Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/720

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694 innnx. _ _ _ Page. Page. Commissioners of Claims, · _ Comnziesioners, Hot Springs Reservation, appropriation for preparation of summary appropriation for expenses, etc., ot'; to be report of . . 346 re-imbursed ,. . ...,,.,.._, , ,_,,, 356 office of,continned for two years . . 404 appointment; duties; powers; compensano new claims to be tiled . ,..., 404 tion .,,, , _,.,,,,,__._______________ 317 time for receiving evidence .. . 404_ Commissioners to mark Boundary between United claims referred 'to, for re-examination and States and British Possessions, _ report, of- appropriation for publication of report of-- 356 Bailey, Lewis . ... . . 537 Comnmisimaers of Sinking-Fund, District of Co- _ Burnham, Doctor J. - ... .. .. 537 Zambia, Cock, Ambrose, jr . .. .. .. 537 shall destroy bonds, etc.,when paid, by burn- Cock, Ambrose, Sl! .. ... ... .. 537— ing; records . .._,, , ,,_, 87 Ford, Jonathan .. . . 537 Commissioners of Sotdters’ Home, Goodwin, David R . . 489 authorized to admit John News; proviso.- 497 Hoodenpyle, Robert .. . . .. . . 489 Commissioners to take Testimony, Hlldlmll, Bluchoh. .. . . . 537 act authorizing Commissioners of Claims to Isbell, Miller . . . . . . . 539 appoint, continued for two years 404 Lacey, Robert S . . .. . . . . 489 Committee on Accounts, House, Morgan, Julia H . ... 537 appropriation for counsel-fees in habeas cor- Shipman, Mason . ... 537 pus case of Hallet Kilbourn, to be dis- ‘ Stearns, Isharn R. . . . . ... 537 bursed under direction of ,,., , .,.,,, 103 Snrratt, William .. . . . .. 537 Committees of House, Ridge, George W ... .. .. 537 appropriation for payment of outstanding Ridge, William, deceased . . .. . . .. 537 indebtedness of ,... .. . .. , ,.,,,__ 146 Webb, Hampton N . .. .. .- .. 489 for clerks to . .. . . . ..,,. 146, 297 C0mm·is0foner.s oj`Dt0t·r·ict of Columbia, for clerk to, on Coinage, etc . ...,,.., 225 appropriation for destitute poor to be drawn on Freedmun’s Bunk .. . . . . 371 by, on list furnished by relief commis- on Invalid Pensions . . 361 sioners . ... . . ... 230 on Public Lands, (revision of land—map) 361 may annul condemnation of alley in square of Wa)·s and Means . .. .-.. ,.,. 225 762; proviso .. . . . . .. 56 on War-Claims . ... . . 361 shall take steps to recover damages paid, for expenses of, on Elections; how disand shall refund assessments 57 bursed .. . . . . . , 219, 226 may remove jail from Judiciary Square; for printing for, on Election in Louisiana. 361 old material, etc., may be used to to supply deiiciency in appropriation for build work-house at Washington Asy- clerks to . . . .. . . 225 lum; location; limit of cost; appro- rate of pay of witnesses residingin District priation . . . 224 of Columbia, when summoned before 41 shall make and publish apportionment of expenses of members of, on investigations taxes to the various funds. - . 83, 396 limited .. . ... . .. . . . 226 · when to give deed for property purchased at expenditures of certain, to be approved by tax-sale. . .. ,...84, 397 Committee of Accounts . 220 when to bid in property at tax-sale. . ..84, 397 payment to clerks of certain, from continshall enforce lien for taxes by proceedings gent-fund . . . ... 409 in equity .. . . ... 397 Committees, Joint, shall cause blankschcdnles of personal prop- appropriation for payment of clerks to, on erty to be prepared and distributed..85, 399 Counting Electoral Vote --.. 361 shall appoint competent persons as assess- Committees of Senate, ors .. . . . . . . 86, 400 appropriation for clerks to .. . . 295 shall cause designation of lots to be revised. 402 ior stenographers to, on election in Mismoney to be drawn from Treasury under di- sissippi . . . . . ... 220 rection of .. 87 for expenses of, on Privileges and Elecmay reduce and adju t salaries of officers, tions; how disbursed, etc . . 220, 226 etc. , proviso . . . 87 payment to clerks of certain, from continshall destroy, by burning, all bonds, etc., of gent-fund . . 409 Washington,etc., paid or redeemed.. 87 Commodores, Navy, see Retired·List, Navy. shall make assessment of cost of repaving Common Schools of North Carolina, Pennsylvania avenue .. . 93 superintendent of, to have supervision of when to issue certificates of indebtedness Cherokee Indian schools in; payment for such assessments ; to sell property to .. . . ... .. . 197 assessed .. . 93 repealed . .. 282 shall see that all water and gas mains, etc., Compasses, Navy, are properly laid .. . . . ... 94 appropriations for .. . . . . .. . . . . 66, 386 may anticipate, by loans or otherwise, the Compass-Fittings, Navy, taxes for the year ending June 30, appropriations tor. . .. . . . . 66, 386 1877 . . . . . .. 202 Compensation in lieu of Moteties, _ shall transfer to 'Treasurer of the United appropriations for payment of. ... 109,354 ·. States moneys for payment of interest Compensation of Clerks in Post-Ojiccs, on 3.65 bonds. . . . ... 211 appropriations for .. . . . ... 78, 384 shall stop all work to be paid for in 3.65 Connoensation of Members, ' bonds. . . . . . 211 appropriations for. .. . . . . 145, 296 Commissioners of Freedmards Savings and Trust Compensation of1’ostmasters, Company, appropriations for .. . ... .. 78, 384 may buy and sell certain property; sales to Compensation of Optcers and Employee, House, be made at public auction, except. .. 231 appropriationsfor . .. . ... .-..145, 296 _ action as to previous purchases and sales Compensation of Oiyioers and Employee, Senate, approved .. . ... 231 appropriations or . .. . . . . 143, 294