Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/705

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INDEX. 679 _Page. Pago. Biiriles, JQ89]Q}L A-, Beatty, Samuel P., uiypmpuaiioxi 1i.r payment of claim of . 428 appropriation for payment of claim of .. .- 480 Bm ileit, L. C., Beaudreaux, Scveren, cppropriatioiis for payment for services of. 104, 372 appropriation for payment of claim of . 525 Bartieti, E. W., deceascdl . Beaulieu, Antoine pension granted to widow of .. 552 appropriation for payment of claim of . 525 Bcrileii, Mary H., Beaulieu, Philip, pension granted to. . . . . ... 552 appropriufioxi for payment of claim uf. 525 Ilartlq, Jolm L., Beauregard, G. T.,

P3HSl0gg;;D £€d to. . . . . ...   . 450 Bpvlivical cliszibiliticsofl r<¤m<>v¤<l ----- - ----. 4li7

ar on z . . eai·c·»• 'and—I)iatr' I appropnution i20I' payment of claim of. 529 in Utlvdi, cstzibliglical ; location of officog roo- Barion, Mis. Lu Jl[cL., ister`u.nd rcccivcr to ln- :ippoiutcd.T. 36- appropr1a.tion for payment of claim of. 476 Becker, Jacob, Basey, lfuilmy, appropriation for pziymcut of claim of . 480

39§I05f;l»t;0D for payment of claim of-  534 Becknw, .·1b2·alicmi,

as 1 or 0 es n. >propria.ti0u for :1. mont ofcluim of . 529 a,pprop,rmtion for payment of salary of 364 Bcclner, l’erry, P y ) Baskel, J0izn, appropriation for payment of claim of. 529 appropriation for payment of claim of . 529 Bz·dI0c’.s· Leland, Baskett, Ufzlligm, site for stutuo of “Liberty oiiliglitening tho

:a.pp§opr1at10u for payment of claim o1`.  431 World " may be selected on. . ... . 410

. ass ancy _ Bedoit,. Julius

&l) l}IOBIliEi0l1 for payment of claim of.  482   nppropriutiim for psnymuut of claim of . 460

assc m:` fawilcs, lIr·m~_y

{\·l)[);§[g'L‘l%Li70ll for payment of claim of.  462 uppropriulidn for puymout of claim of  . 477

area ra mm Needles I folly,

:i,p[;r3?rii;ti<;i for payment of claim of.  483 n.ppropria;tion for payment of claim of  . 477

ales un- on . Bcelcr May Jerry (J., ewecutriac ap[;ropriat.i0.u ior payment of zwcmuit of. . . 368 appi·<?>rin.ti0u for paynmnt: of claim of. 463 Battalion of Cudeis, Military Academy, Bieoier, Mer, dcceaaeei, Q_ll{!il`lC(3l`1Il21St€I`, etc., to be detailed for; sup· appropriation lor payment ot? claim plies, etc., to be purcliascd. ctc., by; of .. . . . 4c?:! to perform duties of purvcyor .. . 126 lfaemc, John, supplies to be furnished cudots :1.t cost .. 126 iipprnprizitiou for paymoiit of olaiim ol'.. . . . G2!) Baiznerr, John,B6"", _ _ · |__ appropriation for payment of claim of .. 428 B %;°l%l‘°?’é‘“"l 5 l“`°‘"S° -·-—-- · -~·-· · · - · ·‘·‘ Bmiyii, Suzie F. ” * - _?"". ·· _ . _, uqnugopriatioilifot payment of claim of 483 intron for pziymmit of of . 530 Buuglier Andreav J, j ’ _.’j’ . . _ V _' .., 8 pp[_0;n_mtion mhmyment of claim of 485  %;5[é;?g l ;<;;l0H foriurprovcmmtofl iii moral`. 1.14 B°wgh°r’ Julia A" admm8’mm°”’ provisions concerning dues to be paid liv in appropriation for payment of claim of .. 534 hmm), with lmuium ______ (M, Bansm·m an, Joseph, jgeyqgwm, ° ”·PP"°P"lm7l°“ for Payment of claim of ··--· 534 couuneerco and mwigiu ion t.i·ciit»y with . 62** Baum, Lambert, general postal union trcuty to iiicludo . 577 npproprintioii for payment of claim of . 460 Bellciizap, William W.; Bay Point, Souilz Carolina, appropriaition for iinpocclimciit oil 10.. appropriation for range-light at ... 112 for mldiuonul coffics oi ropmzt. oi inipcziolp Ilcacmi-highis, ment trial ot; distribution ot . -. 201 appropi·iu.i»i0us for .. . ... .111, 352 pay; ga1,mi,, Igduyayd) BM Emu!} _ irocoss of for building wing-damis UNIX lm ”·Pl;"°PVi“;i°“ for Paymmlt of claim of --—- · 465 I used in improvomout of U ppcr M lewis- Ifcall, florwlia, sippinwm ____ __ ____ _ _____ ____ _____ lf}? nppr0prm.ti0u for payment of olmm of - 490 Riel], IIi·m·y [[., deccaxcd, B““"· mH·"’w*'6, pension grunted to widow of .. 506

xppropr·ia.t.i0u to pay for services of .. .. 103 ];(·[[’ ,]m;w8 ji,

B**“u•_ UO!/d {Ly _ _ _ r 2 uppr0pria.tion for payment of claim of . 473

pol1i?ca.l disabilities of, romovod..7..· ..-- - ol Jiiell, .lmsu ll.,           f r M

van Jl28d?' ap wo ‘i1‘iz•.t.i0n 01* pibymcu i 0 c mm 0 . .>; apim>pria.i.ion for payment of claim of . 475 gdn,IM(%,·gm·,,g g__ . BUWIS, M T8. William E, pension gi·n,nt4;d to .. . -; . . . . . . .--·- mm appropriation for payment, of claim of. 489 lgonlm J In B?m°8’_ might . f mf. ;1.ppmpria,tion for pnyiiieiii of jl`Illg,‘{lilClll? of ·*l’l”°P'*“*“’“ for p°’ym°ml of Chim 0 ‘ ' ) Court of Claims in favor 0i ... .. . 344 Board David · B¤~¤>g?gg,>¤=~*?¤¤ M v¤v·¤¤¤·¤ of Mm 0* --—- M B'?Yf}5?¤€I?iQ”éim. im- pn,y..m of ci..i... or ._.. iw ear , emcu, . _ .: ~. _ i - 4··3 Bermiss Elizaiielh _ _ Bm5;";1;;;l;2;L“}f}l: P”V‘“°““ °f °] “’“ of ; M;%};;1,lHm;;,,1 21,1-mymmie or olmm of . Ml

 fm Imymcub of umm Of `°'` 4 K znpiiijoprizmtion for pmymcut of clmm of  . -149

lzmcls of Oboo and Missouria, and Sac and Bemuis, Lqurq J., _ _Q Fox of tho Missouri Imlimis in Kiuisas appropriation fm·p:1,ymout of clium of.. .. . 4:. mid Nobmskn., to be sold ut lzmd·ofIico Bendell, Ilorinim, ‘ _ _ at . . . . . . .. ..-. . 208 appr·opr1uLion for pnyiuent of account of. ,. 340