Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/669

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CONVENTION—MEXICAN REPUBLIC. APRIL 29, 1876. 643 to say, until the thirty-nrst day of mil ochocientos setenta y cis; y January, one thousand eight hun- se dispuso que si, al expirar aquel dred_and seventy-six; and it was término, el arbitro nombrado en provided. that tf at the expiration virtud de la convencion no hubiese of that time, the umpire under the decidido todos los casos que hasta convention should not have decided entonces se le hubieran sometido, all the cases which may then have se le concederia un nuevo periodo been referred to him, he should be que no excediera de seis meses, allowed a further period of nof para ese objeto z more than six months for that purpose; And whereas it is found to be im- Que ya se conoce la imposibilipracticable for the umpire appoint- dad de que el arbitro nombrado en ed pursuant to the convention ad- virtud de la convencion a que se verted to, to decide all the cases re- alude decida todos los casos que se ferred to him, within the said period le han sometido, dentro do dicho of six months prescribed by the periodo de seis meses seiialado por convention of the twentieth of No- la convencion del veinte Noviemvember, one thousand eight hun- bre de mil oohocientos setenta y dred and seventy-four; cuatro ; And the parties being still ani- Y hallandoselas referidas partes _C<>¤*¤wti¤z DM mated by adesire that all that busi- igualmente animadas del deseo de "‘°“· ness should be closed as originally que todos esosnegooios queden conconteinplated, the President of the cluidos como so estipulo original- United States has for this purpose mente, el Presidente de la Republiconferred full powers on Hamilton ca. Mexicana ha conferido con este Fish, Secretary of State, and the nn plenos poderes a. Don lgnacio · President of the Mexican Republic Mariscal, Enviado Extraordinario has conferred like powers on Don y Ministro Plenipotenciario de Ignacio Mariscal, Envoy Extraor- dicha. Republica en los Eetados dinary and Minister Pleuipoten- Unidos, y el Presidente de los tiary of that Republic to the United Estados Uuidos ha conferido i guales States; and the said Plenipotentia- poderesziflamilton Fish, Secretario nies having exchanged their full do Estado. Y estos Plcnipotenpowers, which were round to be in ciarios, habiendo cangeado sus poduc form, have agreed upon the deres plenos, que se encontraron following articles: en debida forma, han convenido en los articulos siguientes: Anrromc I. Ancricuno I. The hi h contracting parties Las altas partes contratantes Tm‘° f°fdf§'{‘]_°*l agree tha1?if the umpire appointed convienen en que si el arbitro nom- gg_“mp"° °° °"d under the convention above re- brado en virtud de la convencion 6. ferred to shall not, on or before the que antes se alude no hubicre deexpiration of the six monthsallowed cidido todos los casos que se le . for the purpose by the second arti- hayan sometido, al espirar los seis cle of the convention of the twen- meses ooncedidos con tal obyeto por tieth of November, one thousand el articulo segundo dc la conveneight hundred and seventy-four, cion del veinte de Novxembre de have decided all the cases referred mil ochocientos setonta. y cuatro, to him, he shall then be allowed a se le concedera un nuevo término further period until the twentieth hasta el veinte do Noviembre de day of November, one thousand mil ochocientos sotenta y se1s,con eight hundred and seventy-six, for el referido obyeto. that purpose. - Antrronn II. Anrfcuno II. . It is further agreed that so soon Se conviene ademas en que a la. p3§jgf;$€'(:}°,;,%8?;2 after the.twcntieth day of Novem- mayor brevedad posible despues 0; wma_ ber, one thousand eight hundred del veinte de Noviembre de mil and seventysix, as may be practic- ochocientos setenta y seis, el monte able, the total amount awarded in total fallado en todos los casos ya.