Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/739

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NDEX 3 I . Puvc GM, Jacob, ‘ "Gcrmond Rmumzu "“g°· G;;EP};>g>0?j1(¤;;<;?a§g§,P=W!¤¤¤l1 of ¢=l¤·1m of ----- 525 Ggppyogriation for payment of claim' of. . . L29, appmpigamou for payment of cla-im of estame 478 Gppplxégipilation for payment of account of. 366 _ - ——-· _-; ----- ·--- ·--·-· ·- --—··---· ’Zia.m U God Mary adnmzwh·atrix 0 z’ L i, ·’ . . —~ G apprpyérilutiqgi pcgliyrrient of claim of . 478 Gib¢B§<ll?§.d`}g:)u for payment of (mum of ``'` 525 OWEN! QIHZQL O Il id]18 1 · Gg£$§?I£;;;:g; fair expel-has Of"."- · N I --` 197 Gi\gge§,1<;,a;a{;;:%,1 mcs of, rcmovcd .. . 420 '_ _ ’ f""!!! l'b'·ll'· i approprmmqutitu sppply deficiencies in a,p· G5'? éoggwgsisubllltlcs Of) rc mW6d' ``'`` °'`` 514 General p;p7p;·;:;.8joEi0a§1ké'2;’q;g3;, ... .-. . 375 lottcrszl concerning, cleclured n0¤—muil- G cior. . 117, 354 Gilbert, Dont",-`Qf,"`-````` `````` "` ```` 90 ,_ · appr0p1Z1at.1cns for salaries, etc., iu; pro- B\§1;;zclguad(;1li$2;¥;£11;;j;j,Of Mmm of- U · I I 530 V1S0 ·----· --;----:0:.-- ...--·. 163,313 appro riation for 4 rl — 1; f I· for pgpgpsps Xfhgpugognggpg into market W7 Gilbcri, gcmmol, decoogelélmw O C mm of l 4% _ _ ‘ , 0 .. . . . . . · · ·i. t' f . · ‘ certain lands may bqentercd ab; proofs, ctc., ) dppwK2t'jl. léll? estate 4‘;2 General ialgqn ; disposition of proceeds. . 315 Gilbert, William TK, . " _ _ I ° ` _ 2 - 0 rugs, · { { i . advcmsementp for, to ba posted in post- G£?e;$“.£zI;:vg or myuwm Of cm m of ````` 478 pntigcis of lgcapty; no other udvartisa—7B G appropriation for payment of claim of . ... . 483 p wqunrcc .. . . . . ,383 ilkcrszm James (Z. General Mazwiimzapce of Yards and Docks, Navy, ‘ pppropiiawion fox! payment of claim of. 434 Gapprpgjanapous or . . . . ..--68, 388 Gell, zllmjqarct, mera ca c :1 -0 ·':t' J"` . b f· mime if steafnibcat Charles W.Mcnd chmiged 3 G#5lE{g'a1l:l;. 01 pflymgu O mmm Of. .··' 526 0 ------ - ----- ---.-...- 7 apprcvrizwion for payment of claim of 530 General ordm·n. Navy, Gill Uriah deceased, l pay of certain 0£i'icers_aii}·cted by, to be ad- zmpproprigition for paymcutof claim of estate G Z _}psi;e•;;[;»ppr0pr1ah10n .. .- ... 366 G H of . . .. . 526 — (mem osu mon, i iland, John, tfggty for [hg {b]·mq,§igu`()f 3, ______ __ _, _ __; 577 appro );·im;·l() f i; f ]f General Pzirppscs, Disfrict of Columbia, Gtllmon}, Gcnewlol Eyman 0 c mm 0 l 461 upproprmuon for; how expended ... . . 347 to be ono of commission to sclcct, etc., pave- Gencsseez N. Y., mont; for Pennsylvania. zweuuu .. 0:2 established as 2, port; of ¤,ppmisul.. . . 7 Gilmore, Sarah A., Gentry, CIlris}‘op7m· 0., _ _:¤ppropri_qtipu for pnyinmnt of claim of. 530 G apZp50p;1a.t101<1 for payment of clmm of . 526 Gzlmorc, Wallmm, eo e ec qwcyzng, a-pproprintiun for paymcrxt of claim of . 523 appropriation for . 116 Ghisfmp, John, * Geogmpmmz Smmcys pppropriatiou for payment of claim of . 521 appropriations fo;-,_ _ _ _ , _ _ , _ _ __,_ , 119, 120, 350, 360 Gm"; ll buf Ta _ _ _ to supply deficiencies in .. . . 365, 374 fllZl’m1’Y'**U°u fw Payment of claim Of- ···- 528 for c1m¤¤,m., or- .. . . 119 GM":/8, Alban Goological Su·rvey.;, =1pp1‘0p1`liitl011 fb? pzvyuncmb of judgment of

