Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/294

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FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 81, 82. 1877. When by nnnl Sno 2. That where indemnity school selections have been made and

}‘(f::Y3‘;;h°j’;tS“§ certified to said State, and said election shall fail by reason of theland

Mexican g,,m,,s_ in lieu of which they were taken not being included within such final survey of a Mexican grant, or are otherwise detective or invalid, the same are hereby connrmed, and the sixteenth or thirty-sixth section in lieuhotéi which the selection was made shall, upon being excluded from suc na survey be disposed of as other public lands of the United Innocent pur- States: Provided,,That if there be no such sixteenth or thirt sixth ii fl a - y fm’;F;’“f°0r“ c,f§;i section, and the land certified therefor shall be held by an innocent pur- Scctions pm, c,,Gd_ cliaser for a valuable consideration, such purchaser shall be allowed tc pgove sich facts before the proper land-oflice, and shall be allowed to pur c ease the same at one dollar and twenty-ve cents per acre, not to exceed three hundred and twenty acres for any one person z Provided P¤<>Vi¤<>· That if such person shall neglect or refuse after knowledge of such facts, to furnish such proof and make paymen’t for such land, it shall be subject to the general land-laws of the United Statesi Confirmation Sno 3. That the foregoing connrmation shall not extend to the lands H10? to Ggtnnd to settled upon by any actual settler claiming the right to enter not exceed- 23m2S ° -“°t“**1 ing the prescribed legal quantity under the homestead or pre—emption If sgttlemwt laws: Provided, That such settlement was made in good faith upon madein good faith. lands ngt occupied syghe settlement or improvement of any other person, an prior o the ate of certilication of said lands to the State of _ California by the Department of the Interior: And provided further 01_'£;¤m>cI§;;tP;€;f That the claim_of such settler shall be presented to the register and re: limited_ * ‘* cetigzr oi ghe déstrictdland·office, together with the proper proof of his SG- emen an residence within twelve months after the passage of this act, under such rules hud regulations as may be established by the Coénmissioner of the General Land»CfHce. llot to apply to no 4.. That this act shall not apply to any mineral lands nor to any ¤¤¤¤¤f¤l lands, nw- lands in the city and county of San Francisco, nor to any incorporated city or town, nor to any tide, swamp, or overflowed lands. Approved, March 1, 1877. · March 2, 1877. CHAP. 82.-Au actdtg pixgoxgdgf§§9ismp;zp’a€·1a.;ip;;]?é:d1Iéxgtlggaticn of a. new edition ol Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Onminissinnerdtc States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the Unitm‘;f’“;f "'iggvgcz ed States be, and he is hereby, authorized to appoint, by and with the Smmm_ advice and consent of the Senate, one person, learned in the law, as a commissioner, for the purpose of preparing and publishing a new edition of the Hirst yolume of the Revised Statutes of the United States. mgstym of com- Sec. 2. flhat in performing this duty, said commissioner shall be 1‘e· {874 ch- 323 gupged to incorpogte into the text of the Revised Statutes as published 18 Sian- ld in e year anno _ omini cig teen undred and seventy-five, under the ’ act oi June twentieth eighteen hundred and sev t ·-f ll th endment< which have been madein the revision soiiliblighgilasinceathzlfirst A d day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and all that shall be igggrpzlfggz *0 belmagle up to tthe cllose of me present session of Congress, with margi- Rgfemm _ ‘ na re erences o suc amen atory acts and to all the decisions of the 1 cs se¥{)erallc(ii>1;rtshofhthe Urgited States, (as far as the same may have been publishe , w 10 may ave een made subsequent to those already cited in the margin of the present revision and may include also citations to such judicial decisions of the va-rioiis State courts as he may Referenpesto sub- deem important; and he shall also make marginal references to the zggigelif naisla- various statutes passed by Congress since the first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, not expressly therein declared to be amendments to the ltevised Statutes, but which, in the opinion of said commissioner, may in any manner affect or modify any of the prov1s1_ons_ot the said Revised Statutes, or any of the amendments thereto, indicating ID such marginal notes by a diiferencc in type the references