Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/649

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TIiEA'I‘Y—-GENERAL POSTAL UNION. OCT. 9, 1874. ($23 0.0%% €TPéd”·€“" G- Ojive desiinataire réwcpédiicur TRANSIT A DECOUVERT. . 1>EL·EC11E du, bureau. dféchangc d ——— pour le bureau déchangc d —--— expédiée le -— 187- d -— h. -— an,. du -- ' . Prix dc transit pur kilo- D6 cIumti011 du bureau Vér·ificu.tiou du bmwzm. I E gmmmu. cl éuhuugc oxpéditour. d”écl1uugo demiimtnim. 5 Pays da destination ou dc sortio. [ :2 do lcttres. ° ° Jilégaux Lcttres. J°l§;°}m Lcttrus. J°u2t"'x a I 2, 3---I AAL,. ._§. - __l.._ A'..-, 8 E Fr. Os. Grammes. Gramm cs. Grammvs. Grammca. s - ` ! Dcspatching (mice (}: Receiving re;/'oravardiny Office OPEN '1`RAN SIT. MAIL from the emchmxge opus of ——— for the excha/nga office of -—·— , sam the —-—-·, 187-, at -—- 0,ci0ck. of the -———-. g i Rate of transit pur kilo- Stutcmcut of the despatch- Vcrjfipatiou from the ro- ·y gram- ing cxchnugu uilico. ceiving oxchnugo odxco. g (jouuuy of destination or of *‘;""""‘;"_"; - E (hmm ww. on letters. °;;_°:$£i" Letters. N“"’g‘{‘(§fI’“’“· Letters. N°w;¥;p°m’ 1 2 3 __;_____ ___é... .._.!’._ _._L __..%L...Ii ` Fr. O:. Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams.