisiana, of Soum Czwolirm, and of Florida-, and of the committee of five wpoixatecl to proceed to tho oinies of NewYork,1’hi1ud<—Iplnia», Brooklyn, and Jersey Uit-y, to exzmmme into any alleged irzmduleuh 1‘<*g» 219