Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/614

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588 TREATY—GENERAL POSTAL UNION. Ocrr. 9, 1874. · Ratification- Having examined and considered the provisions of the Treaty concerning the formation of a General Postal Union signed at Berne, Switzerland, on the 9th of October, A. D. 1874, a ccrtitied copy of which is hereunto annexed, the same is by me, in virtue of the powers vested in the Postmaster-General by law, hereby ratified and approved, by and with the advice and consent of the President of the United States. In witness whereof I have caused the seal of the Post·Oilice Department of the United States to be hereto affixed with my signature this eighth day of March, 1875. [SEAL.] MARSHALL JEWELL, . Postmaster- General. Approval. I hereby approve the above-mentioned Treaty, and in testimony thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be afHxed hereto. [sman.] U. S. GRANT. By the President: HAMILTON Fisu, Secretary of State. WASHINGTON, March 8, 1875. Final protocol. Protocolc Final Relatif au Traitsé Final Protocol Relative to the Treaty. Les soussignés plenipotentiaires The undersigned plenipotentiades Gouvernements des pays qui ries of the Governments of the ont signe aujourd’hui le traité con- countries which have to-day signed cernant la creation d’une Union the treaty concerning the formagenerale des Postes, sont convenus tion of a General Postal Union, have de ce qui suit: agreed as follows : In cm Fmugh Dans le cas ou le Gouveruement In case the French Government, Government _<loes francais, qui s’est reserve le proto- which has reserved to itself the ¤°”8'°°-°“°°**· cole ouvert et qui figure en couse- open protocol, and which appears quence an nombre des parties con- in consequence in the number of tractantes au traite sans y avoir the contracting parties to the treaty encore donne son adhesion, ne se without having yet given to it its deciderait pas a le signer, ce traite adherence, should decide not to sign n’en sera pas moins deiinitif et ob- it, this treaty shall be no less delinligatoire pour toutes les autres par- itive and obligatory for all the other ties contractantes dont les repre- contracting parties whose representants Pont signe aujourd’hui. sentatives have signed it to-day. Signature . En foi de quoi les plenipoteuti- In faith of which the undersigned aires ci dessous ont drossé le pre- plenipotentiaries have prepared the sent protocole final qui aura la present final protocol, which shall meme force et la meme valeur que have the same force and value as if si lcs dispositions qu’il contient the provisions it contains were inetaient iuserées dans le traite lui- serted in the treaty itself, and they _ meme, et ils Pont sigue en un have signed one copy of it, which exemplaire qui restera dépose aux shall remain in the archives of the archives du Gouvernement de la Government of the SwissOont”edera- Confederation Suisse et dont une tion, and a copy of which shall be copie sera remise a chaque partie. ‘ given to each party. Berne, Octobre 9, 1874. Berne, October 9, 1874. Pour l’Allemagne: For Germany: STEPHAN. STEPHAN. Giinrrrnn. Gtmrnma. Pour l’Autriche: For Austria: LE BAEON DE KOLBENSTEINER. LE BAEON DE KoLl2ENS1*E1NER. Pn;.nA1.. P1r.rnu.. Pour la Hongrie; For Hungary : M. GEEVAY. M. GERVAY. P. Hum. P. Hum.