Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/701

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INDEX. · · · _ P“g°· Page. ,4mqroprtaizor1s—C0nt1uu0d. _ _ Arapaho Indiana, Northam, iorsubsistenceofApu.cl1eIndia¤s1nArizona, appropriations for installments ctc. tc- 186 281 _ surplus may be used for removal of act ratiiying aureexnent with ., I ·-254’°58 cumin 11mm11S_ _____ _ ______________ 5;; A,.,,dd;a, ° -`--l""- W for subsistence, etc., of Pawnee Indians 29 name of stoamship Whirl-Wind clianored for pupphcg fg]- Indians, for immgdjatg ·¤ g_88’ 123 to _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ , _ U "22 for Indian—Oii‘ice, etc., board bill, etc., of Architect of Capitol, l l _-` N p “L1tt1e Shel]," etc., to be paid out of ; approjpiiation for ventilation of hall ot' proviso ._ ... . . . . . . t . 212 ouse, to be expended under direction ‘ for Osage Indians, of part of funds in the of ... . . . . .. 226 Treasury belonging to.them.-. . 221 for improving grounds, to be expended for expenses of Select Qomnuttee ou Federal under direction of .. . . . . 3.5 .OH1ees in liouismna. .: .-. . .. 54 to have care of Capitol, including lightiiw; of investigation into Chinese immigra- estimates .. . . . .. 147 t{0n· ····· •j ·--·· • ---- •· - ··-· ·----- ·- 123 dI1d0S of COl”LlDliSSi0\l<*1‘ of Public Iiuihlings of Joint Committeeto Prepare Form of relative to Capitol bnildinn trans- Government fer District of Colum- {cl-wd to _________________ ______ 147 bia Z ... .. .. . ... :217 office oi} in Capitol - . . 147 of certain special committees on elec- Arickaree indians, . from- · --—-------· - ----·-------..-.. 219 appropriations for goods, etc., for 195, 289 of Electoral Commission .. .. -. .. 402 .4z~izor.a, for preparing acts, etc., of Continental Con- appropriations for salaries of officers and gross, etc., for printing . . 406 expenses of . ... . . . . 158, 308 for payment of electoral messengers. .. 219 for legislative expenses, 1875, may be nscd for service of ten days of current fiscal year. ($5 for other purposes .. . ... 158 continued Ihr ten days . ... .. 78 for subsistence ofApauho Indians in.53, 195, 290 to July 31 .. . .. . . . . 05 for pay of Indian agents and interpreters to August 10 . . . .. i... 1:22 in .. ... . . . . 17a;, 177,271, 27;; to August 14 ·---.·. .-.. .. ..·. 131 for ill(5l<i0lli7{li. expenses lndiau service in; regular appropriations not decreased on how expended. . . ...,,... . ,..,, 198,292 account of preceding . . . . 168 for office of surveyor-general of.122,1G5,31r»·:¤49 forpnblicprinting made availabloin advance to supply deficiency in uppropriut ion for for ten days. . . . G5 . salaries of officcrs of . . . . 42, Zléil continued for ten days longer .. .. 91 for incidental expenses Indian service for ten days longer . .. 101 in .. ..-- .. . .. . , $$76 until August 10 ... . . . . 122 for surveying public lands in .. .. .. :367 for constructmn of the Washington Menu- for survey oflndian reservations in. .. ::6+ ment in Washington; provisos .. 123 p0SiZ·I'O2L(iS established in. . .. . . 1:2,310, title to complete Centennial buildings, etc. ; pro- desertlnuds in, may be entered, etc., for rec- Vis0 .. .. 4 lamation by irrigation .. 377 lop expenses of ctmstitutional convention of bills in, how to become laws - .. '91 Colorado, etc .. . . - .. 6 A rizmza Apache I ndians, for engraving, etc., portraits of Orris S. appropriations for snbsist,cner~, etc., of; pro- ]; erry, Andrew Johnson, and Henry viso . . . . . . .53, W3, 290 Wilson ...,.. . . . . . . . . .. 27 Arkansas, of H. H. Starkweather.. .-.. 220 appropriations fcr river improvements of Speaker Kerr .. . . . . . . 267 in . .. . . . . .. 135 of Senator Caperton . . . . . 267 for clerks in General La1nl·Ollicc to bring for proportion of cost of ropaving P0nnsyl· into market lands in. . .. 357 vania avenue pu yableby United States for payment of amounts due certain couaud District of Columbia. 93 tractors for n1ail·scrvic<> in .·.. . .-·.- 3*92 for expenses of paving commission .. .. 94 of account for certain cgponscs of ' for payment of expenses incurred in prepar- judge of eastern district of . . {Zhi! ing for sale of lands for direct taxes.. 141 for marking boundarydine between the i for priutin additional copies of contain ag— Indian Territory and . .. { {M6 riguléural reports .. . . . . 140 post-roads established in . . . . 2 .-... 12, 390 of report of impeachment trial of William restrictions on sale of public lands in, re- M W. Belknap .. .. . ... 201 moved; provisos -. ._...:-. .. yi for destitute poor of District of Columbia. . . 230 divided into two judicial districts ... T. 230 to pay city of Baltimore illegally-collected two clerks to be appointed in eastern dis- _ internatrevenne taxes-. 239 trict; location. . . ... 2:iO for payment of debt of Antietam National regular terms of courts in. .. Z-...- · 2-$0 Cemetery; provisos , _.,.. _,_,, ,_,, ,, 269 circuit-court jurisdiction to cortmn district ‘ I for payment for land ceded to Great Britain courts in . . . . . I . . . . . .230 under treaty of July 9, 1842 ... -. 343 act for laying out, etc., Hot Springs reser— W for payment of amount found duo Western vation in . . -. . . .%:7 and Atlantic Railroad Company of Arkansas River,. _ Georgia, ____,_,_ _,_ , ., _ , . . , . 403 nppropriation for improv 0H10U1T of - ---- ·- - - · 137 for survey of certain lands in Michigan.. -. 231 Arkansas statc Slccka, _ estimates for, for Indian service; what to appropriation for payment of interest on _ show .. . . . . . ... 200 certain . . . . 19h Arapaho lhdiars, A17YHL’IR(,‘Ili·0f.Lb7`$g]'i0¢lti07l8, r _ ( appropriations for installments, etc., to- ..178,273 appx·opr1en»t:oi1st<>r .. . . . ... J9, 531 for subsistence, ctc., of. . . . .1 290 Armorics and Arscrals, t _ Arapaho India-ns at Fart Sill Reservation, appropriations for. ._ . . . .: .. . . 113, ·iu8 appropriation for subsistence, etc., of ; pro- Armory Bazldmg, Dastrwt cj; Oolumbea, F viso .. . .. ...,.,. ... , 19.5 appropiwtious for repairing, etc ,,120, 300