mppi·0pviatimxs for .. . . . . . 120, 350 _ _(-
0**** 0-E Claims in f”·V°¥` °f -----· ·--- 347

George, William Ju Gzvav10z:z<·lc:Zl{arc0, G ulpp¤·0p1‘iu‘%0rZ for payment of claim of .,.. . 461 G31%$T°P33*1°¤1gb* Imymem? °f cmim of ---·— 525 eo ·gctown, . '. WG _ u?" -» _ blmcls, etc., of,’wh¤¤ paid, to be destroyed =»pp=‘<>pr1ut1ou for payment of claim Of, ,,_, 437 by burning; records .. .. . . . . 87 Gl“8.7°“’» JP}"} F-·_ _ taxes clue to lata corporation of, to be pub- G£Ll£’*3l}l`*¥m°¤ l0!' P¤5'm¢°DlF Of 0W1D of· · W9 lished. . .. . . 396 » O QH _ _ Geo1;qitoq»né¢;n;;'jl’g:",y¥g;%;0wn R,,M,·0mg, 30 G payment of claim of. 527 QQ 0]]] ]‘ __,_,__,,,_,,,-.,..-. ,'. .' V Gcorgefown Reservoir, District of Columbia, G;££r%%::;U°n fol payment of Chim of ‘‘ 4`I7 0 aPP}`°pri°'t'i°n fm: IGPMFS °f ‘"‘'‘‘ ‘ '‘‘‘‘ 115 uppiopriuiimi for payment of claim of. 474 ’°°°`9w'* . . . . Glenn Levi I appY°¥;l:;‘g°;;?;f°t UVM and hmbm ‘mPr°V°` 135 appl opriétiou for pug mont; of claim of. 465 f 1. ht Qt L. ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘’‘‘ ""iw .;,3 Glenwood Ocmc1‘e·ry, or lg 'S a ww °” was° ‘‘'‘‘ '. ‘'‘‘‘ **" mt to zimeincl act: incorporating .. . . 266 for payment ot amounts due certain con- Glow, H-Gmcé tractors for mail-service in .. .. . . 362 , ’- - ’ · , Poswoads established in ________ _ _____ 14, 338 ¤ppr¤1;¤;=:)¤¤¤¤ M P¤y¤·<>¤° of 0******* °*· P”°· 500 propriety of esmblishiug uzwal rendezvous _ `'`'```“`’'`` ’ ' on coast of, to be inquired into . . 66 ('l°"?"{ J°'?"PZ'v . f. 0 warrant for balance due XVBSIJCYD mid At- "Pl”°P"“”'°u for P“Ym°“t °f clmm 0 · ···· 4~9 lzmtic Rmlvoacl to be issued to gov- Glover, ltichard W, gmor of ,_,__, , __,,._,_,.,., 403 appropriation for payment of claim of . .519 (xerling, .F'e•rd·imw¢l, executor, Glover, William .1lL , appropriation for payment; of claim of. 537 appmprintsiou for payment of claim of . 478 Germany, Goddard, Wesley, _ general postal union treaty to include . 577 appropriation; for payment of claim of . 521